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Landfill Slopes

Module 6
Landfill Slopes
• Definition of Landfills
1. Site for waste disposal or,
2. Ground that has been filled with rocks so that it can
be used for specific purposes.
• Unless properly stabilized, landfill slope prone to
liquefaction and sloughing. (layerwise fall off)
• Landfill slopes are unique due to different
combinations of:
– Bedrock
– Water
– Landfill waste
– Geosynthetics etc.
Landfill Slopes
• Three critical periods in the life of landfill, considering
slope stability
1. Sitting and preparation to receive waste
2. Waste placement
3. Capping and final closure
• Initially when landfill is being prepared to receive
waste, stability of host material must be analysed
depending on whether landfill is being placed in:
– a pit
– trenches
– against hill side
– in a canyon or
– above ground 3
Landfill Slopes
• When waste is being placed, temporary slopes are
being created and then buttressed with additional fills.
• Finally when landfill is full, cap is placed above and
landfill is closed.
• Each of these phases presents unique combinations of
materials in contact with each other, unique
combination of material and strength properties, thus
creating unique slope stability issues.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Five types of landfill configurations

covered pit design

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Common landfill configuration in areas of deeper water
table is the covered pit design (a)
• Advantage: excavated material can be used for daily
• Depending on type of soil, excavated material can be
used for clay liners or granular drainage material.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Five types of landfill configurations

Trenched landfill

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Trenched landfill (b) has similar advantage as covered
• Older landfill design, prior to emphasis in landfill
design on maximizing airspace.
• Significant airspace is lost to ridges of native soil
remaining between cells.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Five types of landfill configurations

Upslope landfill

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Upslope landfill (c) constructed in regions of rolling or
hilly terrains.
• Waste generally placed on a liner constructed on an
excavated natural slope.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Five types of landfill configurations

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Canyon or Valley landfill (d) constructed in natural
canyons or valleys.
• Similar to covered pits, if canyon is bowl shaped
• However, boundary side slopes are much higher and
often steeper
• For both upslope and canyon fills, soil requirements
are satisfied by excavating natural side slopes or
importing soil.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Five types of landfill configurations

Above ground landfill

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Above ground landfill (e) constructed above natural
ground surface.
• Typically provided
– In soft subgrade regions, where groundwater is near
ground surface
– Where it is not practical to excavate a pit.
• Soil requirements for this landfill is satisfied by on-site
burrow areas or off soil import.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Landfill site must meet several locational and
geotechnical design criteria and be acceptable to
• Must be reasonably close to waste generators.
• Type of site will decide the configurations to be used.

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Data used for selection of a site often include
– Topographic maps
– Soil survey maps
– Land use plans
– Transportation maps
– Water use plans
– Flood plain maps
– Geologic maps
– Aerial photographs
• Other considerations include waste type, volume,
availability of equipment, existing landfill sites and cost.
Typical Landfill Configurations
• Landfills should not be constructed near lakes, ponds,
rivers, flood plains, highways, public areas, wetlands,
airports or water wells.
• While analyzing feasibility of a landfill, entire lifecycle
cost must be evaluated.
• Following table gives some components of landfill cost.

Typical Landfill Configurations

Typical Landfill Configurations

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Landfills waste materials can be placed in a variety of
• All wastes received by the landfill are spread and
compacted in cells and layers within a confined area
• At end of each working day or more frequently if
necessary, the area is covered completely with a thin
continuous soil layer and compacted – daily cover
• Daily cover used to control moisture, control litter,
reduce odours, limit rodent and bird contact, provide
vehicle access, help prevent fires and improve

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Compacted wastes and daily cover constitutes a Cell
• Series of adjoining cells, all of same height make up a
• Completed landfill consists of one or more lifts

Typical Landfill Configurations

Typical Landfill Configurations
• Two basic methods of operation for landfilling or
sequencing of daily cells are trench method and area

Typical Landfill Configurations

Typical Landfill Configurations

Typical Landfill Configurations
• After completion of landfill, a cover must be constructed
to minimize water infiltration and isolate waste from
the environment.
• Refer figure.
• Purpose is
– to encourage surface water runoff,
– discourage erosion,
– retain moisture for vegetation,
– manage gas migration,
– provide shaping and contouring and
– provide a base for establishment of suitable ground cover.

