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Individual CSR Proposal

Presented by:
Cyrelle C. Perez

September 2021

2021 Lenovo Internal. All rights reserved.

I. Company Background
II. Current CSR State of the Company

III. CSR Initiative

Objective of the Project
Project Description

IV. Implementation
V. Budget
VI. Conclusion
Lenovo: How it started
The journey began humbly in 1984 at a guardhouse in China, when
Legend Holdings was formed with an investment of just RMB 200,000
(US$ 25,000). In 1988, they opened for business in Hong Kong and,
within eight years, it became China’s largest PC company. In 2004, it
was renamed Lenovo.
Today, we are a US$46 billion multinational company with 55,000
employees serving customers in over 160 countries. Ranked #202 on
the Fortune 500 list, we are proud to be the world’s largest PC vendor.
Portfolio now includes workstations, servers, storage solutions, IT
management software, smart TVs, tablets, smartphones, and even apps.
Global Scale / Locations
We serve more than 180 markets, and we own the majority of our
facilities, giving us unrivaled scale, efficiency, and control of our
supply chain. Our global manufacturing allows tailored offerings to
regional markets and includes more than 30 manufacturing facilities,
including in-house, joint venture, original design manufacturer, and
contract manufacturer sites in Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany,
Hungary, India, Japan, Mexico, and USA.

2021 Lenovo Internal. All rights reserved. 4

At Lenovo, our vision is that Lenovo will create personal devices more people are inspired to own, a culture
more people aspire to join and an enduring, trusted business that is well respected around the world. This vision
guides us in pursuit of our mission to become one of the world's great personal technology companies.
We will accomplish this through:
Personal Computers: Lead in PCs and be respected for our product innovation and quality.
Convergence: Lead the industry with an ecosystem of devices, services, applications and content for people to
seamlessly connect to people and web content.

Our culture defines us…it's our DNA. We call it the “We Are Lenovo” culture and it's the values we share and
the business practices we deploy. It's how we address our day-to-day commitments. The “We Are Lenovo”
culture is embodied in the statement: We do what we say, we own what we do, and we like to constantly wow
our customers
Our culture is what has enabled us to consistently raise the bar on delivering break-through innovations, award-
winning designs, and strong financial performance.
At Lenovo, our people share a common aspiration to be the very best. Whether serving our customers, working
together as a team or contributing to the community, we are working to build a unique company delivering
unparalleled products created and supported by people who represent a wealth of cultures and experiences. Our
strength lies in this diversity. And every day, on every project, we are creating a new language for inclusion and
respect for others. We are dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages entrepreneurism and
ownership. A workplace where people's talents can be challenged and their efforts recognized and rewarded.

As one of the world’s biggest and most admired brands, we reach customers in over 160 countries. About all the
different people from different cultures with widely diverse needs and desires, who look to us to consistently
deliver innovative technology.


Product Segments
Lenovo’s story has always been about shaping computing intelligence to create a better world. With the world’s
widest portfolio of technology products, we deliver our vision of Smarter Technology for All through products,
solutions, software, and services that individuals, communities, businesses, and entire populations need to fulfill
their potential.

PRODUCTS  Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

 Commercial Internet of Things (IoT)
 Laptops & Ultrabooks
 Workstations
 Tablets
 Servers & Storage
 Smartphones
 Product Recalls
 Desktops & All-in-Ones
 Customer Service
 Smart Home and Smart Collaboration
 Service Centers

Current CSR State of the Company
Social Impact
The Company’s social investments are focused on STEM, (science, technology, engineering, and math),
education and empowering diverse and underresourced populations. The Company’s social investments are
executed through charitable corporate contributions and its charitable entities: Lenovo Foundation, U.S. and
Lenovo Foundation Beijing (non-profit registered in China). Business and Foundation assets are managed by a
central team that is focused on collaborating across business units and worldwide geographies to maximize the
charitable impact of the Company’s giving.
Social Investment Objectives
– Partner with charities, educational institutions, and civic organizations to empower under-represented
populations with access to technology and STEM education.
– Share the Company’s Smarter Technology for All vision with communities around the world through
employee volunteerism aligned to its mission and vision.
– Use the Company’s technology and philanthropic resources to strategically respond to natural and
humanitarian disasters, like Covid-19.
The U.N. Global Compact is a public-private strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning
operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment,
and anti-corruption. Lenovo became a signatory to the U.N. Global Compact in 2009 and our Chairman and CEO,
Yang Yuanqing, continues to fully endorse and support its principles. This report serves as Lenovo’s 2020/21
Communication on Progress.

