Kinds of Angles

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Good day, Grade 7!

Welcome to MISMNHS ED CHANNEL, where
you will learn Mathematics in easy ways.

This is Teacher Vernie, your Mathematics

For today’s episode, you will learn how to:

Identify the parts of angle;

Illustrate the different kinds of angle whether it is acute, right, or obtuse.

Are your learning materials ready?

Then, come and join me in exploring the world of Mathematics!
To begin our lesson, let us have a short recap on one of the subsets of line the Ray.
But before that let see if you can still remember the meaning of ray.
Let’s have this figure first.

“A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on infinitely in only one
Do you still remember this class?
Now let see if you can still illustrate the concept of ray, collinear, and an opposite

On a piece of paper, I want you to draw and label the following. You have 15
seconds to answer each item.
Let’s start!

Let’s check your answers!

Always remember Ray comes an end point first followed by the infinite direction.

Ray BA, you have to right first B for the end point and follow by A for infinite direction.
Ray BC, you have to right first B for the end point and follow by C for infinite direction.
Since B are the common end point, we have to place the B at the middle and place A and C on both sides but in different directions.
Did you answer all of them correctly?
Very good!
Now given this figure, how can you describe the given points?
Yes! When three or more points lie on the same line, we can form collinear
Therefore points A, B, and C are collinear points,
Do you think can you make this figure non-collinear?
Let’s have this figure!
As you can see on the figure it is not collinear, since points A, B, and C are not
on the same line.
When we have three non-collinear points, we can form an angle from them
same as the figure.
The rotation of terminal side BA from the initial side BC we called this angle.

An angle is a figure formed by two non-collinear rays with a common endpoint,

called the vertex.

Before we proceed to our main discussion, let us have a trivia first!


Yes, that’s right! Right now, we encounter angle by simply tilting the laptop in
your preferred degree of sight.

Same as this figure.

Now, let me show you how angles look like in our daily life.
Now, let me show you how angles look like in our daily life.

First picture

In the construction industry, angles make the difference of whether a building is

safe or not. Architects and Engineers need to calculate angles very precisely to
create a structure which stands upright.

Second picture
We can use angles even while playing games. An example is The Angry Bird.
You have to use accurate angles for you to win and enjoy the game.
Third picture

The visual appearance of a dish is as important as its flavor. We can use angles
in preparing food by enhancing the presentation and enjoy the good taste of
the food.

And lastly, a picture showing the beauty of the pyramid created by the use of
different angles.

These pictures are some of the many illustrations of how angles are involved in
our daily life.
Now, let’s proceed to our lesson for today the angle.

An angle is a figure formed by two non-collinear rays with a common endpoint,

called the vertex.

Look at the Ray BA and Ray BC they have the same endpoint. The figure
formed an angle.

The rays are called the sides of an angle.

Ray BA meets ray BC at point B, and the common endpoint B called the vertex.

Degree - is a unit of measurement of angles.

One over three-hundred and sixtieth (1/360) of the circumference of a circle.

The degree symbol or degree sign,(°) is a typographical symbol that is used to

represent degrees of an arc.

Protractor is the device used in measuring an angle.

And the symbol use to indicate an angle "∠”.

Angles can have points in the interior, in the exterior or points on the angle

Since points D and E are located inside the angle, therefore points D and E are
interior points.

Look at the figure since the sides of an angle have an arrow head it can extend
infinitely, and all points inside are interior points of an angle.
We also have the exterior points of the angle; those point outside the angle.

In this figure since point F is located outside of an angle therefore point F is an

exterior point of the angle.

We also have points on the angle itself, and those are points A, B, and C.
To summarize based on the figure, interior points are the points located inside
the angle and those are points D and E.

While exterior points are the points outside the angle which is point F.

And lastly the points on angle are points that lie on an angle itself and those
are points A, B, and C.

Do you follow, Grade 7?

Very good!
Let us have an example!
Given the figure I want you to answer the following:

Number One:
What are the points on an angle?
If you will observe, the points that are lie on the angle are points A, B, and C.

Number Two:
What are the exterior points of an angle?
Since exterior points are points outside the angle, the answer is points F and E.
Number Three:

What is the interior point of the angle?

Lets check if your answers are correct!
Interior points are points inside the angle and those angle base on the figure is
point D.

Is everything clear class?


Now, let’s proceed to the naming of angle.

In naming an angle we can make use of 3 points, using its vertex and using a number or a letter
present in the given angle.
Now take a look at this figure.

Using 3 Points
If you want to name this angle using 3 points, you can write as:
Do you think class we can also name this angle as ∠ XYZ or ∠ XZY since it’s also using 3
It’s a No. Because in naming an angle using three points the point of a vertex is always at the

That’s why ∠ YXZ OR ∠ ZXY are the only way to name the given angle using 3 points.
Another way of naming an angle is by using its vertex.

Yes! You can use the vertex to represent the given angle, looking at our example
we can name the angle as,
For the third one we can also name an angle using number or letter that represent
the given angle.

Base on the figure since there is a number indicating the angle given, we can name
this angle as, ∠ 1.

If there is no present letter or number that represent the angle it is not advisable to
add a letter or number, instead you can name it using its vertex or using three points.

