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Prepared by: Department of Physics

Medi-Caps University, Indore
1. To find the thickness of thin wire using laser.
2. To measure the numerical aperture of an optical fiber by scanning method.
3. To determine the radius of curvature of Plano convex lens using Newton’s ring experiment.
4. To determine wavelength of spectral lines of mercury vapor lamp with the help of grating and
5. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution with the help of bi quartz polarimeter.
6. Determination of Planck’s constant (h) using light emitting diode (LED)of various colors.
7. To determine the energy band gap of semiconductor diode.
8. To Verify V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode and Zener diode.
9. To determine the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) using compound pendulum.
10. To find the relation between frequency and length using Sonometer..

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

Reference Books
 Dr. A. A. Koser Practical Engineering Physics.
A S Vasudeva A Manual of Practical Engineering Physics and
Material Science.
R P Goyal The Unified Practical Physics.

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore


 To determine the specific & optical rotation of sugar solution by bi-quartz


Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore


 Bi-quartz polarimeter,
 Light source,
 Beaker, reading lense,
 Cylindrical flask,
 Sugar (optically active substance).

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore


N1, N2 = polarizer and analyzer,
T = polarimeter tube
E = eye-piece.
In this polarimeter, bi quartz plate B is used as a detection device which consists of two semi-circular plates
of quartz one made of right-handed while the other of left-handed quartz

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

A polarimeter is a laboratory instrument used to determine the angle of optical
rotation of plane polarized light passing through a sample of material.

Bi-quartz Polarimeter is an accurate instrument which is more sensitive than a half shade
Polarimeter used by finding the angle of rotation produced by an optically active
substance. The experimental parts of bi quartz are the same as that of Half Shade
Polarimeter except that the half shade device is replaced by bi quartz plate and
monochromatic light (sodium light) is replaced by white light.

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore
It consists of two semicircular plates of quartz(one of left handed
quartz L and other of right handed quartz R) each of thickness 3.75 mm.

 Both are cut perpendicular to the optic axis and joined together
along the diameter plate which thickness of each plate rotates the plane
polarization for yellow light by 90˚.

When white light, rendered plane polarized with a polarizer, travels

through bi quartz normally, the phenomenon of rotatory dispersion
occurs in both bi quartz plates because the plane polarized light is
travelling along the optic axis.

 The planes of vibration of different colour are rotated through

different angles.

 The rotation of yellow colour is 90 and hence YOY is a straight line.

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore


V = Volume of solvent (water) =………………… cubic cm
l = Length of solution (or tube) =…………………. Decimetre
x = Mass of solute (sugar) =………………………. gm
θ = Angle of rotation = ………………………….. Degree
L. C. of the apparatus = …………

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

 The slit is illuminated by white light and the eyepiece is focused until a vertical line
in the field of view is sharp. Different colours will be seen in the two halves of the
field of view.
 The polarimeter tube is filled with distilled water in such a way that no air bubble
remains inside the tube and placed in the proper position. The analyzer is rotated till
the two portions of the view appear greyish-violet. The reading of the analyzer is
noted on the graduated circular scale. The analyzer is rotated again for the second
position of the same view appears (greyish-violet).
 Now, let us place the optically active substance (sugar- solution) to be tested in the
tube. The procedure is repeated and the scale readings are noted for greyish-violet.
 The differences between the 2 and 3 readings separately for each position are
determined. The difference these two readings give the angle of rotation of the plane
of polarization.

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore


Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

Mean angles ,

Angle of rotation …………degree

specific optical rotation
= angle of rotation
V = volume of water
l= length of polarimeter tube (in dm)
x = mass of the sugar
Unit = degree cm3 decimeter-1gm-1

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

The specific rotation of cane sugar solution at ......°C
corresponding to the per unit concentration per decimeter.

 There should be no air-bubble in the tube while filling it with solution or
distilled water.
 While taking one set of observations, the polarizer should not be disturbed.
 The cap of the tube should not be tightened beyond a limit as it may strain the

Department of Physics Medi-Caps University, Indore

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