The Cold News: Disagreement Between Allies Increase Mistrust

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By: Raisa Massitela 16 th February

Disagreement between allies increase mistrust
But in the Yalta Conference “Everybody has a right to be
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill stupid but some people abuse
had decided that the USSR the privilege”
would invade Japan once Joseph Stalin
Germany surrendered, in order
Stalin responded by using
to bring the war in Asia to a
Salami Tactics, to take over
quicker conclusion.
Eastern Europe countries one
Truman, disagreed with some by one in Romania, Bulgaria
of the Yalta Conference and Czechoslovakia. By the
agreements and decided to time the Conference was over,
create an American foreign Truman had become even
policy that countered Soviet more convinced that he had to
geopolitical expansion, which adopt a tough policy toward
he called the Truman Doctrine. the Soviets, because countries
Just as he arrived for the liberated from Nazi control
conference in Potsdam, were starting to fall under the
A picture from 1945 shows the participants of the influence communism, such as
Truman was informed that the
Potsdam Conference at the end of the WWII. From Poland which was supposed to
United States had successfully
left Clement Atlee (GB), Harry S. Truman (USA) become democratic after Yalta
tested the first atomic bomb.
and Joseph Stalin (USSR) in July 17th, stting in Conference.
Hoping to use the weapon as
chairs, protected by its security men.
leverage with the Soviets in the The USA leader saw this as
postwar world, Truman expansionism. Stalin had
The Potsdam Conference casually mentioned to Stalin come to believe more strongly
that America was now in that the United States and
The origins of the cold war were founded in the post possession of a weapon of Great Britain were conspiring
war conference at Potsdam, between President Harry S. monstrously destructive force. against the Soviet Union.
Truman, the new leader of USA, Clement Atlee, the new Stalin claimed that his actions
leader of UK and Stalin the leader of USSR, during the were in self-defense and that
“I casually mentioned to Stalin
17th of July – 2nd of August. he was sticking to the
that we had a new weapon of
With the change in leadership after the Yalta percentages agreement with
unusual destructive force. The
Conference, the New Big Three met Potsdam on the 17th Russian Premier showed no Churchill from 1944..
July where they discussed about turning Poland into a special interest. All he said was As for Churchill, he was not
democratic country and how to deal with Germany and he was glad to hear it and present for the closing
Eastern Europe at the end of WWIII and agreed to set up hoped we would make good ceremonies. His party lost in
the United Nations Organization (UNO). During the use of it against the Japanese” the elections in England, and
conference, tension quickly rose between the allies. Harry Truman he was replaced midway
The Potsdam Conference, literally did not go as well as through the conference by the
the Yalta Conference. The Leaders disagreed on many The president was new prime minister, Clement
points which increased mistrust between them and disappointed when the Soviet Attlee. However Churchill’s
caused the end of the GRAND ALLIANCE. The only leader merely responded that speech in 1946 ‘Iron Curtain’
two points which they agreed on were creating the UNO he hoped the United States argued that Stalin had over
and dividing Germany into 4 zones. would use it to bring the war stepped his ‘sphere of
with Japan to a speedy end. influence’
Harry Truman, the new leader of USA was mad at Thus the tension between the
Stalin, the USSR leader. By August 1945, soviet troops Concluding the Cold war
allies rose as the ‘spheres of started in psychological way.
had ‘liberated’ Poland with communist influence. He did influence’ set for a pattern of
not want the USSR to enter the war against Japan since Because of two different
psychological intimidation. ideologies (Communism and
Germany surrendered in May, as he feared that the
USSR would spread Communism into Japan, as was In private, The USSR leader Democracy) a new war started
happening in Eastern Europe (Poland). took Truman’s action as a between USA and USSR,
threat. which was called the Cold

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