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of a S&S MS (Safety and Security)

In order to assess the company or the port

safety/security culture level

Elements to be evaluated for the port or the facility
1. Occupational health, safety and security vigilance programme
2. Experience feedback and continuous improvement
3. Internal verifications ( safety and ISPS audits)
4. Harbour Master’s and top management reviews
5. Emergency situations preparedness
6. Management of incident and NC
7. Accident or near-misses internal enquiries
8. Continuous training
9. Crisis cell
10. Integration of Safety, Security and Quality of services
Assessment of each item: results of marks
between 1 and 5
Mark 1: Is the minimum
Mark 2: Working, but in a prudent manner, not always
Mark 3: Working normally
Mark 4: Management is performed in a pro-active manner
Mark 5: High class management
Criterias of assessment can be
specified for each item


A behavioral approach

Results of assessment
• The total cannot be less than 10
• Below 10 marks too many requirements are missing, the system is
refused, the certificates withdrawn and the ship stopped !
• From 10 to 50 marks the safety culture is evaluated:
• 10 to 20 Safety Culture level 1
• 20 to 30 Safety Culture level 2
• 30 to 40 Safety Culture level 3
• 40 to 50 Safety Culture level 4

• Level 1: Emergence

• Level 2: Management

• Level 3: Commitment

• Level 4: Co-operation

• Level 5: Continuous improvement 7

LEVEL 1: Emergence of a safety culture
• The port and its services observe the obligatory rules and
regulations for safety and security
• Procedures and Checklists are in place
• Certain accidents related to work are regarded as inescapable
• The front line personnel is not really worried about safety or
• This personnel uses the safety and security of working
conditions only for problems of schedule or requests for more
• It is the minimum of an integrated S&S MS 8
LEVEL 2: S&S management
• Safety and security are considered from the point of view of « risks
at work »
• The accidents are regarded as being able to be avoided
• The efforts and the money of the port are used to reduce the number
of accidents
• The policy of the port authority is limited to a normal adhesion to
mandatory rules, conventions, codes, procedures and inspections
• The executives consider that the accidents are due to the imprudent
behavior of the personnel concerned
• The measuring instruments for safety are limited to the
number of accidents and Lost Time Index (LTI)
• The port authority reacts only when the LTI is increasing
• The incentives on safety are based on the reduction of the
LTI index

The S&S MS is in conformity

with the spirit of the rules
LEVEL 3: Commitment
• The rate of accident is stable in the port
• The management is convinced that the engagement of front working
personnel in the occupational safety and security as prevention is a
critical element for future improvements
• The top management admits that the causes of accidents are multiple
and include management decisions
• A majority of the personnel admits that their personal behaviour to
safety and security is determining: they agree to be responsible for

• The personnel agrees to cooperate with the port
authority’s management for the improvement of
occupational safety and security vigilance
• The results of the integrated safety & security
Management System are supervised attentively
(performance indicators)
Corrective actions are initiated and followed attentively
This is an integrated SMS of a good level which
works correctly
LEVEL 4: Co-operation
• The large majority of the personnel is convinced that health, safety
and security vigilence at work are significant from an economic point
of view but also a moral point of view
• Executives and employees agree on the causes of accidents: wrong
behavior and/or management bad decisions
• The employees working in the front line agree to be held personally
responsible for their failures with existing rules
• The top management of the port admits that the employees must be
valorised and treated equitably

• Proactives measures of reduction of risk are accepted by
all and are installed
• The results are examined, corrective actions are initiated
and their realization is followed closely by the top
• All the accidents are studied even those non related to the
work (transports or transfers for example)
There is in the company a permanent incentive for an safe
and healthy life (sports, low alcohol, no tobacco, no drugs)
LEVEL 5: Continuous improvement

• The prevention of accidents of the employees at work as well as

at home is in the concerns of the port authorities
• There is very little or no accident but there is no excess of
optimism : vigilance is required !
• Indicators monitor the results, but the port authority is trustful in
its system and look for a continuous umprovement

• The organization in place works permanently to improve
the prevention by a complete risk management policy
• All personnel admit that health, safety & security are
critical elements of their work and that the prevention is
very significant
The company makes considerable efforts to promote
health safety and security of the employees at home and
in their private life

To conclude

• Five steps of a:
• Are the true goals of the safety and security rules for ports
facilities or ports an their clients
• They are also the goals of the Guidelines of ILO on safety
and health at work on board ships, in ports or in shipyards!!

Thank You


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