Modelling & Neural Network Grade 9

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Grade 9 AI
• Data Exploration, you explored the data you had
acquired at the Data Acquisition stage for the problem
you scoped in the Problem Scoping stage.
• Now, you have visualized some trends and patterns
out of the data which would help you develop a
strategy for your project.
• To build an AI based project, we need to work around
Artificially Intelligent models or algorithms. This could
be done either by designing your own model or by
using the pre-existing AI models.
LEARNING Demonstrate the
use of Artificial
OBJECTIVE Intelligence,
Machine Learning
and Deep
• Artificial Intelligence or AI
for short, refers to any
technique that enables
Artificial computers to mimic human
intelligence. An artificially
Intelligence intelligent machine works
or AI on algorithms and data fed
to it and gives the desired
Machine Learning or ML
• Machine Learning or ML for short, enables
machines to improve at tasks with experience.
The machine here learns from the new data
fed to it while testing and uses it for the next
iteration. It also takes into account the times
when it went wrong and considers the
exceptions too.
Deep Learning or DL for short,
enables software to train itself to
Deep perform tasks with vast amounts of
Learning or data. Since the system has got huge
set of data, it is able to train itself
DL with the help of multiple machine
learning algorithms working
altogether to perform a specific task.
• Artificial Intelligence is the
umbrella term which holds
both Deep Learning as well
as Machine Learning.
• Deep Learning, on the other
hand, is the very specific
learning approach which is a
subset of Machine Learning
as it comprises of multiple
Machine Learning
•Artificial Intelligence is the
umbrella terminology which
covers machine and deep
learning under it and Deep
Learning comes under Machine
•It is a funnel type approach
where there are a lot of
applications of AI out of which
few are those which come under
ML out of which very few go
into DL.
28 * 28 PIXELS

1. Artificial Intelligence,refers to any technique that enables

computers to mimic human intelligence. The AI-enabled machines
think algorithmically and execute what they have been asked for
2. Machine Learning enables machines to improve at tasks with
experience. The machine learns from its mistakes and takes them
into consideration in the next execution. It improvises itself using its
own experiences.
3. Deep Learning enables software to train itself to perform tasks
with vast amounts of data. In deep learning, the machine is trained
with huge amounts of data which helps it into training itself around
the data. Such machines are intelligent enough to develop
algorithms for themselves.
Deep Learning is the most
advanced form of Artificial
Intelligence out of these three.

Then comes Machine Learning

which is intermediately
intelligent and Artificial
Intelligence covers all the
concepts and algorithms which,
in some way or the other mimic
human intelligence
Once various trends/patterns are visualized
on the acquired data, we can develop
different strategies/techniques in designing
an Artificial Intelligent machine to help in
solving the problem.

The different models will be evaluated by

checking their advantages, disadvantages
MODELLING and efficiency. The best model which gives
the most efficient and reliable result will be

This component of AI Project Life cycle is

There are two approaches taken by researchers
when building AI models.

Either take a rule based approach or learning


A Rule based approach is generally based on the
data and rules fed to the machine, where the
machine reacts accordingly to deliver the desired

Learning approach, the machine is fed with data

and the desired output to which the machine
designs its own algorithm (or set of rules) to match
the data to the desired output fed into the machine.
AI Modelling refers to
developing algorithms,
also called models which
can be trained to get
intelligent outputs.
Modelling That is, writing codes to
make a machine
artificially intelligent.
In Data exploration, we have seen various types
of graphical representations which can be used
for representing different parameters of data.
The graphical representation makes the data
understandable for humans as we can discover
trends and patterns out of it.

But when it comes to machine accessing and

analyzing data, it needs the data in the most
basic form of numbers (which is binary – 0s and
1s) and when it comes to discovering patterns
and trends in data, the machine goes for
mathematical representations of the same.

The ability to mathematically describe the

relationship between parameters is the heart of
every AI model. Thus, whenever we talk about
developing AI models, it is the mathematical
approach towards analysing data which we refer
Differences in the two models
In this approach , the machine
learns through experience. It uses
the models and algorithms and
perform tasks. These tasks are
performed on the sample data
LEARNING which is also known as TRAINING

APPROACH In this programmer need not to tell

what to do. The machine is fed with
data and it simply compares it with
the previous data sets and learns
from that.
This approach is based on data set and rules
that are fed into the system to process and
gives the result. In this approach, the rules
and regulations are already fed into the AI
RULE model along with their attributes that is
each data is labeled.

