What Is MVP

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Rahul Narsinghani
Mob: +91 - 8600107504
02/07/2022 1
02/07/2022 2
02/07/2022 3
Minimize the Cycle Time

Learn Faster
•Customer development
• Five whys
Ideas Build Faster
• Continuous Deployment
• small batches
• Minimum viable Product
Learn Build

Data Code
Measure Faster
• Product Analytics Measure
• Real time monitoring and Alerting
• Usability Testing

02/07/2022 4
Continuous Deployment thoughts
Objective is to protect users from clutter
The idea is to certify that every change of code is not harmful to business before
deploying to production
Every bad change is automatically reverted
Have every problem once
Stop the line when anything fails (Similar to Toyota)
Fast response over prevention

02/07/2022 5
Cluster Immune System @ IMVU
Run Tests locally (Simple test, selenium)
◦ Everyone has a complete sandbox

Continuous Integration Server (BuildBot)

◦ All tests must pass or shut down the line

Incremental Deploy
◦ Monitor cluster and business metrics in real-time
◦ Reject changes that move metrics out of bounds

Alerting and Predictive monitoring

◦ If any metrics goes out of bound, wake somebody up
◦ Use historical trends to predict acceptable bounds

When Customer sees a problem

◦ Fix the problem for customers
◦ Improve your defenses at each level

02/07/2022 6
Two Approaches of Product Building

1. “Maximize chance of success”

◦ Follow Traditional Method of Software Development and build a great product
with all the features and assume that customers will want it
◦ Problem: No Feedback until the end, too late to adjust to customer’s needs

2. “Release early, release often”

◦ Get as much as feedback as possible, as soon as possible
◦ Problem: Run around in circles, chasing what customers think they want

02/07/2022 7
Synthesis of the Two Approaches:
Build the Right Product + Build Faster

Learn Faster
• Minimum viable Product
Ideas Build Faster
• Continuous Deployment
• Customer development
• Five whys Learn Build • small batches

Data Code
Measure Faster
• Product Analytics Measure
• Real time monitoring and Alerting
• Usability Testing

02/07/2022 8
MVP definition – Eric Ries
The minimum set of features needed to learn from earlyvangelists-
visionary early adopters
◦ Avoid building Products that nobody wants
◦ Maximize the learning per dollar spent

“The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which

allows a team to collect the maximum amount of 
validated learning about customers with the least effort”.

02/07/2022 9
Why MVP?
Be able to test a product hypothesis with minimal resources
Accelerate learning
Reduce wasted engineering hours
Get the product to early customers as soon as possible

02/07/2022 10
MVP Examples and Learning

02/07/2022 11
DUNZO MVP – Whatsapp Group
 Whatsapp service (Idea validation)

 Kabeer delivered stuff on bike

 Hired few people from NGO on a part-time basis

 2016, 500 orders a day on whatsapp

 Built an app in 2016 – to scale

 2021, > 2 mn transactions a month

 Excellent understanding of user needs

 Grown by 40x in past two years

 24 * 7 product

 Learning – MVP should be minimalistic enough to validate

idea and scale post you see PMF.

02/07/2022 12
MVP Zerodha – NSE Trading Platform
Kamath brothers are traders and they had experience of 15 years in Trading. They were not techies.

In August 2010, Members only on NSE

Offered trading on NOW platform (Neat on Web) – It took away all the tech headache and focus on operational side of the business rather than technology

Discount brokerage requires to keep operational costs low and tech is high cost

Limitations of only one exchange and BSE, MCX, F&O was excluded.

With growth in no. of customers, 700 clients in 15 months, and business of 1000 to 1500 crores per day

In Dec, 2011, right time to invest in technology and built their own trading platform

Approached Omnesys Technologies – who developed NOW and NEST (Next gen electronic securities trading platform)

Learning: MVP is really minimum and do not build on your own. Build or invest only when you see growth and adoption of your idea or concept.

Start with only one exchange- limited scope initially. Target EA.

02/07/2022 13
Would people want to stay at someone’s home? Would they pay for it?

No interactive maps

No choice of property
No online payment
Leave or read reviews
Only a few photos of the place, contacts,
and address
Got 3 paying customers
 Raise $240

02/07/2022 14
MVP in 2009 : Solution validation
Visited hosts , added photographs of
Added reviews on the website

Option to search accommodation was


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02/07/2022 16
Lesson # 1: An MVP can help you validate your idea but you’ll have to look for
growth opportunities on your own
Very minimum
Lesson # 2: MVPs can be used to validate different parts of your Startup.

02/07/2022 17
Andrew Mason, 2007
Tipping Point system
Failure: 10 months to perfect

02/07/2022 18
1 month to launch
Tipping concept to unlock discount deals

 Very minimal Web page to send the

details using a mailing list
Collective buying was observed a niche
feature and used by Users.

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Advanced Version

02/07/2022 20
Lesson # 3: Keep your TTM (Time to Market) short.
Eliminate Risk: Build Product that no one wants
PIVOT based on user needs. Identify the right problem and build solution around

02/07/2022 21
Lesson # 4: Observe how people use your existing solutions. Pick a niche.
Point : Charity Fundraising, campaigning, collective buying
Group on: Niche segment and very focused problem of collective buying

02/07/2022 22
Validate idea before coding

Personal problem of Joel

Only on Twitter
Validate the idea first
Landing page with one button
and two pages only

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Validate Price?
Validate whether customer will pay

Added one more pricing page

02/07/2022 24
Current version




Schedule automatic answers

Get analytics and reports

02/07/2022 25
Lesson # 5: If possible, test your idea before you even start coding
Lesson # 6: Keep your product really minimal

02/07/2022 26
 MVP and Continuous Deployment (Eric Ries)

 MVP Lessons from Examples

1. A successful MVP doesn’t mean a successful Product.
2. MVP is usually used to validate a problem. However, you can also use it to validate the solution.
3. A good promotion is important
4. It’s good to have a personal relation to the problem you’re trying to solve.
5. Keep your Time to Market short.
6. Pick a niche.
7. Test your idea before you start coding if it’s an option.
8. Keep your MVP minimal.
9. Pivot.
10. Scale gradually

02/07/2022 27
Contact us for Training @ your
Thank you!
“Take what you learn here and
apply it in your Projects”
Mob: +91-8600107504

02/07/2022 28

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