Shear KN Moment (KNM) Axial Force (KN) : Loading

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1 ( Design of simple shear wall with enlarged ends & opening )

Design a shear wall of length 4.16 m and thickness 250 mm is subjected to following
forces (see fig. ). Assume fck = 20 and fy = 415 N/mm2 and the wall is a high wall with
following loadings. Design the reinforcement around opening 1200 mm x 1200 mm.

Loading Axial force (kN ) Moment (kNm) Shear kN

1. DL + LL 1950 600 20

2. Seismic load 250 4800 700

Reinforcement around opening

Solution :

 STEP 1 : Determine design loads –

Assuming load factor 0.8 when gravity load assists stability and
load factor 1.2 when gravity load opposes stability
Factored Axial Force :
P1 (case 1) = (0.8 x 1950 )+ (1.2 x 250 ) = 1860 kN

P2 (case 2) = 1.2(1950 + 250 ) = 2640 kN

Factored Moment = 1.2 (4800 + 600 ) = 6480 kN-m

Factored Shear = 1.2 (700 + 20) = 864 kN

 STEP 2 : Check whether boundary elements are required –

Generally boundary elements are provided when extreme stresses

exceeds 4 N/mm2 .

Assuming uniform thickness t = 250 mm for L = 4160 mm

bd 3 250  41603
I   1.5  1012 mm 4
12 12

A  bd  4160  250  1.04  10 6 mm 2

Combined fc   y
Axial &
(2.64)10 6 (6.48)10 9 4160
Bending fc  6
 12 = +11.52 and - 6.45 N/mm 2
(1.04)10 (1.5)10 2
Extreme Fiber stresses +11.52 & - 6.45 N/mm2 > (0.2 fck)

= 0.2 x 25 = 5 N/mm2
Hence the boundary elements are needed.

 STEP 3 : Adopt dimension of boundary element –

Adopt a bar bell type wall with central 3400 mm portion and
two ends 380 x 760 m giving a total length of (3400 + 380 + 380 ) = 4160 mm

3400 mm
STEP 4 : Check whether two layers of steel is required –

Two layers are required if –

1. Shear stress is more than 0.25 fck
2. Thickness of section is more than 200 mm

Checking the above 2 conditions

1. Depth of section = c/c of boundary element = 3400 + 380 = 3780 mm

V 864  10 3
Nominal Shear stress v    0.92 N / mm 2
bd 250  3780
0.25 fck  0.25 20  1.11N / mm 2

2. Thickness of 250 mm > 200 mm

Therefore, Use two layers of steel with suitable cover.
 STEP 5 : Determine Steel required –

Consider min. steel ( Asmin ) p = 0.25%)

Asmin = 0.0025 x 250 x 1000 per m length

= 625 mm2 in two layers.

Provide 10 tor @ 250 mm c/c. ( 314 mm2 per meter length )

Spacing 250 < 450 (max.allowed)

Provide the same vertical and horizontal steel.

 STEP 6 : Calculation of Shear capacity of steel “Vs” –

Nominal shear stress, v = 0.92 N/mm2

For 0.25 % steel & fck = 20,

Critical shear stress c = 0.36 N/mm2 (as per Table 9 of IS:456-2000)

Shear taken by steel “Vs”,

Vs = (0.92 – 0.36) b d

= 0.56 x 250 x 3780 = 529200 N = 529.2 kN

STEP 7 : Calculate steel necessary to take “Vs” –
Vs Asv
 0.87 fy Vs = S.F. resisted by horiz. shear r/f
d Sv Asv = area of horiz. shear r/f
d = 3780 Sv = spacing of shear r/f

Required Asv (529.2)(103 )

 = 0.388
Sv (0.87)(415)(3780)
Consider 1m height = Sv
Horizontal steel area = 628 mm2 = Asv
Available Asv 628
  0.628 > 0.388 Hence min. steel provided is okey
Sv 1000
for shear requirement
STEP 7a) : Find flexural strength of web of shear wall –

P = 0.8(1950)+1.2(250) = 1860 kN
Assuming it as UDL over the area. The axial load for central part of beam - Pw
3400  250
Pw  1860
(3400  250)  2(380  760)
Pw  1860  0.595  1107 kN
STEP 8 : Calculate parameter ,  and ( x / L) –
Ref. IS:13920-1993, Appendix “A” : Moment of Resistance of rectangular Shear Wall