Again, we have three ways in naming an angle and those are, by using its three
points, by using its vertex, and lastly using a letter or number that represents the
given angle.
Let’s have an example.
Name the given angle using the following:

Using three points:

Since the vertex is point X the only ways, we can name the angle are:

Using the vertex:

Since the vertex is located at point X, we can name the angle as ∠ X.

Using a number or letter:

Since there is a present number that indicate to the angle, we can name the
angle as ∠ 1
Now, as an activity I want you to do this on your own.

On a piece of paper, name the given angle using the following process.

1) What are the possible names of the angles using 3 points?

2) What are the possible names of the angles using a number or a
3) What are the possible names of the angles using its Vertex?

Are you done? Great! Now, let’s discuss each of them.

1. What are the possible names of the angles using 3 points?
The following are the possible ways to name the angle using three points.
∠ABC or ∠CBA
∠CBD or ∠DBC
∠ABD or ∠DBA

2. What are the possible names of the angles using a number or a letter?
The following are the possible ways to name the angle using the number or a
∠1 and ∠2
3. What are the possible names of the angles using its vertex?
Not applicable
Yes, it is not applicable because naming an angle using its vertex, it must be a
single angle.

Since the given figure is compose of two angles with a common side, we
cannot use a vertex as a name of the angle.

Did you answer all of them correctly?

Great! Now, we are good to go!

We have three major kinds of angles, and those are acute angle, right angle, and obtuse angle.

So, what are those angles?

Those angles are angles which have a specific measurement.

Since angle can be determine by its degree measure.

We can classify the angles into three major kinds and those are acute angle, right angle, and
obtuse angle.

Are you ready to learn those angles? Good!

Let’s have first the acute angle, this is an angle which measures greater than 0°
but less than 90°.
Since the measure of ∠CBA is greater than 0° but less than 90° therefore angle
CBA is an acute angle.

I will give you some examples of acute angle that is being represented by the
following figures.

Slice of a water melon, the open mouth of a crocodile, and the hands of a clock.
Next one is right angle, unlike acute angle where there is a lower limit and upper limit for its
measurement, in right angle the degree measure must be equal to 90°.
∠TRS = 90°
Since the measure of ∠TRS is 90° therefore angle TRS is a right angle.

A right angle is represented by the symbol "∟" .

Let us have some examples of right angle that is being represented by the following figures.

The lines on the window.

The crossroads, and the hands of the clock at exactly 3 o’clock.

Let’s move to the next type of angle the obtuse angle.

This is an angle which measures greater than 90° but less than 180°.
∠QOP = 123°
Since the measure of ∠QOP is greater than 90° but less than 180°, therefore
angle QOP is an obtuse angle.

Let now have some examples of obtuse angle that is being represented by the
following figures.

A sofa, a hanger, and a roof of a house.

Once more, the three major types of angle are acute angle, right angle, and
obtuse angle.

Is everything clear class?


Now let’s have an activity!

In this activity, you need to name the given angle, the vertex, the rays or sides,
and lastly identify what kinds of angle given in the figure.

Complete the table. Name the angle and identify its kind.
You have 2 minutes, Let’s start!

Time is up! Let’s see if you got the correct answer.

Here are the answers:
The name of angle ∠𝒁𝑿𝑾 𝒐𝒓 ∠𝑾𝑿𝒁
Our vertex is 𝑿
The rays (sides) are ሬ

Ԧ𝒂𝒏𝒅 ሬ

Kind of angle 𝑨𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆

The name of angle ∠𝑾𝑿𝒀 𝒐𝒓 ∠𝒀𝑿𝑾
Our vertex is 𝑿
The rays (sides) are ሬ

Ԧ𝒂𝒏𝒅 ሬ

Kind of angle 𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕


The name of angle ∠𝒁𝑿𝑾 𝒐𝒓 ∠𝑾𝑿𝒁
Our vertex is 𝑿
The rays (sides) are ሬ

Ԧ𝒂𝒏𝒅 ሬ

Kind of angle 𝑶𝒃𝒕𝒖𝒔𝒆

Did you answer all of them correctly? Good job!

Did you answer all of them correctly? Good job!

Congratulations for the great work, Grade 7!

As we draw to a close, let us go over the important points of our discussion today.

Angle is a figure formed by two non-collinear rays with a common endpoint, called
the vertex.

The degree (°) is a typographical symbol that is used to represent degrees of an

arc, and protractor is the device used in measuring an angle.
We also have three major types of angles and those are Acute, Right and
Obtuse angle.

Acute angles measure greater than 0° but less than 90° degrees.

A right angle is an angle measuring exactly 90°.

Obtuse angle which measures greater than 90° but less than 180°.
Also, you need to remember that angles involved in nearly every aspect of our daily lives.
For instance:
- In the construction industry, angles make the difference of whether a building is safe or

- A roadway intersection, in general when one roadway crosses another, four right angles
are created.

Aside from that food industry people use it to model different angles for the visual
appearances of a dish in preparing food to enhance the presentation of the meal, food
items like chocolate bar, rectangular cakes and more.

Those are some of the importance of learning Angles.

That’s all for now, Grade 7!
See you again in our next episode!

Be sure to like and subscribe to our official YouTube channel, DEPED TV

OFFICIAL, so that you won’t miss any of our episodes.

Before we end this session, I want you to remember, Without Mathematics,

there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you are mathematics, and
everything around you are numbers.

This is Teacher Vernie, your Mathematics teacher-broadcaster!

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