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Factors affecting the use of ICT

Topic 8
Social factors
 ICT is influenced by social factors, the widespread use of ICT has
led to a lot of benefits to society but it does also create a number of
social problems such as:
 Reduces the number of manual jobs-jobs have been replaced by
computers of robots.
 Changes the way a job is done-people have to adapt to the ways
jobs are done as they are always changing.
 Job loss-ICT systems are being used for different tasks as they are
constantly evolving.
 De-skills certain jobs- a typist was a skilled job but now anyone
with a basic knowledge of word processing-software can produce
professional looking documents.
 Reduced social interaction at work-more and more
people are working from home so it means less face to
face interaction with colleagues.
 Changes in leisure time-more people are working
twilights, nights and weekends instead of the normal 9 to
 Addictions- many people are addicting to certain
aspects of ICT like gambling, pornography and chat
 Blurs the distinction between ‘home’ and ‘work’-
companies give staff laptops on which they can do work
at home outside normal work hours which can cause
family conflicts
Cultural factors


laws beliefs

habits customs

morals arts
Changes in cultures caused by ICT
 People have a more relaxed attitude to copyright issues
 People taking a more relaxed attitude towards issues such as
 People exploring new ideas such as new religions, complementary
medicine, etc.
Faith on the web
 Podcasting, Facebook and MySpace, blogs and online churches are
all becoming popular for many religions.
 It makes it easier for people to talk about there faith if they feel more
comfortable talking on the internet or visiting sites where people
have the same views.
 Many churches have websites for their congregation and others to
keep in touch and build a more religious community.
 St pixels is an online church and it helps spread
the word about the religion and there beliefs. This
is a way ICT has changed culture.
ICT and the arts
 Instead of buying a whole album in CD form,
you can just buy tracks you want from ITunes
 It is easier to find music online rather than in
 Your able to carry all your music around by mp3
players etc instead of loads of CDs
Cultural factors in other countries
 Low levels of education and literacy skills-make it
hard for people to make use of ICT
 Very few internet services and unreliable internet
 Lack of money-low incomes and cannot afford new
 Lack of fluency in English-about 80% of all
information on the WWW is in English
 Lack of interest from foreign companies- foreign
companies are unwilling to invest due to the
political situation
Legal factors
 Copyright laws-prevent the free passage of music
 Selling devices that crack codes or copy right
protection-these would encourage people to
break the law
 Mobile communication like using your mobile
phone whilst driving is banned unless you have a
hands-free kit.
Economic factors
 Labour costs being cheaper-call centre's located
in different countries that offer cheaper services
like India.
 Fuel costs- a lot of fuel is wasted when you get
lost so GPS systems make it more efficient
 Availability of high speed internet- not everyone
has broadband although numbers are growing.
Environmental factors
 CRT-LCD screens
 Cost of running computers can be very high. Macs run on lower
 Hardware recycling
 Carbon footprint
 Print preview-to save paper.
 Websites like Mazooma to encourage recycling or mobiles phones.

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