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Final Project



S A L A Z A R , C RY S T H E L J A N E




Coronary Heart Disease PSA Report
CHD accounted for approximately According to Philippine Statistics
13% of deaths in the US in the year Authority, heart diseases were the
2018. According to 2005 to 2014 top cause of deaths in the
data, there are 605,000 new attacks Philippines in the year 2020.
and 200,000 recurrent attacks.
ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
Many people with heart diseases are
risks of having heart attack anytime.
Unfortunately, some may die
because they are alone and no help
is available.

This project consists of the following:
◦ ACC Heart Rate Monitoring Device
ACC Heart ◦ ACC Heart Rate Monitoring Application
◦ ACC Speaker
Rate Monitor
Heart Rate Monitoring Device

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor

• Real-time heart rate monitoring

• Sends report to ACC App
• Triggers the alarm (in the patient’s arm and
application) if an anomaly in heart rate is
detected .
• If triggered, immediately sends the alert
through message and the patient’s location
ACC Speaker

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
• Connected to ACC
Device through wired or
• Notify the public if the
patient’s heart rate is not
normal through an alarm
Heart Rate Monitoring App
(Main Page)

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
Heart Rate Monitoring App
(Main Page)

◦ ACC Monitoring app is basically the source of information

to the guardians or personal nurse/doctor where reports from
the ACC device is being sent.

ACC Heart
◦ Report including average heart rate of the patient every hour.
◦ Real-time report is being sent from the device to the ACC

Rate Monitor app but the algorithm used in the application filters the
unnecessary reports.
About ◦ An ACC app can be used to monitor patients at a time.
◦ Add patients to monitor using the ACC device serial number.
Researchers Ramapiya Ranganath, Parag
Jain, Akarsh Kolekar, and Sneha Baliga
developed a HRM device that can be wear as
wrist watch. Their aim is to design a prototype of
a wearable comprising of medical sensors, in this
case, a pulse sensor, which transmits data to
LinkIt One, a proto‐typing board for IoT devices,
ACC Heart which then sends real time data to a database,
Rate Monitor from where data is retrieved and used to plot a
dynamic graph on an app (Android and iOS).
Related Study
Their project also aim prevent medication
errors from occurring and to increase efficiency
and accuracy of existing medical health systems.
Ramapiya Ranganath, Parag Jain, Akarsh
Kolekar, and Sneha Baliga’s project is similar to
our project as their project and our project’s main
goal is to monitor someone medically including
heart rate and a solution to specific problem or
expand current information.
ACC Heart While there are similarities, our project
Rate Monitor serves different purpose for our project aim to
Related Study minimize the death of person who has heart
diseases through alerting the public, and/or their
guardian or personal healthcare companion. To be
able to respond, be able to give necessary first aid.
This project will serve as a benefit to the
society, thus, the objective of this study are:

◦ Attempt to minimize death related to heart

disease (e.g. heart attack)
ACC Heart ◦ Provide real-time necessary information about

Rate Monitor the patient’s heart rate.

◦ Provide small amount of assurance to persons
Objective of the Study
with heart disease.
ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
Main Page

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
GUI Screenshots
Show Summary

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
GUI Screenshots

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
GUI Screenshots

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
GUI Screenshots

ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
GUI Screenshots
Project Realization

If this project is an actual project that can achieve its objectives, the
researchers conclude, based on other similar projects that this will actually
help person with heart problems.
Although this project itself cannot save the person having heart attack,
it can at least minimize the risk of the person dying. Lastly, based on the
ACC Heart technology we have now, the researchers conclude that this project is
Rate Monitor feasible.

Future Plan About the Project

Since there are always room for innovation, the researchers are
hoping that one day, this project will become real and will be achieved
with improve user interface and functionalities and may not focus only to
minimize the mortality rate of person with diseases.
ACC Heart
Rate Monitor
HCI Final Project
Aguirre, Kyla Andrea
Salazar, Crysthel Jane
Thank you!
Torres, Christian T.

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