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Appraisal and
Human Resource Functions
Human Resource Functions
 Recruitment and selection
 It takes time and planning to attract and recruit
highly talented employees. In addition scheduling
interviews, screening and communicating with a
large pool of candidates,
 Training and Development
 Once we’ve found the best talent, it’s time to provide
training to enable them to complete their
assignments. Whatever the training is, it needs to be
customized to the organization so that we understand
the “why” when we begin to perform our role.
Human Resource Functions
 Company Brand and Culture
Often overlooked is the role the 
Human Resources plays in creating and
maintaining the company brand and
culture. Just as on-the-job training
prepares employees to complete tasks,
introducing new employees to “how you
do things here” is important to make sure
they feel included and are aware of how
to communicate and interact with others.
Human Resource Functions
 Safety and Health
 If you think of a workplace in terms of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of needs, we first must make sure that
everyone has their basic needs cover: comfortable
working space, reasonable temperature and access to
food/water, and feeling safe.
 Performance Management
 Performance appraisals are important not only because
they allow you to track performance over time, but they
also can help identify areas for performance
improvement and opportunities for growth.
Human Resource Functions
 Succession Planning
 Even the greatest companies to work for have
turnover, but the best ones monitor and predict
it both to intervene and keep talent but also to
make sure vital roles are always filled. As a key
player in choosing employees for advancement
and management positions, Human Resources
should take into account not just performance
(being good at your job), but also reputation,
feedback and leadership skill
Human Resource Functions

Compensation and Benefits
 While you might associate these two with the
recruitment process, compensation and benefits
should also be reviewed and update based on
promotions, change in roles and other factors.
Understanding what competitors and
understanding the demand in the market is crucial
to offering competitive incentives to maintain
employees. Additionally, the HR department is
often involved in evaluating and setting up perks
programs that recognizes and reward employees for
doing exemplary work.
Human Resource Functions

Compliance and Legal
Depending on your place of business,
there are likely labor laws or other
regulations that define the relationship
between employer and employee. The
HR team understand these legal
matters to ensure the company and the
employee are protected.
Stages of Forecasting

Stages of the Forecasting Process
 Identifyorganizational goals, objectives, and plans.
 Determine overall demand requirements for
 Assess in-house skills and other internal supply
 Determine the net demand requirements that must
be met from external, environmental supply sources.
 Develop HR plans and programs to ensure that the
right people are in the right place.
Environmental Factor
 Environmental factors affecting the HR
process include the following:
labor markets and unions,
governmental laws and regulations,
industry and product life cycles,
technological changes,
competitor labor usage,
global market for skilled labor,
demographic changes.
Organizational Factor
 Organizational factors affecting HR
Corporate mission, strategic goals;
Operational goals, production budgets;
HR Policies;
Organizational structure, restructuring;
Worker KSA’s, competencies, expectations;
HRMS level of development;
Organizational culture, climate, job satisfaction,
Job analysis, workforce coverage, current data.
HR Forecasting Time Horizons
 Current Forecast
 The current forecast is the one being used to meet the
immediate operational needs of the organization .
 Short-Run Forecast
 The short-run forecast extends forward from the current
forecast and states the HR requirements for the next one-to-two
 Medium-Run Forecast
 Typically, the medium-run forecast identifies requirements for
two to five years into the future.
 Long-Run Forecast
 The long-run forecast extends five or more years ahead of the
current operational period.

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