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Compare and contrast the procedural, object oriented and event driven programming in

source code of application.

Contrast between procedural/OOP/Event Driven paradigm

Procedural  In procedural programming, program is divided into small parts called

programming. functions.
 In procedural programming the execution of program statements is
predetermined and controlled by the programmer.
 Procedural programming follows top down approach.
 There is no access modifiers in procedural programming.
 Procedural programming does not have any proper way for hiding data so it is
less secure.
 Procedural programming is based on unreal world.
 Languages supports: C, FORTRAN, Pascal, Basic etc.

Object oriented  In object oriented programming, program is divided into small parts called
paradigm objects.
 In object oriented programming computer programs are designed using the
concept of objects that interacts with the real world.
 Object oriented program follows bottom up approach
 Object oriented programming provides data hiding so it is more secure.
 Object oriented programming is based on real world.
 Languages supports: C++, Java, Python, C# etc.

Event-driven paradigm  In event-driven flow of the program is determined by events such as user
actions (mouse clicks or key presses) sensor outputs, or messages from other
programs or threads.
 In event driven programming the program execution is largely determined by
the system.
 In event-driven programming paradigm, one defines what will occur when a
user executes an event.
Comparison between procedural/OOP/Event Driven paradigm

Procedural programming.  Procedural programming means that as a series of steps you describe a program and
its subprograms.
 Declarative programs in procedural paradigm attempts to define the result
irrespective of the steps taken to calculate it but rather some description or
denotation of the desired result.
 Procedural programming relies on what’s known.
 Procedural code is quicker to implement for simpler code but gets increasingly
complex and difficult to manage as the program gets larger.
Object oriented paradigm  Object-oriented programming is a way to organize code around the concepts of
encapsulation, inheritance, replacement, programming to interfaces etc.
 Object oriented programming is meant to address the difficulties with procedural
programming paradigm.
 Object Oriented Programming allows for easy re-use of code and enabling faster
coding and managing on larger projects

Event Driven paradigm  Event-Driven Programming shares some features with OOP that include the use of
variables, procedures, classes and objects.
 Event based programming is about writing event handling procedures and having the
core event loop provided by the underlying system.
 You can save the trouble of writing your own event loop and benefit from various
libraries that already work with the system provided event loop.
 Event based programs are very often writing using object oriented style but not
 This programs allow for reusability of codes and as such different programs may use
the same codes similar functions.
concurrency_in_python_eventdriven_prog ramming.htm

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