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Creating a Corporate Blog

by Jennifer Lu

• Some trends on Corporate Blogging

• How to create a successful blog

1. Set up a blogging strategy
2. Find out what your audience really wants
3. Breakthrough the Internet clutter
4. Stimulate discussion and build relationship
5. Humanise your company

• Recommendations
Some trends on Corporate Blogging…

• Blogging becoming mainstream

• chasm between the adoption of blogs at large

companies versus the rest of the world
• businesses with corporate blogs receive 55% more
traffic than small businesses that don’t blog
• For the 90 companies that blog out of the Fortune 500,
most of their blogs are however deemed to be “dull,
drab, and don’t stimulate discussion”
So, how do we create a successful blog?
Now that we know the importance of corporate blogging, especially to small –
medium businesses, but how can we REALLY embed values into our blogs?
First of all,
Set up a blogging strategy that’s in line
with your PR strategy & Business goals
Find out what your audience really wants
Conduct a survey and find out the information needs of your target audience. A corporate
blog is not a storage to place your media releases, it’s a forum that allows you to interact
with your target customers.
Stimulate Discussion.
Breakthrough the Internet clutter

Find your voice Provide real analysis

rather than just news and
discussion and
build relationship
A few ways to do it:
1. Blog about topics of your
audience’s interest
2. Manage Blogger Relations
3. Respond to comments on
your post to start an on-going
Be human!
A company blog is an opportune place to let down your hair and get to know your customers.
Think of it as a conversation between people, not between a brand and one person.
Don’t just write, tell stories from your unique perspective from within the
company. Share opinions, not sales pitches.
Some do’s and don’t’s
Do… Do not…
• Welcome criticism • Turn your blog into a
marketing or PR portal
• Base the content of your
corporate blog on the company’s • Be offensive or take public
PR strategy
• Be personal and distinctive
• Have too many focuses
• Use the blog as a tool to foster
discussion with your target • Use languages that are not
audience suitable for your audience
• Outline a comment policy

Step 1: Conduct a survey in order to find out our target

audience’s information needs

Step 2: Identify blogging approach, content and page

design based on surveys and our blogging strategies

Step 3: Regularly maintain the blog and foster Blogging


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