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• Tittle :-Link road design from Dandi to Jaldu

 Introduction

 Scope of the study

 Research Question and Objectives
 Significance of the study
 Methodology
 Results and Discussions
 Conclusions and Recommendations
 Reference
 Acknowledgements
1.1 Background
 This two-lane highway project is located in central part of Ethiopia in the
region of Oromia connecting two Wordas from Ginchi to Gojjo towns.
 This project, namely Dandi –Jaldu Link road design, the part that we are
provided with, to design, is about 2.980 Km.
1.2 Project Description
Location of the site
The Dandi – Jaldu road is found in central part of Ethiopia in the region of Oromia.
The topography of the project route corridor is flat and rolling.
Climatic Condition
 The climatic condition of the project area combines semi – cold and partly warm climatic
features. The mean temperature varies between 7.5 to 27.5. The mean annual rainfall of the
project area is between 200 – 2400 mm.
Scope of the Study
 The project covers about 2.980 Km of the overall project.

 In this project, we have designed parameters such as: the horizontal and vertical

alignments, cross- section, pavement and drainage design.

 This project is undertaken by the help of MX road, AutoCAD and Excel
Project question
 How to design the horizontal and vertical alignment of the link rural road?
 How to design the hot mix asphalt pavement of the link rural road?
 How to design the surface & sub surface Drainage of the rural road?
 How to estimate the cost of the project?
 What are the remedial measures to improve the design defect rural road?
Objectives of the study
General objective
 design of link road highway from Dandi to Jaldu.
Specific Objectives
 To design the horizontal and vertical alignment of Link road.
 To design flexible pavement of Link road.
 To design surface drainage of Link road.
 To estimate cost of the project.
Significance of the study
 To enable the designer to increase his or her practical knowledge and
skill on road design.
 Provide a clear and simplified insight for the fellow students.
 It encourages us to work in team
 Designing the geometric alignments, the pavement and drainage of
Link road .

The study Area

 The Dandi to Jaldu road is found in region of Oromia.
. The climatic condition of the project area combines semi – cold and partly warm
climatic features.
 The surrounding soils are active and surface rocks are often weathered.
 Soils: Sand and silty soil.
Project Design:
 Geometric design
 Traffic analysis
 Pavement design
 Drainage design
 Earth work computation
Study population
 Project covers about 2.980 km
 Five horizontal curves,
 Six transition curves,
 Five super elevations,
 Five vertical curves.
List of Variables
1. Dependent Variables:
 Design of rural Link road

2. Independent Variables:
 Geometric design

 Pavement design
 Drainage design
Route selection
Route selection is the method of choosing the shortest and the best alignment
which connects two points bearing the following guidelines in mind:-
 The route of highway should be selected that it can handle the traffic
 The alignment should result in an overall economy.
 The route should involve the least impacts on the environment, etc.
Functional Classification of the Road
The five functional classes of road according to ERA Manual includes:-
 Trunk Roads
 Link Roads
 Main Access Roads
 Collector Roads
 Feeder Roads
In this project based on AADT1 and design period the functional classification of
the road is given as Link Road
 Terrain Classification
No Terrain type Transverse Remark

slope (%)

1 Flat 0–5 Including gently rolling terrain

2 Rolling 5 – 25 Include rolling, hilly or foothill country and

occasional steep slope

3 Mountainous 25 – 50 Include hilly river and mountainous country

4 Escarpment >50 Inclusive of switch back roadway

sections, or side hill transverse sections

1.1 Route selection
we used the selected route for designing of the road that means a surveying data has
been given for us. Depending on this survey data we have tried to set our horizontal
alignment along the center line of the given data.
1.2 Terrain classification

No Station Govern terrain

1 0+000 – 0+250 Rolling

2 0+250 – 0+530 Flat

3 0+530 – 1+610 Rolling

4 1+610 – 1+900 Flat

5 1+900 – 2+220 Rolling

6 2+220 – 2+980 Flat

1.3 Design standard
Vehicle classification AADTo(2000) AADT1(2007)
Cars 20.00 27
4WD 100.00 134
Small bus 80.00 107
Large bus 70.00 94
Small truck 102.00 137
Medium truck 208.00 279
Heavy truck 130.00 174
Truck & trailer 120.00 161

Since ΣAADT1 =1112 is between 1000-5000 . So, the design standard is DS3.
1.4 Horizontal alignment design
 We design 5 horizontal curve with the aid of MX-ROAD software

