Stratification of Rocks and How It Is Used

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Kamusta ang 2 weeks mental Break?

all other activities and academic requirements during the 2nd quarter shall be
continued and be imposed until FEBRUARY 11, 2022.
Mid-Year break will now be moved to FEBRUARY 14-18, 2022 to allow for
the conduct of INSET in school.
after the mid-year break, classes in all modalities will resume on FEBRUARY
21, 2022, the start of 3rd Quarter for JHS, and 2nd Semester for SHS,
respectively. PTA Conference shall be held on FEBRUARY26, 2022 to update
the parents on the progress of the learners during the 2nd quarter.
Stratification of Rocks and
How It Is Used to
Determine the Age of the

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

•describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are formed,
•describe the different methods (relative and absolute dating) to determine the age of
stratified rocks, and
•explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the subdivisions of
geologic time.
How can we determine the age of the
Most rocks are sedimentary rocks. They are formed from older
rocks that have been broken down by water or wind. The older
rocks become sedimentary particles such as gravel, sand, and
mud. These particles can also bury dead plants and animals. As
time goes by, the particles accumulate, and those that are at the
bottom of the pile become rocks. Gravel becomes conglomerate;
sand becomes sandstone; and mud becomes shale or mudstone.
The animals or plants buried with them become fossils. These
series of events form the different layers of rocks.
Methods to Determine the Age of Stratified Rocks
Relative dating isThere
a method of arranging
are two methods geological
of determining the events
ages of rocks: relative based
dating on the
and absolute rock
dating. sequence.
Absolute dating is a method that gives an actual date of
the rock or period of an event.
Relative Dating

•Relative dating cannot provide actual numerical dates of rocks. It only

tells that one rock is older than the other but does not tell how old each of
the rock is.
•In the early mid-1600’s, a Danish scientist, Nicholas Steno, studied the
relative positions of sedimentary rocks. He discovered that they settle
based on their relative weight or size in a fluid. The largest or heaviest
particles settle first, and the smallest or the lightest particles settle last.
Any slight changes in the particle size or composition may result in the
formation of layers called beds. Layering or bedding is a distinct quality of
sedimentary rocks. The layered rocks are also called strata.

Principles of Relative Dating

The law of superposition states that, in any sequence of layered sedimentary rocks, the top layer is younger than the bottom layer. It is important in the interpretation of the Earth's history because it indicates the relative age of the rock layers and fossils.
The law of original horizontality states that most sediments were
originally laid down horizontally. However, many layered rocks are no longer
horizontal. Based on the law of original horizontality, the rocks that were
tilted may be due to later events such as tilting episodes of mountain
Geologic Time Scale
Geologist in defining or determining
Geologic Time Scale of the Earth?
 According to Adrew Alden (2019) a geologist based in Oakland,
California, works as a research guide for the U.S. Geological Survey,
Every fossils tells us different stories about what age or how old of
the rock is, one of them is the index fossils. They are the one that
tells us most, these are fossils use by the scientist of define or
explore periods of Geologic time.
Fossils in relation to geological manner, are the earliest,
mineralized organisms (plants/ animals) and remnants of the
past of geological time scale or period. They may have been
ossify but are still identifiable or noticeable.
Moreover, Paleontology is the study of the life on our planet
based on fossils. Paleontologists use fossil remnants to study
and develop hypothesis or answer to understand variety of
disappearing or extinct living organisms. Every fossils contains
information about a certain organism`s life and its
Examples of it is the growth rings of the tree or much common name is
rings of a tree. Every ring of the tree is equivalent to one year, the many
the rings the older is the tree. Another is the Oysters that are fossilized
(hardened) can also help the Paleontologist to distinguish how long
does the oyster live. Example if the ring of the oyster or a tree is thicker
the environment is more favorable to them to live while if the ring is
thinner it is only indicate that their environment is not favorable (too
hot or too cold) for them to grow National Geographic (2020).
Prehistorical resources or fossils are any evidence of preserve life in
such geologic era. Fossils are tangible (Perceptible by touch) that link to
life, topographies, and climates from history. It also tells us what kind of
life is there before, changes of climates/ weathers and the kind of
environment that organisms live in the past.
The Geologic Time Scale
The geologic time scale shows the geologic time intervals based on the geologic rock records, which describe the relationships between the events that happened throughout the Earth’s history. The sequence of events is
based on the radiometric dating of igneous rocks associated with the fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks.

•A geologic time scale is revised as more fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks are dated. It is
calibrated by integrating results from relative and absolute dating. Below is an example
of how geologic time scale is calibrated.
How the Geologic Time Scale is Calibrated

•Raw data composed of strata or layers are reviewed.

•The unique succession of events in the layers is recognized
based on the laws of relative dating leading to a chronological
order of events.
•Numerical or absolute age of the events is given using absolute
dating or radiometric methods. Absolute dating provides the
age for the ash layers while relative dating provides at least six
strata with relative ages – first and last occurrences of the
fossils and the volcanic eruption events.
Key Points

•Strata or the different layers of rocks are formed when the sediments at the
bottom of the pile become rocks.
•Relative dating is a method of arranging geological events based on the rock
•Absolute dating is a method that gives an actual date of the rock or period
of an event.
•Geologic time scale shows the geologic time intervals based on the geologic
rock records.
•The integration of relative and absolute dating results to a calibrated
geological time scale.

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