Typical Landfill Configurations

• Six typical
layers of final
landfill cover

Landfill Waste Engineering Properties
• Engineering properties• There are many properties
landfill waste are quite of landfill waste such as
variable and – Grain size distribution
unpredictable. – Porosity
• Landfill waste may contain – Moisture content
many materials including – Hydraulic conductivity
food, rubber, plastic, – Atterberg limits
leather, textiles etc. – Unit weight
• Conventional geotechnical – Strength
tools can be used to study – Dynamic properties and
and evaluate, yet no – compressibility
standard specific tests are
available. 29
Landfill Waste Engineering Properties
• Additionally, chemical and leach properties of landfill
waste must be known to determine appropriate waste
disposal locations

Landfill Waste Engineering Properties
• Additionally, chemical and leach properties of landfill
waste must be known to determine appropriate waste
disposal locations

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Previously landfills need not have liners.
• Waste was dumped into native ground and then covered
and vegetated,
• Now strict regulations are in place defining very specific
multi-layered redundant lining and cover systems.
• Landfill lining and cover systems generally require a
variety of geosynthetic materials including
geomemberanes, geotextiles, geonets, geogrids, and
geosynthetic clay liners (GCL)

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Previously landfills need not have liners.
• Waste was dumped into native ground and then covered
and vegetated,
• Now strict regulations are in place defining very specific
multi-layered redundant lining and cover systems.
• Landfill lining and cover systems generally require a
variety of geosynthetic materials including
geomemberanes, geotextiles, geonets, geogrids, and
geosynthetic clay liners (GCL)

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geomembranes
– Flexible polymeric sheets that have extremely low
– In landfills, base liners are placed below waste to
minimize liquids expelled from and or filtered
through waste (Leachate). from contaminating
ground & groundwater
– Cover liners are placed above final waste
configuration to keep water from entering the
landfill to produce leachate.

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geomembranes
– Flexible polymeric sheets that have extremely low
– In landfills, base liners are placed below waste to
minimize liquids expelled from and or filtered
through waste (Leachate). from contaminating
ground & groundwater
– Cover liners are placed above final waste
configuration to keep water from entering the
landfill to produce leachate.

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geonets
– Used for drainage and consist of two sets of parallel
solid or foamed extruded ribs that intersect at
constant angle to form an open net configuration.

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geonets
– Channels are formed between ribs to convey either
liquid or gases.
– to prevent entry of soil or any other adjacent
materials, a geocomposite drainage net may be used
that consist of geotextile bonded to geonet.

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geogrids
– High strength, soil reinforcement products composed
of polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester or PVC
coated polyester.
– All geogrids have open mesh configuration with
apertures ranging from ½ to 3 inches

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geogrids
– High strength, soil reinforcement products composed
of polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester or PVC
coated polyester.
– All geogrids have open mesh configuration with
apertures ranging from ½ to 3 inches

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geogrids
– High strength, soil reinforcement products composed
of polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester or PVC
coated polyester.
– All geogrids have open mesh configuration with
apertures ranging from ½ to 3 inches

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geogrids
– High strength, soil reinforcement products composed
of polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester or PVC
coated polyester.
– All geogrids have open mesh configuration with
apertures ranging from ½ to 3 inches

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geogrids
– Formed by different methods
– Polyseter and polyester PVC coated geogrids are
typically woven or knitted.
– Polypropylene geogrids are either extruded or
punched sheet drawn
– At landfills, geogrids may be used to support a lining
system or a weak subgrade or to support final landfill
cover soils on steep refuse slopes.

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geosynthetic Clay Liners
– Low permeability barriers consisting of a layer of
unhydrated , loose granular or powdered bentonite,
chemically or mechanically adhered to a geotextile or
– Used as alternative to compacted clay liners.

Geosynthetics in Landfill
• Geosynthetic Clay Liners
– Low permeability barriers consisting of a layer of
unhydrated , loose granular or powdered bentonite,
chemically or mechanically adhered to a geotextile or
– Used as alternative to compacted clay liners.

Anchor Trenches
• Anchoring details are necessary to hold geosynthetics in
place and prevent tearing
• Anchor trenches can be classified as flat, rectangular or
V shaped.
• Selection of appropriate trench configuration depends
on required holding capacity, access considerations,
dimensional constraints, and available construction
• Hodling capacity due to applied normal load of soil
placed above geosynthetics that creates friction
between geosynthetics and the underlying soil

Anchor Trenches
• Anchoring details are necessary to hold geosynthetics in
place and prevent tearing
• Anchor trenches can be classified as flat, rectangular or
V shaped.

Anchor Trenches
• There is minimal friction resistance developed betwenn
upper soil and geosynthetic since soil is likely to move
with geosynthetic.
• Soil depth, type of soil, anchorage length are key factors
in developing required anchor trench holding capacity

Construction of Landfills
• Should be carefully planned, methodical, highly
regulated and dynamic process.
• Detailed planning, study and design must take place
before a landfill can be sited, open and or modified.
• Constant monitoring, testing , and reporting are
required throuought the life of landfill.

