Form 2 Chapter 4 Human Health

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Human Health

Caused by infection of pathogens Caused by genetic factor or

directly through mediums and lifestyle .

Example: tuberculosis, flu, ringworm, Example: Cancer, hypertension,

tinea, leptospirosis, dengue fever, diabetes, asthma and
malaria fever, and Zika fever. cardiovascular disease.

Meaning: A disease that can be A disease that cannot be

transmitted from one individual to transmitted form one individual to
another. another.
How are infectious disease spread?

■ Pathogen is the organisms that cause disease.

■ All virus, some bacteria, protozoa, fungi and worms are
■ Infectious diseases are spread by pathogens transmitted
from an infected person (host) to another person through
vectors and mediums such as water, air and contact,vector.
Transmission Through water

■ Transmission through water usually occurs in

areas that do not have clean tap water supply.
■ If someone uses toilet built above a river, the
faeces containing pathogens will be released into
the river and contaminate it.
■ Floods could also spread infectious diseases.
■ Diseases transmitted through water include
cholera, typhoid fever and amoebic dysentery.
Transmission of diseases by water can be
prevented by:
■ Repairing sanitation systems
■ Adding chlorine in water supply systems
■ Boil drinking water properly
■ Washing hand with soap
Transmission Through airborne diseases

■ Droplet transmission. Splashes of water containing

pathogens come out of the mouth and nose of patients when
they sneeze, cough, talk, yawn and breath.

■ Dust transmission- when spit from a patient dries up, the

bacteria in it form a spores and spread together with dust
through the air.
Transmission of airborne diseases can be prevented
■ Covering our mouth and nose when we sneeze, yawn or cough.
■ Avoid spitting everywhere.
■ Avoid being in crowded places
■ Houses must be illuminated by sufficient light because
ultraviolet rays in light can kill some microorganisms in the air.
Through contact
■ There are two types of diseases that can be transmitted through
contact. They are ringworm and tinea.
■ Infection occurs when a person touches another person’s skin or
wear their clothes.
Through vector
■ Some pathogens need animals to transfer them
from one host to another new host.
■ Vectors are animals that transfer these
pathogens. Examples of vectors: rats, flies,
cockroaches and lice.
Infection through vector
Several type of disease,symptom,pathogen,vector, and ways
of infection
Disease Symptoms Pathogen vector Way of
Malaria Shivering, fever, Plasmodium Female Mosquito bite
and sweating malariae anopheles

Cholera Diarrhea and Vibrio fly Contaminated

vomiting cholera food and water
Dengue Joint paint, virus Aedes Mosquito bite
fever, headache mosquito
and watery eyes
Mechanism to avoid transmission of infectious

Primary stage • Maintain cleanliness of self, family,

household and sanitation system.
• Get vaccine injection
• Practise healthy lifestyle such as
exercise and have a balance diet.
Secondary stage • Provide early treatment for patients.
• Separate patients from other people.

Tertiary stage • Control vector population.

• Protect the host ( wear a thick and
long- sleeved clothing when
4.2 Body defence
■ Pollutants and microorganisms constantly enter the body
i) respiratory system
ii) digestive system
iii) excretory system
iv) skin

 These substances must be destroyed by the body to prevent

First line of defence
■ The human skin is made of a tough layer and difficult to be penetrated
by microorganisms.
■ Microorganism can only get into the body if there is a wound or if the
skin injured.
■ Mucous membrane
second line of defence
■ White blood cells engulf (eat) and digest the pathogens using
enzymes through phagocytosis.
third line of defence
■ Fight pathogen by producing antibodies.
■ Antibodies attach to pathogens and cause pathogens to clump
■ Antibody is a protein produced by white blood cells into the
bloodstream in response of antigen.
■ Antigen is a foreign substances that comes from outside the
body and induce the production of antibodies.
Antibody and antigen
■ Antibody is a protein produced by white blood cells into the
bloodstream in response to antigens.
■ Antigen is a foreign substance that comes from outside the body
and induces the production of antibodies.
Importance of immunisation
■ Children are more easily affected by these diseases.
■ As new born babies’ immune systems are not fully developed,
vaccination is needed.
■ Immunisation is a process of giving defence or immunity
against a disease actively to a baby or child.
■ Vaccine is a death or weak antigen that will stimulate the
immune system and produce antibodies to fight against specific
Passive and active immunity
Active immunity: body produces own antibodies when
stimulated by antigens
 Immunity obtained after a
 Immunity obtained form
person heals or recovers from
vaccine injection.
disease attack.
Immunity last long after
 Immunity last long after
 example: BCG vaccines.
 Example: chicken pox
Passive and active immunity
Passive immunity: body receives antibodies form external
 Immunity obtained from an
 Immunity obtained from a antiserum injection which
mother. Baby receive contain antibodies.
antibodies from their mother’s Immunity is fast and
milk. temporary.
 Immunity is temporary.  Injection given to someone
with a disease or high risk of
being infected.
 example: snake bites
Active immunity: body produces own antibodies when stimulated by

Natural Artificial
Immunity obtained when a person Vaccine injection
recovers from disease attack.
Example: chicken pox

Passive immunity: body receives antibodies from external resources

Natural Artificial
Baby receive antibody from their Received antiserum injection which
mother’s milk contain antibodies.
Strong immune system

causes that causes that weaken the

immune system

Exposure to Excessive Exposure to

polluted air sugar intake pesticides
Strong immune system

Practices that strengthen the immune


Not smoking and Doing period

Getting enough Exercising and
n exposure to health
sleep and rest inhaling fresh air
cigarette smoke examination

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