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The Iliad (Trojan

Are you willing to die in the
name of love and loyalty to
your country?
The first 10 years
When Paris had chosen Aphrodite…

• She had helped Paris and Hector go to

Sparta in Greece to claim Helen.
• Helen as the queen of Sparta had been
married to King Menelaus.
• At the time of the arrival of the two
princes, Helen and Paris had developed a
special feelings with each other.
• They were welcomed as honored guests by
the Spartans.
• Unknowingly, Helen and Paris were already
creating plans of eloping the next day when
Hector and Paris embark for Troy.
• The next day, when King Menelaus
discovered that Helen was missing, he
decided to get her back, asked for the help
of his brother Agamemnon, and waged war
against Troy.
The Opposing Teams
Greeks Trojans
Odysseus (Ithaca) Hector (Prince of Troy)
Menelaus (Sparta) Paris (Prince of Troy)
Agamemnon(Mycenae) Aeneas (son of
Achilles(Invulnerable) Aphrodite)
Nestor(Wise old man)
Important Preliminary Notes
• Odysseus doesn’t like to join the war at the
beginning. He doesn’t like to leave his
• Achilles also didn’t join the troop at the
beginning. His mother prevented him so from
joining, because the prophecy told her that he
would die once Achilles set foot in Troy.
• The first one to set foot in Troy shall be the
first one to die. It was Protesilaus.
Women’s Role
• Before the Greek troop set sail towards Troy, they
cant leave the shore of Aulis because of stormy
weather. Iphigenia, the daughter of Agamemnon,
was thrown into the sea as sacrifice.
• During the first 10 years of the war, the Greeks
have captured Briseis, a Trojan who happened to
be Paris’ cousin. Briseis and Achilles have
developed a special bond that they fell in love
with each other.

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