26 - H2S Gas Hazard Awareness - Updated

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Prepared by – Ihtesham Ali

Reviewed By – Asim Khalil
Approved by – Capt. Hassan Suliman

Did You know!!

1. HYDROGEN SULFIDE (H2S) is a colorless, flammable gas that can be


2. Hydrogen sulfide (also known as H2S, sewer gas, swamp gas, stink
damp, and sour damp).

3. Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally in sewers, manure pits, well water,

oil and gas wells, and volcanoes.

4. The health effects of hydrogen sulfide depend on how much H2S a

worker breathes and for how long. However, many effects are seen
even at low concentrations. Effects range from mild, headaches or
eye irritation, to very serious, unconsciousness and death.

Effects of exposure to high levels (100 ppm or higher) of hydrogen sulfide can be
serious and life-threatening. Effects include shock, convulsions, inability to breath,
rapid unconsciousness, coma, and death. Ref: https://www.osha.gov/hydrogen-
https://www.slideshare.net/ReeceMas/hydrogen-sulfide-h2s-44952340?next_slideshow=1 2
Training Objectives

This training aims to:

• The aims of the training are to ensure that the crew member gains the required knowledge
and understanding of the specific hazards and properties of H²S, and appropriate
emergency response actions that should be taken.
• In case of H2S gas release, this training is designed to give a structured approach in dealing
with emergency situations but still The Master/OIM has overriding authority and
responsibility for taking all necessary action for SSHE and for the efficient operation of his
• To discuss the effects of H2S on individuals and to be aware of the dangers of being in an
H2S environment.

• Provide a quick overview of the H2S detection.

Terms and Definition

H2S Gas Hydrogen sulfide gas

Hazardous atmosphere Any atmosphere that is immediately dangerous

to life or health.

Duration The length of time the individual is exposed.

Frequency How often has the individual been exposed to

within a working day.

Intensity How much dosage the individual was exposed to

within a working day.

Susceptibility The individual physiological make up.

PPM Parts per million

Training Points /Agenda

• What is Hydrogen Sulphide?

• Hydrogen Sulphide Characteristics
• Effect of H2S on Human
• General Safety Precautions - H2S
• First Aid - H2S
• Alarm Signal
• Emergency procedures
• H2S Detection System
• MOU ERP / H2S Gas Contingency Plan
• ZMI Emergency Drill Program 2021
• Previous Incidents and HSE Flashes
• Sources of Information
• Exercise for Crew Members 5
What is Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)?

Hydrogen Sulphide is a chemical compound with the formula H2S.

H2S gas (Hydrogen sulfide gas): It is a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of
rotten eggs; it is heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable and explosive.

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Characteristics
•Colorless gas at atmospheric temperature and pressure.

•Heavier than air (tends to settle in low lying areas)

•Extremely toxic (very poisonous)

•Highly corrosive to certain metals

•Flammable - Burns with a blue flame, producing Sulfur Dioxide (So2), which is also a
toxic gas
•Odor of rotten eggs in small concentration but causes paralysis of the olfactory nerve in
higher concentrations in less than 60 seconds.
•At high concentrations, no smell can be expected (deadens the sense of smell).

•H2S forms an explosive mixture with air between 4.3 and 45.5% by volume
concentration (Methane & Air 5-15%).
•Dispread by wind movement or air currents.

•Soluble in water 2.9 volumes per volume of water at 20 degrees Celsius. Solubility
decreases with temperature increase..
Effect of H2S on Human

The way that H2S affects the human depends on the following factors:

• Duration
Eye irritant Neurological effects
• concentrations
Disables Sense of smell
• Frequency
• Susceptibility Block oxygen
Lung irritant

Access Death
• Restrict access to areas where H2S is known or suspected.
• Post H2S warning notices at points of access to Category 0 and Category 1 areas.
• Fit air direction and air movement indicators or windsocks in areas that rely on natural
ventilation for H2S control

Effects Of Exposure Against Quantity

Effects Of Exposure Against Quantity

General Safety Precautions - H2S

• Know your company/oilfield H2S protection procedure

• Know the concentration of the H2S, and don’t depend on your nose to
detect H2s.
• Be on the alert for possible detection of H2S gas and listen to the
• Know location of H2S Muster Point and location of protective breathing
apparatus (SCBA).
• Inform your working partner (buddy) of an alert or an emergency
• Do not panic. Remain calm and follow instruction of supervisor in charge.

• Familiarize yourself with nearest escape route for possible evacuation.

• Do not enter a suspicious area without a mask until the concentration of
H2S has been checked.
First Aid - H2S

• Most important to victim is fresh air or oxygen, quickly!

• Get the person out of the dangerous area but remember to protect yourself first.

• Ensure buddy system is in place.

• Pull the victim to the safe breathing area, pull by the shoulders.

• Drag victim on fire blanket or piece of cardboard, if available, in the immediate area.
If the victim is unconscious after reaching the safe briefing area, the breathing is to be
checked immediately and in case of suspended respiration, artificial resuscitation
should be administered immediately.
• Replace mouth-to-nose resuscitation efforts with oxygen resuscitators.

• Continue to administer oxygen when the person begins breathing.

• Treat patient for shock after reviving and keep under constant observation.

• The person poisoned is immediately to be evacuated to hospital. 12

Alarm Signal

• Intermittent ringing of the alarm bells.

-- - -- - --- --
• Continuous announcement over the (PA/GA
system) many times, “this is a H2s alarm.

H2S Detection System

Fixed Detection
• Fixed detection methods may be installed, inspected and tested at least once
every four weeks.

• Upon detection of an H2S concentration of 10ppm or more an alarm will

sound, and visual indication shows the location of the sensor that triggered the

Portable Equipment
• A hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) portable equipment is a gas sensor for the
measurement of hydrogen Sulfide gas.

• The H2S sensor is a metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensor which operates
by a reversible change in resistance caused by adsorption and desorption of
hydrogen Sulfide in a film.

MOU ERP/ H2S Gas Contingency Plan

• It is the foremost concern of the participating companies that

all personnel onboard at company Units are safeguarded
against the hazards of Hydrogen Sulphide H2S Gas.
• The purpose of this plan is to provide detailed guidelines for
all personnel in responding to any atmospheric release of H2S
and in the event of activation of an H2S alarm while operating
in the oil fields and in which H2S gas is not anticipated
• This plan will discuss equipment provided, personnel
orientation and Training and emergency procedures.
• It is the duty of everyone concerned to observe and comply
with the rules and Procedures contained herein.

ZMI Emergency Drill Program 2021


Previous Incidents and HSE Flashes

Sources of Information


• ZMI H2S Gas Contingency Plan

• Company’s Safety Flashes
• IMCA Safety Flashes
• Gulf Technical and Safety Training Centre/ H2S training

Activity for Crew Members To be completed after the Training.

1. Which of the following physical properties best classify hydrogen sulfide:

A. Flammable and explosive
B. Non-Volatile and Inflammable
C. Yellow color, Nontoxic

2. What air contamination level must be exceeded for H2S exposure to cause death?
D. 5 ppm
E. 10 ppm
F. >15 ppm

3. H2S is colorless and heavier Gas than air.

G. True
H. False
Thank You!


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