Human Rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to
collective bargaining.
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour.
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Company deployed an immediate plan to support
the health and safety of employees. It has continued to promote awareness and
implement safe practices to protect its employees. Employee awareness remains a vital
component to the containment of the pandemic’s impact on the Company’s operations.
Today, it remains cognizant of its role and responsibilities to maintain a safe and healthy
workplace, while supporting the daily operations with the following actions:
 Tracked mask stock information and state-level COVID cases weekly and applied a
90-day inventory demand as the baseline for all manufacturing locations to ensure
adequate masks and disinfectant.
 Provided sufficient personal protective equipment and safer accommodations for
employees who were required to travel internationally to support local businesses,
including related training to further support safety measures.
 Strictly controlled facility access for suppliers and contractors; permitting entry only
after successful completion of official health screening that complied with local
laws and the Company’s requirements.
 Invited medical professionals to provide voluntary health screenings for more than
900 employees at the Company’s Wuhan facility in China.
 Supported business continuity through various employee training opportunities,
including occupational health, fire prevention, evacuation, and COVID-19
Smarter Diversity and Inclusion Research
The Company recently partnered with Intel to conduct a comprehensive
research study in five markets to understand the perceptions, gaps, wants,
and needs of employees across all generations when it comes to diversity and
inclusion in the workplace, and the critical role technology will play. The
joint global study explores how people around the world view D&I in their
personal and professional lives, and their perspective on the role technology
plays to address systematic inequities, create more access, and enable
“Lenovo Listens” Employee Engagement Survey
The Company seeks the insights of its employees worldwide through its
annual “Lenovo Listens” employee engagement survey. The survey is
designed to measure employee sentiment and capture feedback on the
Company’s performance in creating an equitable and inclusive work
environment. Survey responses are analyzed by a third-party survey vendor
and reported back to the Company in aggregate format, ensuring no
individual responses can be identified. Managers of all levels are encouraged
to use the results to identify areas where they can improve and create
meaningful action plans. 15
Lenovo Philippines Christmas Party / CSR
Beneficiary: Alno-Kadoorie Elementary School located in Alno, La Trinidad Benguet

Love On: 2020 Global Month of Service
Volunteer with Best Buddies Philippines and / or Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines
Bento Making - This workshop will teach us how to make sandwiches that are easy to make yet fun and healthy too!
STEM at Home - This session of STEM at Home will teach them how to build a mini greenhouse and impart the
importance of recycling and sustainability.
Bath Bomb Making - Create your homemade fizzy, luxurious bath bombs with your favorite essential oils and

Love On Albay: Lenovo Foundation Outreach Program in Albay, Legaspi
The objective is to provide opportunities aligned with Lenovo’s Global Philanthropy strategy to
contribute to community needs and unifying our employee base through service and community impact.

2021 Global Month of Service - GMOS Activities with
CRIBS Foundation
Recently, Lenovo Philippines conducted a Read Aloud (Story telling) and
Coloring Activities to the orphans (toddlers) and also to young children
ages 10-16yrs old - Read Aloud, Discuss difficult words, Reading and
comprehension and STEM Activity (Cloud in a Jar making) under the care
of Cribs Foundation.

CSR Initiative: Lenovo Coastal Clean-up

Objective of the Project:

The objective of this project plan are very simple, to clean the coast of Baseco Beach in Tondo, Manila. By cleaning the coast,
we aim to clean up the shoreline of Baseco, as well as to serve as an eye-opener to everyone that whatever we throw in our
bodies of water will go back in our shores.. The coastal clean-up is an easy way to give back. The ocean provides us with so
much. It’s important to make sure we are taking care of it, so that it can continue to take care of us

Project Description:
The purpose of the cleanup is to engage people in the community remove trash and debris from the shoreline, to identify the
sources of the litter, and to change the behaviors that cause pollution. In addition to stimulating action, coastal cleanups increase
public awareness about the accumulation and negative impacts of litter in oceans, on coastlines and on beaches. Marine litter is
any “persistent, manufactured or processed solid material, that is discarded, disposed of, or abandoned in the marine and coastal
environment”. Its sources can be land-based, such as landfills, rivers and inland waterways, areas where solid waste is carelessly
disposed, as well as, ocean-based, for example, through fishing vessels and offshore oil platforms.

