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• Meaning & Definition of Wages :

A wage is the remuneration paid, for the services of labor
in production, periodically to an employee/worker.
“Wages” usually refer to the hourly rate paid to such
groups as production & maintenance employee(“blue-
collar workers”).
According to Yoder & Heneman, “Wages are the
compensation of wage earners, the numerous
employees who use the tools & equipments for their
employers to produce goods & services that are sold by
their employers”.
Nature of Wages
• It is Remuneration.
• Expressed in terms of Money.
• Basis.
• Payable by an Employer.
• Important Component of Labor Costs.
• Important Variable.
• Fair & Reasonable Value.
Significance of Wages
• Act as Motivator.
• Helps in Employee Retention.
• Provides Satisfaction.
• Used to Attract Labor.
• Helps in Collecting Information.
Types of Wages
• As shown below :

Types of Wages

Minimum Wage
Fair Wage

Living Wage
Real wage
Dif between Time & Piece Wage Payment Methods
• As shown below :
Basis of Difference Time Wage Payment Piece Wage Payment
Method Method
1. Basis of Wage Wage is computed on the Units of production are the
Computation basis of time. basis of wage computation.
2. Efficiency Wages are not related with Wages are related with
efficiency. efficiency.
3. Quantity of Production Production is at slow speed. Speedy production. Hence,
Hence, quantity of quantity of production is
production is small. large.
4. Quality of Production Quality production. Quality of production
5. Guarantee of Minimum Minimum wages are Minimum wages are not
Wages guaranteed to workers. guaranteed.
6. Supervision Supervision is necessary to Supervision is necessary to
control quantity of control quality of
production. production.
Basis of Difference Time Wage Payment Piece Wage Payment
Method Method
7. Security of Workers No danger of accident Threat of danger of accident
because of slow speed of due to high speed of work.
work. Life of the worker Life of worker in danger.
remains safe.

8. Liking of Trade Unions Liked by Trade Unions. Opposed by trade Unions.

9. Maintenance Cost Due to proper use of No proper use of means of

machine tools, material, etc, production due to hurried
maintenance cost is low. production. Hence,
maintenance cost is high.

10. Advance Fixation of Cost Cost of production cannot be Costs of production can be
anticipated as the number of anticipated as wages are
units produced in a given already fixed per unit of
time cannot be ascertained. production.

11. Important Factor Time is an important factor. Units of goods produced are
important factor.

12. Wastage of Resources Less chances of wastage. More chances of wastage.

• Meaning & Definition :
Profit sharing, when used as a special term, refers to
various incentive plans introduced by businesses that
provide direct or indirect payments to employees that
depend on company’s profitability in addition to
employees’ regular salary & bonuses. In publicly traded
companies these plans typically amount to allocation of
shares to employees.
• According to H.R. Stager, “profit sharing is an
arrangement entered into by which the employee
receives a share, fixed in advance of profits.”
Methods of Profit Sharing
• Cash Payment Plan.
• Deferred Payment Plan.
• Combination Payment Plan.
• Stock Ownership Plan.
Advantages of Profit Sharing
• Stabilization of Labor Force.
• Realization of Social Justice.
• Improved Industrial Relations.
• Increased Earnings for Workers.

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