Construction of Landfills
• Basic sequence of construction at a landfill includes
– Subbase preparation
– Liner construction
– Waste placement
– Landfill closure

Construction of Landfills
• Subbase for a landfill refers to ground surface on
which, liner is constructed.
• Compaction and grading of subbase necessary so
that actual liner can be constructed easily.
• Subbase developed on existing ground surface or
may be constructed on fill or cut.
• Great care must be taken so that subbase
provides a sound foundation for the landfill
• Conventional earthwork equipment used to
prepare subbase for a landfill 50
Construction of Landfills
• Liner construction consists of multiple layers of
soil and geosynthetics.
• Construction of geosynthetic liners requires
specialized methods particularly related to
related to connection of adjacent sheets/layers
and prevention of damage during construction
• Damage usually due to puncturing, tearing,
blocking of drainage
• As each new layer is placed, shear strength
between layers could change. 51
Construction of Landfills
• On a slope, layer that possess lowest shear
strength governs stability.
• it is clear that as liner layers are built up and
then piled with waste, a slope could become
more unstable due to introduction of weaker

Construction of Landfills

Construction of Landfills
• Waste placement is a unique process because a
variety of waste materials are being placed in a
variety of configurations.
• Temporary slopes are commonly made and
modified on a regular basis.
• Slopes made during this phase will be traversed
by a variety of equipments and vehicles in all
• As slope analysis cannot be performed every
time, there must be governing restriction on
steepness . 54
Construction of Landfills
• These restrictions must account for precipitation
and groundwater conditions.
• After receiving maximum waste, it must be
closed such that it performs well and do not
impact environment in long term.
• There are series of layers over waste to
– control infiltration of water, minimizing leachate
– Controls gas release
– Separation of waste and environment

Construction of Landfills

Construction of Landfills

Construction of Landfills
• Among documented histories of failures, most
occur during liner construction & waste
• Failures have occurred when
– Under estimation of friction angle between landfill,
soil, geosynthetics
– Dynamic effects of equipment sequencing or loading
• All materials placed at angle to horizontal must
be analyzed for stability w.r.t adjacent materials,
construction effects (sequence, layering, weather
Excavation Slope Stability
• Following figure gives potential slip surfaces that
occur in landfills.
• For covered pit and trenched landfills, it is easy
to adjust excavation slope to meet stability and
construction requirements.
• Since slope is restricted by property limits,
flattening an excavation slope from 2H:1V to
3H:1V can have impact.

Excavation Slope Stability

Excavation Slope Stability

Excavation Slope Stability
• Typical excavation slopes for covered pits and
trenched landfills are 3H:1V as it is stable
• Upslopes and canyon fills are at a steeper grades
due to steep inclination of natural slopes.
• 3H:1V must be attained, but involves large
• Groundwater table or weak soil layer often
influences stability and must be considered.
• Immediately after excavation is critical, waste
placed against excavation slopes act as buttress
Waste Fill Stability
• Potential slip surface through landfill waste
occur in three ways
a) Through the waste alone

Waste Fill Stability
• Potential slip surface through landfill waste
occur in three ways
b) Along the liner system

Waste Fill Stability
• Potential slip surface through landfill waste
occur in three ways
c) Along a composite surface through waste and along

Waste Fill Stability
• Waste highly heterogenous .
• Highly unlikely that failure surfaces are smooth
• Yet circular surface analysis considered.

Waste Fill Stability
• Figure shows typical slip surfaces through
covered pit and trench type landfills.

Waste Fill Stability
• For such landfills, critical stability conditions
during waste filling, prior to complete filling.
• Once filled to surface, it is stable.
• If waste placed above surface, either a circular
failure surface through waste or block-type
surface extending to base lining system may

Waste Fill Stability
• Figure illustrates potential waste fill stability in
upslope or canyon type fills

Waste Fill Stability
• Considering stability, least desired configuration.
• Interim and final slopes have potential problems
for instability.

Waste Fill Stability
• Canyon type fills stable in final configuration
• Unstable during interim fill conditions.

Waste Fill Stability
• Above ground fills stable when founded on firm
• Potential circular slip surface if side slopes are
too steep.

Waste Fill Stability
• If a lining is provided, surface may extend
through the waste mass.
• Often constructed onsoft subgrades or zones of
high water content.
• Bearing capacity failures must be accounted for.

Cover System Stability
• During preparation of landfill site development
plans, stability of final cover system should be
• Usual grade, 3H:1V which are usually stable.
• Yet, cover system may deform with underlying
waste settlement

Cover System Stability
• Geosynthetics are used in final cover systems are
flexible, may create stability problems.
• Potential slip surfaces are planar occuring along
interfaces of materials or through material itself.

Cover System Stability

Cover System Stability

Cover System Stability
• In most cases, worst case situation for a final
cover is during construction.
• Due to large equipment loads applied during
• Failure due to equipment loads would result in
localised shallow circular slip surface especially
when final cover is being placed from top of
landfill down to the base.


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