Handling Guest Complaints in Hotel

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By: Cheryl B.

Subject Instructor
TMPE 123-Accommodation
Operations and Management
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this training you will be able :

Describe methods
Explain the nature of dealing
of complaints customer

List different Describe ways to

complainers and how resolve complaints
to communicate using the HEAT
with them sequence

Enumerate the basic

customer service skills
that Every Employee
Definition of Complaint
Complaints are Opportunities to…
Evaluate how
well you are
Identify weak points
Create long-term in your systems and
loyalty processes and put
them right

Improve See situations from

customer the customer’s
satisfaction point of view
Why do Guests NOT Return?


Merchandise 14%

Price 9%

Other Contacts 5%

Move away 3%

Die 1%
Intellectual Type
In order to deal with this group of people you should

Know the facts properly.

Be logical all the time.

Don’t promise anything you are not sure. They

will remember every single detail.

Don’t afraid on their cool calm voice and

influencing personality.
Offensive Type
Be prepared to take hard actions to handle such guests.

Don’t react aggressively.

Be friendly and try to handle with calm
Isolate the guest. Offer him to talk in a corner.
Keep eye contact.
Don’t interrupt. Let them show their emotions
Be prepared to take hard actions to handle such guests.

Try to find the right moment to response.

Take notes of their complaint.

If you can’t handle then refer to the

superior one.
Distressed Type
In this case follow these steps:

Before they complaint at you, approach to them

and ask them “Is everything all right Mr. / Mrs.
………….. Or sir / Madam”.

If they are not satisfied with your service and

facilities then follow customer service tips to make
them satisfied.

To change their mood you can offer them

freebies like free drink or free deserts .
Whoever your guests are, try to meet your

As hotelier all the time be prepare to serve any

kind of guests.
Never forget the old saying
“Guest is always right”
H.E.A.T Approach in handling complaints

H Hear



Take Action
Dealing with complaints

Offer ownership Follow
Stay Respond
service without
positive quickly recovery blaming up
Facts about Customer Complaint Handling

• On average, a satisfied customer tells three people

about good service. A dissatisfied customer complaints
to 11 people.

• One study showed that 13% of the people who had a

problem with an organization complained about the
company to more than 20 people.

• Dissatisfaction spreads more quickly than a customer’s


• Did you know it takes 30 seconds to lose a customer,

but 30 days to gain a new one.
Solving complaints…….

Win - Win
our guests are happy and so is
the Management….. 
Don’t forget
To have

Take a deep breath. If we want healthy work relationships

and a successful career, then we need to spend time
making patience a habit.
Have confidence in yourself
and a good attitude…

Otherwise you may sound

demanding and impatient.

Because everyone likes to be thanked.


Go the extra mile &

It helps to create the devoted customer
that wants to come back.
Be prepared for
a long and winding road
Always Remember…

-If we don’t take care of our

customers someone else will-
Is there anything else I can help you with?

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