Cuv.No. ChainagePC Chainage PI Chainage PT Rmin Rpro. ∆ T L

1 0+256.453 0+392.29 0+527.713 270 2000 07°46'15.73" 135.84 271.26

2 1+672.217 1+752.84 1+833.257 270 1300 07°05'51.41" 80.623 161.04

3 1+997.043 2+079.059 2+160.623 270 900 10°24'49.61" 82.01 163.58

4 2+277.329 2+433.639 2+589.316 395 2000 08°56'15.98" 156.31 311.98

1.5 Vertical alignment design
 The basic design features of vertical alignment include vertical profiles, grades,
critical length of grades, climbing lane, and vertical curve length
 Curve -1 (crest curve)
g1= -0.817%, g2= -4.623%, A=|g1-g2| = 3.80, L = Ak, K= 60
 L= 60*3.806=228.36m, L provided= 250m
 Chainage of PVI=0+379.385
 Chainage of BVC=PVI-L/2 = 0+379.385-125= 0+256.453
 Elevation of BVC=Elevation of PVI+g1*L/2
 Chainage of EVC=PVI+L/2 = 0+379.385+125 = 0+504.385
 Elevation of EVC=Elevation of PVI-g2*L/2
1.6 Sight distance design
1. Stopping sight distance on horizontal curves
 For horizontal curve -1
 SSD=0.278vt+V=85km/hr, f=0.30, t=2.5sec
 So, Lc>SSD, 271.26m>153.891m…………ok!!!
2. Stopping sight distance on vertical curves
Curve -1(crest curve)
A =g1-g2 = /-0.817+4.623/= 3.806% V=85Km/hr. K=60 L=3.806*60=228.36m,
 Vertical sight distance
f = 0.3, SSD = 155m
 -Minimum length of vertical curve for sight distance requirement.
-Curve type – crest curve: H1 = 1.070m, H2 = 0.15m
 Assume ssd>L
L= =2*155-(658/3.806) = 137.115m
 Length required for passengers comfort
Lc=(Vd2*A)/389=852*3.806/ (389) = 70.69m
 The curve length which is 228.36m is safe for sight distance
 And L provided is 250m
1.7. x-section design
 Road cross section normally consists right of way, lane width,
carriage way, shoulder width, normal cross fall, side slope and back
slope, and road side ditch [3].
1.8 shoulders & curve widening
 Based on design standard(DS3) 1.5m width of shoulder was designed.
 For the psychological comfort of the driver, widening on curve is also required
for DS1 through DS5 at high fill.
 Note; In this project we have not designed curve widening because all of our
radiuses provided was greater than 250m.
1.9 Super elevation
Its main purpose is to counterbalance the centrifugal force and it contributes safety and comfort
feeling to the passenger while passing along changed direction
For curve -1
R=2000m, Vd =85km/hr and ed=2.2%, width of lane, w=3.5m
Nc =2.5%; ∆=0.485%, nı =1, bw =1, Length of run off
provided, L prov. =47m
1. Minimum length of run off
Lr= (w*nı) ed (bw)/Δ, ed< Nc, Hence, use ed=Nc= 2.5%
Lr= (3.5*1*2.5)*1/0.485=18.04m < L prov., so, use Lr= L prov. = 47m
2. Minimum length of run out
Lt = Nc/ed*(Lr) =2.5%/2.5%*47=47m
Lr, curve=1/3 Lr =1/3*47m=15.67m
Lr, on tangent=2/3 Lr= 2/3*47m=31.33m
1.10 Pavement design

Asphalt Concrete Thickness ?

Base Course Thickness

Sub-base Course Thickness

•Pavement Design Life = Selected

• Structural/Functional Performance = Desired
• Design Traffic = Predicted
•Sub grade property =Analyzed
Pavement design procedure
1. One directional traffic flow is determined ()
2. Determine cumulative traffic flow(T = 365 AADT1 [(1+i) ^N– 1] / (i))
3. Determine the EALF for each class of vehicle
4. Determine the cumulative number of ESA
5. Total ESA = 8.613x 106 which is between 6 and 10, so it is traffic class T6 and based on Sub
grade class S4 (CBR=10%) and Traffic class T6 there are eight alternatives
6. Determine the relative cost of possible alternative pavement structure ,then the more economical
alternative chart is:

1.11 Earth work
The steps involved in the computation of earthwork quantities and the development
of the optimal mass haul diagram are:-
 End area calculations
 Earthwork calculations
 Preparation of mass haul diagram
 Balancing earthworks using the mass haul diagram
The mass haul diagram can be used to determine:-
Proper distribution of excavated material Amount and location of waste
Amount and location of borrow Amount of overhaul
Sample calculation for earth work from station 0+000 to 0+0100
From station 0+000 to 0+020
A1=6.486m2 station End Area End Area Volume Volume Factored Net volume cumulative

A2=1.1m2 (cut section) Cut (m2) Fill (m2) Cut (m3) Fill (m3) Cut (m3) (m3) volume (m3)

