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MNG 614

Organizational Behavior (OB)

• Instructor: Shivganesh Bhargava

• Time: Monday and Thursday from 11.15am to 01.15pm for Section A; 05 to 07pm for Section B
• Mode of Teaching: Online
• Exams: Individual/team work (50%) and End-term (50%)
Text-book by S P Robbins new edition
• On assessment and grading, the following will be strictly followed:
1. Open questions will be asked in presence of all, on subjects covered, based on discussion in
online classes (on any day of the class as surprise quiz in Offline mode pattern)
2. Everyone will be asked 3 questions on topic as discussed in previous classes as a surprise quiz.
There will be 2 such surprise quizzes
3. Anyone visible on screen, as present, will be called thrice and awarded zero if not responding 3
times (no excuse for weak network connection or remote area problem as 3 chances will be
4. Each quiz will be having weight of 10% and thus, 20%
5. We have ordered 3 HBR cases but 2 surely will be covered
6. Everyone will be asked to explain in class, in presence of all, both cases as what did s/he
understand in the case 5%+5%=10%
7. All will be distributed in teams of 4 by the CRs to discuss the case and present in the class (10%
+10%) weight for each case and all members will get equal marks if present (absentees will get
zero and no excuse for weak connection or remote place)
8. All teams will have to nominate one person to present team’s view/recommendation before class
9. Remaining 50% will be end-term exam (off/on-line as per institute decision), primarily re-call and
analytical ability tests to see understanding of the subject and explaining the questions asked
10.Please note that other than medical ground, no one will be awarded FF. All those, who did not do
well in the will be awarded only FR.
What is learning from introduction
• Everyone is unique
• Differs from others on various aspects
• Skills/ability/talent (ability)
• Need/preference/expectations (motivation)
• Values/attitudes
• Is anything common among all individuals
• If yes, what is that
• We all are social being
• Cannot fulfill our needs alone without others
• Therefore, need others and a system
• System is set of interrelated elements
• Broadly, system can be closed and open
• Your computer, broadly, is an example of closed system while
• Your University or a nearby company can be examples of open system
• Open system is dependent on environment while closed system will
continue to give output till its all interrelated elements are in order
• Therefore, all social systems are examples of open system
• Everyone is a member of social system
• People are important for development of any social system
• A social system can be made more effective by understanding people
• Here is importance of behavioral aspects of people in management
• That is why managers need to understand Organizational Behavior:OB
• Where behavior of individual, group and organization are studied applying
interdisciplinary framework
• Interdisciplinary framework is key, though behavior is studied by the
Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists and others
Interdisciplinary study advantage
• Here, unit of analysis is open and varies from
individual to organizational level
• Different frameworks used to understand
• Methodology is not restricted
• Type of research is also not restricted
• Strong aspect is that conclusions are scientific
and not based on intuitions
Cognitive framework
• Cognition is the act of knowing an information
• Cognition precede behavior and constitute input into
• Thinking
• Perception
• Problem solving, and
• Processing information
• This framework assumes that behavior is basically
purposive and always directed toward a goal
• Anyone in the class has different view?
• Approach is fundamentally mentalist
Behavioristic framework
• How will you know what is happening in
your mind unless you observe
• A stimulus elicits response (S-R)
• Consequence of response could better
explain behavior than eliciting stimuli could
• Behavior is function of its consequences
• Approach is environmentally based and
Social learning framework
• Cognitive approach: Mentalistic
• Behaviorist approach: Deterministic
• People are self aware and therefore, engaged
in purposeful behavior
• People are thought to learn about their
• They alter and construct their environment to
make reinforcers available, and
• Note the importance of rules and symbolic
processes in learning
Importance of OB to Managers
• At individual level: Developing and
excelling well as a responsible manager
• At interpersonal level: Developing and
maintaining good interpersonal
relationship with peers, subordinates and
• At team level: Emerging as a team leader
• At organizational level: Become leader

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