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REA C By: Mikyla
B. Gumpa
R Harold Cab l

PA 11E uloy

 Understands the principles and uses of a reaction
 Forms of opinions based on the facts or topics.
 You’ll be able to identify the context of a reaction
Reaction Paper
Reaction or response papers are designed so that you'll consider
carefully what you think or feel about something you've read or
A reaction paper is typically a 2-5 pages document in which the
writer responds to one or more texts. Reaction papers are often
used as tools in a class-setting to encourage students to think
critically about texts, and how those texts are in conversation with
each other, or with a wider field of discourse.
How to write a Reaction Paper?
● A reaction or response paper requires the writer to analyze a
text, then develop comments that are related to it.
● It is a popular academic assignment because it requires
thoughtful reading, research, and writing. You can learn how to
write a reaction by following this writing tips.
Writing Tips • Question as you read.

• Decide on your angle

• Prewrite and actively reading.
• Free write
• Figure out what the assignment is
asking. • Determine your thesis

• Read the text you are assigned • Organize your paper

right after it is assigned
• Gather quotations
• Annotate the text as you read.
• Structure your paragraphs.
Prewrite and Actively
Understand the purpose of a reaction paper reaction or response paper
are assigned so that after reading a text. You will think carefully about
what you feel or think about the text.
Figure out what the
assignment is asking
Before beginning your paper, you must figure out exactly what your
teacher or professor is looking for. Some teachers want you to react by
analyzing or evaluating the reading. Other teachers want a personal
response. Make sure you understand which kind of a reaction that
assignment calls for.
Read the text you are
assigned right after it
is assigned.
A reaction synthesizes is the texts, which means you take the
information you read and bring it together so you can analyze and
evaluate. You have to give yourself time to do the readings, but more
importantly, the digest what you’ve read so you can put the ideas
Annotate the text as
you read
As you read through the text again, annotate it. Annotating in the
margins of the text allows you to easily locate quotations, plot lines,
character development or reactions to the text
Question as you read

As you read the text, you have to start questioning the text. This is
where your evaluation of the material and their reaction begins.
Decide on your angle
Reaction papers have to be critical and have some evaluation of the
text. Otherwise, you are just summarizing what you read. After
freewriting, decide what your angle is. Keep asking yourself the same
questions as the craft or coherent reaction.
Free write
Start by free writing your reactions and evaluations of the author’s
ideas. Try to put into words what you think the author is trying to do
and whether you agree or disagree. Then ask yourself why, and
explain why you think these things.
Determine your thesis

Now that you have completed your free writing and found your
angle, you can now shape this into an argument.
Organize your paper

Your paper should follow basic essay format. It needs an introduction,

body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should
direct support your thesis.
Gather quotations
After you organize your ideas into paragraphs, you need to find
quotations that will support your points. You must back up your
claims with evidence from the text.
Structure your
Your paragraphs should always start with a topic sentence. Then you
have to decide how to structure your paragraph.
Additional Writing Tips
State your main Avoid starting
01 idea clearly
04 with a quote

Keep it short
02 and sweet

03 introducing
In summary…a reaction paper
is/ should NOT:

• A stream of consciousness • Be autobiographical papers

paper about why you like or do not
like something
• Include a lot of “I think, or I
believe” statements • Simply repeating what the
author has already said
• Use the pronoun you
A reaction paper
• Summarize what you are reacting
• A reaction to something you have in the beginning of the paper
read or seen
• Explain your reactions to the
• Be organized topic and explain why you think
this way about your topic
• Have citations and references
• Judge, analyze, or evaluate the
• Include your opinions but be issues of the topic
careful to support opinions with
evidence • Identify and discuss the
polarizing issues of the topic
Quiz time!
1.) A good reaction paper should include a thesis statement.
2.) A good reaction paper revolves only around one’s strong emotion about the subject.
3.) A good reaction paper must include concrete example of one’s key points.
4.) A good reaction paper does not need a summary or background of the subject.
5.) A good reaction paper should be fair and objective.
6.) A good reaction paper must contain proper of other people’s work or
7.) A good reaction paper should also include other literature to establish reliability and
8.) A good reaction paper must only be written using technical words to ensure one’s
credibility as a writer.
9.) A good reaction paper should be able to connect with the readers and the world.
10.) A good reaction paper should be grounded with theories, approaches, principles,
etc… to avoid biases and inconsistencies in one’s work.

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