Pw 1107  103
   0.065
fcktL 20  250  3400
0.87 fy (0.87)(415)(0.0025)
   0.045
fck 20
  0.516

x  

L 0.36  2

x 0.065  0.045 x
  0.24  0.5
L 0.36  0.09 L
Mu  x
  [1  ][ 0.5  0. 42 ] ( Ref. IS:13920-1993)
fcktL  L
Mu 0.065 x
 0 .045 [1  ][ 0.5  0.42 ]
fcktL 0.045 L
 0.041
M.R. of Mu  (0.041(20)(250)(3400) 2  2370kNm
Shear Wall
This is less than Factored Moment 6480 kN-m required.
 STEP 9 : Calculate moment to be carried by boundary element
M1= 6480 – 2370 = 4110 kN-m
 STEP 10 : Calculate compression and tension in boundary element due to M1
Distance between boundary elements = 3.480 + 0.380= 3.86 m = c
M 1 4110
Axial load carried by boundary element =   1065kN ( as per Cl. 9.4.2)
c 3.86

This load acts as tension on one end and as compression at the other end.
 STEP 11 : Calculate compression due to the axial loads at these ends
1  0.595
Fraction of area at each end   0.2025 ( Ref. Step 7a)
Factored compression at compression end. Taking worst case.

P2 = (0.2025) (2640) = 535 kN ( Ref. Step 1)

Factored compression at tension end (taking P1)

P1 = (0.2025 ) (1860 ) = 377 kN Axial load carried by boundary element

Compression at compression end = 1065 + 535 = 1600 kN

Tension at the tension end = -1065 +377 = -688 kN

 STEP 12 : Design the boundary elements compression

a. Design one end as column

b. Check laterals for confinement

c. Check for anchorage and splice length

STEP 13 : Design tension side of shear wall
Provide the same steel also on the tension end as in compression end.
(Earthquake forces can act in both direction)

 STEP 14 : Design the reinforcement around opening

Assuming opening size as 1200 x 1200
% steel
Area of reinforcement cut off by opening =  1200  250  0.0025  750mm 2
4 Nos. 16 mm bar area = 804 mm2
Provide 2 nos. 16 mm, one on each face of wall, on all the sides of the hole to
compensate for steel cut off by hole.

Reinforcement around opening

Example 2 : (Lateral stiffness of shear walls )

A bar bell type shear wall with central part 3600 x 150 mm and two 400 x 400
mm strong bands at each ends is supported on a footing 8 m x 4 m which rests on soil
whose module is 30,000 kN/m3 . Assume fck =20 and height of the wall is 14 m.

Determine the lateral stiffness of wall.

Solution : Lateral stiffness = Force required at for unit deflection 

total = 1 bending +
2 shear +
3 foundation rocking

 STEP 1 : Calculate deflection of wall due to unit load at top (bending deflection)
WH 3
1 
5700 fck  25.5kN / mm 2
Ec  5000
150(3600) 3  400( 400) 3 
I   (400) 2 ( 2000) 2 
12  12 
I  1.87  1012 mm 4
Deflection due to unit load, W = 1 kN
(14000)3 7
11  3 12
 1 .92  10 mm / N
(3)(25.5 10 )(187  10 )
 STEP 2 : Calculate deflection due to shear (shear deflection)
2 
Where C = constant = shape factor (0.8 for rectangle )
A = (150 x 3600 ) + ( 2 x 400 x 400 ) = 8.6 x 105 mm2
(assume  = 0.22 )
E 25.5
G   10.45kN / mm 2
2(1  0.22) 2(1  0.22)
Deflection for unit load 1 2 
0.8 AG

(0.8)(8.6  105 )(10.5  103 )
 0.194  10 5 mm / N

 STEP 3 : Calculate deflection due to rocking of foundation unit load at top

(deflection due to rocking of foundation )
γ = Modulus of sub-grade reaction = 30,000 kN / m3, Foundation size = 8 m x 4 m

WH 2 BL3
 3 rocking  M    R = Moment due to rotation θ
(30,000)(4)(8) 3
R  512  104 kNm / radian
Deflection due to W = 1 moment produce due to
unit rotation of foundation
H2 (14) 2 5
13   4
 3. 83  10 mm / N
R (512)(10 )
 STEP 4 : Calculate lateral stiffness of the wall
Stiffness 
Total deflection due to unit load
1 = 1-1 + 1-2 + 1-3
= (1.92 + 0.19 + 3.83 ) x 10-5 = 5.94 x 10-5 mm

1 105
Stiffness    16.8kN / mm
 5.95

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