Managing Up (A) : Grace: Case Analysis of

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• Communication plays an important role in directing both an individual’s as

well as an organization’s growth.

• The case Managing Up: Grace lays emphasis on an extremely important

correlation between communication and organizational hierarchy.

• The protagonist( here Grace), is observed in the feeling of being undermined

and also in a rush to achieve career growth.

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Her boss( Landon Washington), a well praised man as a manager for his supportive behavior towards
his employees, has being mentoring Grace since her initial days in the company.

He has pulled her off out of some serious incidents when unknowingly she had been in troubles
with one of the company’s important client because of some ineffective communication measures.

Although each and every individual want a prospering career, but by over-routing the correct
hierarchy of actions is a serious threat to be dealt with.

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Grace is in the early stage of her career and also pretty confident of her will and making an
impact in the organization, but like every new employee she lacks the patience and understanding
of organizational hierarchy.

When she took her idea to Landon, as every experienced manager he pointed out the
contingencies related to her idea on both hierarchical and experience grounds.

Throughout the case we can observe that communication is an extremely important aspect for an
effective relationship between two entities, whether at individual level or at organizational level.

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With Grace as an example we can infer that she is more stubborn, direct and a little short in
understanding non-verbal communication symbols and signs.
Her boss(Landon) and VP(Bill) had clearly gave her indications that they are not interested when she
presented them with her ideas through clear and distinct non-verbal communications or indications in
layman terms.
When Landon got to know about her attempts of contacting Bill through emails without discussing
with him, he depicted a great managerial gesture by effectively communicating with Grace
regarding the issue and not scolding or belittling her in any sense.
But Grace did not took this gesture of polite communication in true sense and remarkably made
some serious impolite and offensive communicational remarks towards Landon like pointing him
responsible for holding her back at her current position and doubting her potential as a credible

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This case points out toward the communication gap at the different organizational level, and thus
bringing out the possibilities of some solutions proposal.
An organization can come up with new idea camps to bridge the gap between different
operational levels and also provide enough opportunities to its employees to come up with new
ideas and suggestions to address existing problems within an organization.
Communication training programs can incorporate better and effective communication trends
and practices among lower or entry level employees that can result in promoting healthy
organizational and hierarchical communication.

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