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Example Basis Sets

1. For the molecule H2O, using a basis set of the type 4-31G, determine justifying:

(i) how many basis functions we expect to have? (Answer: 13 basis functions)
(ii) and how many Gaussian primitives? (Answer: 28 primitives)

2. For the molecule F2O, using a basis set of the type 6-31G* [6-31G(d)],
and considering 6D, determine justifying:

(iii) how many basis functions we expect to have? (Answer: 45 basis functions)
(iv) and how many Gaussian primitives? (Answer: 84 primitives)
Example Basis Sets

3. For the molecule N2O, using a basis set of the type 6-311+G(3df),
and considering 5D and 7F, determine justifying:

(v) how many basis functions we expect to have? (Answer: 117 basis functions)
(vi) and how many Gaussian primitives? (Answer: 174 primitives)

4. For the molecule CF3CH2F, using a basis set of the type 6-311+G(3df,2p),
and considering 5D and 7F, determine justifying:

(vii) how many basis functions we expect to have? (Answer: 252 basis functions)
(viii) and how many Gaussian primitives? (Answer: 370 primitives)

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