Sesion 22

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The present perfect equivalent more or less to the perfect past of

Spanish. We will see the differences in the section on uses. In general, it is
a mixture between the present and the past. We use it for actions in the
past that are important in the present.
(El presente perfecto equivale más o menos al pretérito perfecto del
español. Veremos las diferencias en la sección sobre usos. En general, es
una mezcla entre el presente y el pasado. Lo usamos para acciones en el
pasado que tienen importancia en el presente.)
Se usa el verbo auxiliar “to have” en el presente y el participio pasado del
Affirmative Sentences= Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) + participio pasado…

I have talked to Peter. (He hablado con Peter.)

She has gone to work. (Ha ido a su trabajo.)

We have been to London. (Hemos ido a Londres.)

They have learned English. (Han aprendido inglés.)

You have studied math (Has estudiado matemáticas.)

Negative Sentences= Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) + “not” + participio

I haven’t talked to Peter. (No he hablado con Peter.)

She hasn’t gone to work. (No ha ido a su trabajo.)

We haven’t been to London. (No hemos estado en Londres.)

They haven’t learned English. (No han aprendido inglés.)

I hasn´t gone to the beach (No he ido a la playa)

• Interrogative Sentences= Verbo auxiliar (to have) + sujeto + participio pasado…?

• Have you talked to Peter?(¿Has hablado con Peter?)

• ¿Has she gone to work? (¿Ha ido a su trabajo?)

• Have you been to London? (¿Has ido a Londres?)

• Have they learned English? (¿Han aprendido inglés?)

• ¿Has she read the book? (¿Has leído el libro?)

• En este tiempo se usan expresiones de tiempo no concretas (“never”, “ever”, “many
times”, “for”, “since”, “already”, “yet” …)
Ella va a la U Ustedes son estudiantes
She goes to the U You are students
She went to the U You were students
She will go to the U You will be students
She is Going to the U You are being students
She was Going to the U Tou were being students
She has gone to the U You have been students
Estuve enfermo Estuviste enfermo? Estas enfermo?
I was sick Were you sick? Are you sick?

Ustedes nunca se enferman Ustedes nunca enferman

You never get sick You never get sick

No he estado enfermo No estuve enfermo

I haven´t been sick I wasn´t sick
Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. They _________________a cold. (have)

2. She __________________up at seven. (get up)

3. We __________________breakfast at eight. (have)

4. Peter _________________to school. (go)

5. Anna _________________home at two. (get)

6. He ___________________an ice cream. (want)

7. I ____________________peppermint. (hate)

8. Kelly ___________________TV. (watch)

9. She __________________her homework. (do)

10. Our teacher _________________in Oxford Street. (live)

11. Eric and Tom __________________blue shirts. (wear)

12. My sister ___________________a song. (sing)

13. My mum ___________________spaghetti. (cook)

14. Mr. Black___________________ in his office. (work)

15. The girls often_________________ a book. (read)

16. Mrs. Snow ___________________a fantastic cake. (make)

17. Debbie ____________________a new bike. (buy)

18. I ______________________my little dog yet. (not feed)

Shopping /SHäpiNG/ De compras
Likes and dislikes
I found a pretty clothe I don´t have enough money
There are everything here The prices are high
This color is pretty I don´t like to Walk all time
Shopping Vocabulary
Usual expressions
Do sentences about new vocabulary
Last time I have forgotten my wallet at home, but I have some money in
my pocket.

A bottle of wine fell off the shelf and broke when I was passing but I did
´t have the foult.
Do like and dislike situations
I play soccer every Saturday I have to go to the market early
To go to work Ir a trabajar
AT WORK To work long hours A trabajar largas horas
To resign Renunciar
A career Una carrera
To hire Contratar
Working conditions Las condiciones de trabajo
To be on strike Estar en huelga
A job interview Una entrevista de trabajo To be in charge of Estar a cargo de
Vocational training Entrenamiento vocacional To work overtime Trabajar horas extra
Office hours Horas de oficina To earn a living Ganarse la vida
The workforce La fuerza de trabajo To apply Aplicar
A job offer Una oferta de trabajo To take a day off Para tomarse un día libre
An odd job Un trabajo extraño To retire Retirarse
An occupation Una ocupación To look for a job Buscar trabajo
A skill Una habilidad To fire Para disparar
Salary – wages Salarios To work as .. Trabajar como ..
A training period Un período de entrenamiento To work half-time Trabajar medio tiempo
A (trade-) union Un sindicato (sindical) To work part-time Para trabajar a tiempo parcial
To work full-time Trabajar a tiempo completo
Well-paid Bien pagado
Badly-paid Mal pagado
Unemployed Desempleados
Underpaid Poco pagado
Temporary Temporal
An executive Un ejecutivo
An employee Un empleado
A temporary worker Un trabajador temporal
A blue-collar worker Un trabajador de cuello azul
A pensioner Un jubilado
A retiree Un jubilado
A trainee Un aprendiz
A trade-unionist Un sindicalista
Do sentences about work

Mike lives in a wonderful house, his job is a  one well paid

My grandfather has been retired for five years

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