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Explain the process of evolution.

Identify some scientists who contributed to the historical developments

of evolutionary thoughts and;

Compare Lamarckian and Darwinian Evolution.

Describe how natural selection leads to evolution.

Describe the evidences of evolution.


The evolution of plants and animals came from the
ultimate ancestors of primordial organisms. Evolution of
plants was relied from the evolution of animals. Plants
grow and multiply rapidly due to carbon dioxide provided
from animals.

Many living things on earth evolved through time.

Animals and plants change its appearance because of the
type of the environment which they live in. Biologists,
taxonomists, and archeologists keeps on experimenting
and discovering many things for successful understanding
of the any living things that had just evolved on earth.

The developmental process by which all organisms

develop from earlier forms of life is called EVOLUTION.
It is noted that evolution is the essential core in all
fields of biology. Through evolution, it helps us to
understand and learn the history of life.
BIODIVERSI Is the variety of life found in place on Earth.
includes species diversity, genetic diversity,
species ecosystem diversity. Ecosystem


During the time of Darwin , most

people believed in creationism which
holds that there was a special and
independent creator of every species on
earth. Creationists believe in the
constancy of all species, that life-forms
have remained unchanged since the
beginning of time. Today, evolution is an
indispensable area in biology.
Anthropology, astronomy, biochemistry,
embryology, paleontology, and other
sciences have produced evidences that
evolution has taken place.
• Evolution, or change over time, is the
process by which modern organisms have
descended from ancient organisms.
(Changes in heritable physical or
behavioral traits).

• A scientific theory is a well-supported

testable explanation of phenomena that
have occurred in the natural world.
Before Charles Darwin, the Father of Evolutionary Theory, many thinkers
and scientists made significant contributions to the theory of evolution.
In 1809, the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published
Philosophie Zoologique (Zoological Philosophy) , in which he described a two-
part process by which change was gradually introduced into the species and
passed down through generations. His theory is known as the theory of
transformation. It is also often referred to as LAMARCKISM.
In Zoological Philosophy, Lamarck wrote that the shape and
organization of animals were affected by their environment. He explained that
animals changed as they adapted to environmental influences. The
characteristics animals acquired through adaptation were then passed on to
their offspring.
Lamarck’s theory of transformation
incorporated the following two ideas
which were widely accepted during
his time.
1. Use and Disuse = This idea
states that organisms lose the
characteristics they do not
require and develop instead those
that are useful for their
a. Use : Toes of water birds. Through
years of straining their toes to
swim through water , these birds
have gained elongated , webbed
toes to improved their swimming.
b. Disuse : Wings of penguins. The
wings of penguins are smaller than
those of other birds because
penguins do not use them to fly.
2. Inheritance of
acquired traits = This
idea states that the
traits acquired by an
individual over a lifetime
can be passed down to its
Giraffes that had
acquired long necks would
have offspring with long
necks. This idea, however,
would later be disproved
by the discovery of
hereditary principles in

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