One of the main objectives of coastal cleanups is to document the types and quantity of trash collected, and this information can
assist in the analysis of waste management practices. Marine litter affects everyone, and greater understanding of its origins and
impacts will serve as the basis for the collective action needed to control, prevent and/or reduce its impacts.
Pre-implementation of the Coastal Clean-up
1. Present the Plan to Lenovo People First Committee and secure initial approval for the initiative.
2. Lenovo Foundation will evaluate the program and the location where to conduct the Coastal Clean-up.
3. Coordinate with the LGU, Barangay Baseco for approval and secure their cooperation as well for the project.
4. Conduct a site visit to ensure proper planning of the program execution.
5. Prepare survey form and methodology.

During the clean:

6. Briefing the volunteers - Volunteers need to know what they're doing, why, and how - as well as all the risks and how to
keep safe.
7. Provide a bit of background of the beach, the issue of marine litter and why recording it is so important.
8. Go over the key health and safety issues, also, explain the survey form and methodology.
9. Make sure everyone is following the right process - picking up everything they find over the 100m and recording it all.
10. Be available to help and assist people around you.
11. If you've got first aid kit, keep these with you and look out for anyone who needs them.
12. Take photos - especially of the litter on the beach.

After the clean:
1. Weigh and count the black bags. How many volunteers took part?
2. Provide a closing talk:
 Ask if anyone found anything unusual
 Find out what the majority of items were made of (likely to be plastic).
 Run a competition for the highest number of items recorded - number of items not weight. This encourages people to
follow the correct methodology by picking up as much as they can find, and tally up their survey forms.
 Thank them for their help.

Date Time Activity Participants

2nd week of 5:00am – 5:15am Meet up and Roll Volunteer Lenovo employees
November 2021 call
Detailed Schedule
(No specific 5:15am - 6:30am Travel time to Baseco Beach Volunteer Lenovo employees
of Activities: date yet)
6:30am -6:45am Briefing the volunteers Volunteer Lenovo employees
and Barangay representatives

6:45am - 8:30am Clean -up Volunteer Lenovo employees

and Barangay representatives

8:30am-9:00am After clean-up (Closing Volunteer Lenovo employees

remarks) and Barangay representatives

Item Particular Amount in Peso

Lenovo office (BGC, Taguig) - Baseco Beach 0 (Volunteers will use their
Transportation Baseco Beach - Lenovo Office (BGC, Taguig) own car)
Trash Bags (Black Bag, XXL @ 68php per pack x 3)
Materials Face Masks (50 pcs @50php per box x 4)
Alcohol (500ml @90php x 6)
Hand Gloves (1 box = 100 pairs)
First Aid Kit @ 500 per kit x 3

Packed Breakfast c/o Jollibee @150php each meal

Food (30 volunteers from Lenovo and 15 from Brgy Baseco) 6,750
Budget:  4,000

  TOTAL: 13,829

CSR is not about charity nor a public relations activity. CSR is how companies contribute to society through good
business practice, and how it forms part of the company’s core business, it is also more of how companies make
or earn profit, and not how they spend it.
Implementing CSR in a corporation is a challenge. It involves deliberate action and planning on all levels from
the management to the least of the corporate citizens.
In general, the company likes the idea of CSR however planning and execution is still the challenge, typical of
any endeavor worth doing.

However, that is not to say that there are no quick wins to be

done. Continue the current activities locally. Lenovo People
First Committee (CSR team) need to use the PDCA cycle -
Plan, Do, Check and Act in each of the projects that has been
identified and in the overall implementation plan of the CSR
initiative of the company then after which improve on them for
the next cycle.

Actual proposal thru email


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