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• A Hippopoc table is a simple descriptive tool that provides a clear , global picture of the main components of a project.
• Its made up of four categories
 Inputs
 Processes
 Outputs
 Outcomes
• The information obtained from this categories will help gain an insight into the project and its components
• It will also facilitate the forming of a global picture and promote the formation of clear project objectives.
• All this will involve multiple stake holders eg. Target groups, supervisors, sponsors, workers in
design ,implementation ,need assessment ,monitoring and evaluation
• Inputs: Are elements necessary for the implementation of the intervention, which are going to be transformed into
outputs by the intervention. They include; human labour, time, capital/finances. Example: for nutritional education
in the MCH clinics and hospitals they are namely the teachers, pupils, and money invested in the production of the
programme. This column should be filled out last.
• Processes: Are list of actions (i.e. what participants want to see done, such as mothers are able to breastfeed and
practice complimentary feeding without any difficulties). They are the activities undertaken in order to transform
inputs into outputs. This column should be filled out first.
• Outputs: Are the results of activities carried out in the intervention. They correspond to specific objectives of the
intervention. (I.e. what will be the direct result if the actions are successful, such good infant and mothers health).
They are direct effects of it. All these should contribute to the long-term objectives of any nutrition project that is
improvement of nutritional status of the target population. . This column should be filled out second.
• Outcomes: changes induced by the project. These may also be influenced by external factors beyond the control of
project activities. For example, infants and women will be healthier if they practice exclusive breastfeeding and
complimentary feeding, but they will also need access to health facilities. This column should be filled out as third.
Advantages and uses of using a HIPPOPOC
• Participants obtain a full perspective of the interventions.
• It is a communication tool for the community.
• It helps distinguish outputs from outcomes.
• It serves as the basis for setting up the M&E system, (Monitoring and Evaluation).
• It serves as the basis for drawing up detailed project documents.
• It is used as the basis for the operational plan and the dynamic model.
Expected outputs of an intervention
• Accessibility of the target population to the intervention message. E.g. women 15 to 45 years have been
exposed to the intervention through seminars, Training or Media.
• Retention of the message. E.g. A high percentage of the women have retained the message that child from 6 to
12 months must have at least four meals a day, in addition to exclusive breastfeeding.
• Modification of knowledge, attitudes, values of the target-population. E.g. A good percentage of the mothers
have been able to explain the reasons for a minimum of four meals per day, and have shown the intention of
following this advice.
• Trial of proposed behavior. E.g. the target population have tried to give at least four meals per day to their
breastfed children aged 6 to 12.
• The adoption of these habits. E.g. A good percent have taken this into account, adopting and integrating this
food habits in their daily life.
Possible long-term outcomes of such an
• Improvement of nutritional status E.g. There has been an improvement in the nutritional status of the
children covered by the intervention as compared to the control group.
• Improvement of health status-A small percentage of children has suffered from childhood diseases as
compared to a higher percentage in the control group.
How To Fill A Hippopoc Table
• 1. Fill out the column that lists Processes. It is usually the easiest task.
• 2. In the Outputs objective column, list the immediate actions of the intervention.
• 3. There should be no horizontal correspondence among items in the different columns. This would be misleading.
• 4. Fill out the Outcomes objectives and include confounding factors.
• 5. Fill in the Inputs column and cross-check all entries.
Example of a Hippopoc table
Hippopoc table : Exclusive breastfeeding and complimentary feeding to infants (6 -12 mnths)


   Information to the mothers about  Mothers practice exclusive  A healthier life
 Work equipment: weighing importance of breastfeeding and breastfeeding and  Improve nutrition status
machine, MUAC scale. complimentary feeding. complimentary feeding.
 Minimum budget for material  Meeting with group of women.  Mothers being able to control
incentives  Meeting of all sectors involved in the and take care of breastfeeding
 Materials for educational project problems.
work: charts, food pyramid  Create an emulation system.
charts, pictures.  Involve the mothers through educational
 Community human resource talks.
 Time  Involve the whole community.
 Incorporate work centers and mother
 Promote the project through educational
talks, transmission of messages in the
selected regions.
 Seek solution to breastfeeding and
complimentary feeding problems.

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