While testing the model with an image , this

image is compared with the training data
according to the labels of the data.
Learning based)
Points to Remember

• While making Decision Trees, one should take a good look at

the dataset given to them and try to figure out what pattern
does the output leaf follow.
• Try selecting any one output and on its basis, find out the
common links which all the similar outputs have.
• Many times, the dataset might contain redundant data which
does not hold any value while creating a decision tree. Hence,
it is necessary that you note down which are the parameters
that affect the output directly and should use only those while
creating a decision tree.
• There might be multiple decision trees which lead to correct
prediction for a single dataset. The one which is the simplest
should be chosen as the best.
The efficiency of the AI machine depends on the
results. The two data sets used in AI modelling are:

Training Data – This is entered into the AI machine

which uses this data set with the help of algorithms
and rules to predict the output.

Testing Data – This is used to check the efficiency of

the AI Model
Machine learning algorithms

• They can be broadly classified as”

– Supervised learning : Algorithm learns from a data set which
is labelled. Algorithm used testing data to see the accuracy
of the results. Classification (example Spam filters) and
Regression come under this category
– Unsupervised learning : the algorithm learns and makes
sense by extracting features and patterns from unlabeled
data set provided. Clustering comes under this category
– Reinforcement learning: Algorithms are working towards
accomplishing the goal. This is used in gaming.
The AI model is deployed
only if the training data and
testing data are satisfactory.

AI MODELS The three AI models are

• Classification
• Regression
• Clustering
Classification model

The spam filters in the email is

Classification is a type of an example of how classification
supervised learning model. works. once it is marked spam
Classification models work on from particular email, the next
datasets which are labeled time the email from the source
and then predict the label of will automatically moved to
the testing dataset. spam as the system has learned
Regression is a type of supervised
learning model where the
problems or based on continuous
Regression For example, an algorithm is able
model to predict the price of an
apartment in a particular location
with different kinds of facilities.

It is able to find out the

relationship between the set of
data and then predicts the output
based on the input variables
Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning
model which uses an algorithm that helps in
making sense by extracting features and
patterns from an unlabeled dataset.

For example, it's possible to get a collection

Clustering of pictures of animals and then separate
these pictures into various groups based on
model the resemblance 

In this example, the AI machine generates its

own algorithms to differentiate between the
training dataset and thus uses it to cluster
the data.
What is a Neural network?

Neural comes from the word neuron of the nervous system. The
neural neuron is a cell within the nervous system which is the basic unit of
the brain used to process and transmit information to all the other
cells and muscles. A network of search neurons is called a Neural
networks network.

(ANN) The same type of behavior is embedded in an artificial machine and

called an artificial neural network.

A Neural Network is a series of algorithms that achieve the output

after creating relationships on the dataset and processes it like the
human brain. Therefore, a neural network means a system of neurons
that are working in a form of a network. It helps in trading based on
algorithms, security, classification , forecasting and so on.
Neural networks are loosely modelled after how
neurons in the human brain behave.

The key advantage of neural networks are that

they are able to extract data features
automatically without needing the input of the

A neural network is essentially a system of

organizing machine learning algorithms to
perform certain tasks.

It is a fast and efficient way to solve problems for

which the dataset is very large, such as in
Why do you use neural network?

• Neural networks are one of the most commonly, powerful, and

widely used algorithms which actually use deep learning algorithms.
• they are used to solve real life complex problems.
• these networks can learn and create relationships between all the
inputs and gives the result.
• They can handle non-linear and complex problems very effectively.
• They can even work and give output If the data is missing. The main
advantage of the neural networks is that they are able to extract data
features automatically without needing any input from the
• ANN - Artificial Neural Networks.
How does a neural network work?

• An artificial neural network consists of neurons that

process the information and consists of multiple layers
of interconnected nodes. The picture shows the
representation of neural networks the three layers in
the models are:
• Input Layer
• Hidden Layer
• Output Layer
• Each layer is further divided into several blocks called
It is the first layer of a neural

It is used to take data as input

Input layer using this layer and thus gives
input to the neural network.

The input layer is responsible

to feed in the input and no
processing takes place here.
It is the layer between the input and output layers.

This layer is responsible for processing the input fed into

the system.

Hidden Processing is not visible to anyone and thus is called the

hidden layer.
Each node of the hidden layer has its own functionality,
and hence, the defined Machine Learning Algorithm gets
executed on the data received from the input layer.

The processed information is then given to the subsequent

hidden layer in the network.

The number of hidden layers in a neural network system

totally depends on the complexity of the function for
which the network has been designed.
Output layer

• It is the last layer of the neural network.

• It displays the result as given by the system.
Neurons are the basic unit of our
nervous system. Every neutron is
made up of Soma, Axon then
between the
Dendrites are tree-like structures that
neural network
are used to take the input.
and the human
nervous system
Soma is the cell body of the neuron
and acts like a processing unit,

Axon is used to give the output.

Artificial Neural Network Biological Neural Network Function

Input Layer Dendrites Takes input for the system

Node Soma Cell Body Responsible for the processing

of the information.

Interconnections Synapse These are the connections

between the Input and

Output Layer Axon This sends out the result

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