A1=0m2 0 6.486 0 0 0 0 0 0

A2=0.857m2 (fill section) 20 1.1 0.857 75.86 8.57 56.895 48.325 48.325

40 0 6.045 10.999 69.019 8.249 -60.77 -12.445

48.95 0 1.903 0 35.569 0 -35.569 -48.014

V12 =75.86m (cut

V12=8.57m3 60 0.721 4.551 3.986 35.659 2.989 -32.67 -80.684

1.12 Drainage design
For this project, trapezoidal side ditch has been chosen because it is more
economical and will reduce erosion compared to the others.
Using manning’s equation: -Q = A R2/3 S ½
Sample calculation: From station 0+000 to 0+379.385
I=45mm/hr, L=379.385m ,Pavement width=7m Shoulder
width=1.5*2m ,Cultivated land area assumed =100m and Side slope is taken as
Ditch assumed to be laid in easily eroded soil type manning coefficient ranges
from 0.02 to 0.05 in our case we take n=0.022 from [3] maximum velocity in this
range will be 2.4m/s.
1. Carriageway area
A1=379.385*3.5=1327.8 m2=0.133ha
2. Shoulder area
A2=379.385*1.5= 569.08 m2=0.0569ha
3.Cultivated land
W= (50-3.5-1.5) m=45m
A=379.385*45= 17072.3m2=1.71ha
Total discharge, Qt= (0.014+0.0057+0.15) m3/s =0.17 m3/s

A=Bd+md2 p=B+2d

T=B+2md R=A/P=0.618d

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(S) 0.5, S=0.817%

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(0.00817)0.5 =2.98d2/3
Q=AV=4d2*2.98d2/3 = 11.92d8/3
d=0.203m, use d=0.25m and B=2d=0.5m.
Then take free board of 0.3m.
Top width, T=B+2dz=0.5+2*0.25*2=1.5m
Area, A=4d2=4*0.252=0.25m2
Perimeter, P=6.472*0.25=1.618m
V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(S) 0.5, S=0.817%
V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(0.00817)0.5 =2.98d2/3
Q=AV=4d2*2.98d2/3 = 11.92d8/3
d=0.203m, use d=0.25m and B=2d=0.5m. Then take free board of 0.3m.
Top width, T=B+2dz=0.5+2*0.25*2=1.5m
Area, A=4d2=4*0.252=0.25m2
Perimeter, P=6.472*0.25=1.618m
1.13Traffic control & markings
For safe traffic operation on highways adequate regulations and controls have to be
imposed. The most commonly used control measures are
 Traffic signs
 Road marking
 Traffic signals
Case 1 from station 0+000 to 4+615
station 1+657.217 0+241.453 0+005 0+000 0+241.45 2+255
3+262.329 1+982.043 0+542.713

Traffic sign
 Route selection
 Terrain classification
 Design standard
 Horizontal alignment design
 Vertical alignment Design
 sight distance design
 x-section design
 shoulders & curve widening
 Super elevation
 Pavement design
 Earth work
 Drainage design
 Traffic control & markings
 The designer provides both horizontal alignment, with tangents, having lengths
of; 256.453m, 1088.504m, 51.789m,1060.706m,221.776m and 238.858m
respectively starting from 0+000 station and horizontal
m,R=2000m,curve5,L=453.05m,R=1200m and vertical alignment with five
vertical curves having respective lengths of; 250m,300m,250m,300m and 250m
have been designed.
 For this project, depending on the calculated traffic class, T6 and subgrade
strength S3, the most economical section, which has three layers namely;
Bituminous surface with 10 cm thickness, Granular road base,GB-GB3 with 20
cm thickness and Granular sub-base, GS with 25 cm was selected and the
flexible pavement has been designed.
 The project designer recommends that, this designed project should be
implemented to the real practical work to provide transportation facilities
thereby reducing problems between the two localities namely: Dandi and Jaldu.
 The contractor should adopt three layers of pavement during the construction of
flexible pavement from Dandi to Jaldu; these are bituminous surface with
thickness of 10cm, Granular road base with thickness of 20cm and Granular
sub-base with thickness of 25cm.
 The project designer also recommends that, fellow students should use MXROAD
software instead of using other software’s like EAGLE POINT, INROAD and
others while doing their project. This is owing to MXROAD software will not
allow any mistakes that means one cannot go any further without correcting a
mistake once she/he has made it.
 The other recommendation is that, the width of the shoulder should be up graded
in the future; it should be as per D S3 from 1.5-3m as necessary as required. But
now the shoulder width is set 1.5m to be economical.
 The traffic signs should be installed wherever necessarily required with due care
so that the potential accidents will be minimized.
[1].American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(2004).Geometric design of highways and streets.
[2].Engineering surveying by W.Schofield Butterworth- Heinemann
Ltd, London, 4th edition.
[3]. Ethiopian Road Authority (2002).
First and foremost, greatest thanks from the depth of our heart is to the almighty GOD, for
endowing us with the courage, strength as well as health throughout our school time and the full
help provided by him for the successful accomplishment of this final project for the partial
fulfillment of the BSc Degree in Civil Engineering.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Rift Valley University, Labu-Lafto Campus and
department of Civil Engineering for allowing and helping on commencement and proceeding of
this road design project
Next, it is our deepest gratitude and respect to our project advisor Ebisa Adamu, for his valuable
advice, sincerity, and very humble way of approach throughout the working time for the
successful completion of this project.
Finally, would like to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to our families
who are always keeping aside of us in contributing financial support and all the way.
Thank You
For your attention!

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