Chapter One Structure 2

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Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
• Study Background
• Statement of the Problem
• Objective of the Study
• Research Questions or Research Hypothesis
• Theoretical Framework
• Significance of the Study
• Outline of the Thesis
• Summary
Thesis Title
• Employee Perceptions of how Human Resource Management (HRM)
Practices Influence Organizational Performance
1.1 Study Background
• The background study for a thesis includes a review of the area being
researched, current information surrounding the issue, previous
studies on the issue, and relevant history on the issue.
• Ideally, the study should effectively set forth the history and
background information on your thesis problem.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
• This section should focus on why the particular study is needed. It
should not be too long, but long enough to tell what the study will
contribute to theory or the problem under consideration.
1.3 Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
• The proposal should include a brief yet substantive summary of the
theory that under girds the study and briefly summarizes previously
conducted studies most relevant to the topic under investigation.
• A conceptual framework provides a narrative and sometimes a visual
structure depicting the logical connections among key elements of
the theory, constructs, and/or phenomenon of interest.
1.4 Objective of the Study
• A distinct, direct, short section that explicitly states what the study is about
is often helpful. This section describes specifically what the study will
attempt to discover or accomplish.
• With a clear statement of purpose, the study becomes focused, the under
girding logic becomes evident, and the relationship between what is going
to be studied and how the study will be conducted becomes clearer.

• The main objectives of the study are:

• To examine the extent to which HRM practices affect organizational performance?
• To review the perception of organization culture to employees commitment and
employees retention.
1.5 Research Questions
• At this point, research questions are posed. They usually are succinct
statements of the broad implications expected from the study.
Depending upon the research paradigm guiding the study, hypotheses
may be postulated.
• Examples
• To what extent does HRM practices impact on organizational performance?
• How does perception of organization culture affect employees commitment and employees
1.6 Significance of the Study
• The study must be justified with respect to established theory,
previously conducted research, and the significance of the anticipated
results to practitioners and scholars.
• The main purpose of research is to inform action, to prove a theory,
and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. This is a
broad statement as to why the study is important.
1.7 Outline of the Thesis
• This thesis aims to make substantial contributions to the understanding and
development of employee perceptions of how human resource management
practices influence organizational performance. Logical presentation of
arguments is the overriding consideration that guides the layout of this thesis.
• Consequently, the thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter 2 contains the
conceptual issues on the development of employee perceptions of how human
resource management practices influence organizational performance.
• Chapter 3 presents the methodological and analytical framework. It reviews the
various research strategies, techniques and procedures to gather relevant data
for this research. The research was mainly qualitative method (interviews, FGD,
telephone interview and documentary analysis) to unravel the findings of the
1.8 Summary
• Chapter one highlights the foundation for the thesis. It introduces the
research, background to the research, the research problem,
justification for the research and the research objectives. This chapter
also reviews the research questions, significance of the study and the
theoretical framework briefly described.
• Based on this groundwork, the thesis proceed with a detailed review
of relevant literature in chapter 2.
2.0 Chapter 2 – Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
• This chapter reviews the extant literature with specific emphasis and
understanding of the development of employee perceptions of how human
resource management practices influence organizational performance. In
particular, the review relate to how employees perceived organization culture
to employees commitment and retention.
• This chapter also highlights the weaknesses as well as the gaps in knowledge of
related literature. It reviews the depth in knowledge of the existing literature
and provided a framework with the necessary theoretical argument from
relevant literature that is required to consolidate the research issues elucidated
in chapter one, and to facilitate the understanding of the subsequent chapters.
Content of Chapter 2
2.2 Cultural to Employee Perception

• Summarizes what is known and identifies and what is unknown about the topic
of the dissertation study. The more extensive the previous work, the more
involved the preparation of this chapter becomes.
• A thorough review of the previous research and literature is a necessity, only that
which has a direct bearing on the problem should be included.
• Unnecessary details should be avoided, but major findings and relevant
methodological issues should be included.
• Relevant examples of research that reports findings that do not support the case
being made for the dissertation should also be included.
2.7 Summary
• This chapter reviewed the theoretical dimension of the literature that
critically treats the issues around the development of employee
perceptions of how human resource management practices influence
organizational performance……….
• Finally, this chapter identified weaknesses in the existing literature
with serious culture dimension in human resource approach to
organization performance. Thus, two objectives set out in Chapter 1.4
were satisfactorily addressed.

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