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LO2 Planning and Developing for animation

by molly strike
Initial Ideas
To begin developing my ideas I selected the word ‘Grow’,
after that I then produced a mind map. On the mind map
I included my word ‘Grow’ and drew some pictures and
wrote some words around it of things that could grow, It
could be anything, anything that you could think of that
could grow.

Here is the mind

map I drew, with
my ideas.
My Ideas
My first idea - internet

The first idea I thought of was the

‘internet’, because the internet
has growed. The internet never
use to have as many websites
that so many people use now
such as facebook, nowadays we
have lots of website that suit all
different things and audiences.
If I was to animate this I would
use the cut-out animation
technique. I think this would be
rather easy to animate, I could
use the cut out animation
technique and use pictures to
show the different stages through
the internet and how it has
My second idea - People
The second idea I thought
of was ‘people’. I thought
this would be a good idea
for the word ‘Grow’
because people grow.
If I was to animate this I
would use clay animation, I
would use this animation
technique because I think it
would be easy, showing
the stages through growth.
I could make different sizes
of people using clay
animation and show how
people growth.
My third idea - Animals

The third idea I thought of

was ‘animals’, because
animals grow just like
If I was to animate this I
would use clay animation. I
would use this because
like people it would easy to
animate using the clay
animation technique. I
could show like I would
with ‘people’ how animals,
ie dogs grow.
My Fourth idea - Food

The fourth idea I thought of

was ‘food’, because food
kind of grows when
cooked. Such as cake
rises when cook.
If I was to animate this I
would use the cut-out
animation. I think this
would be the best
animation technique to use
because it would be rather
easy. I could cut out
pictures and show the
stages of how they grow.
My Fifth idea – Mobile Phones
The fifth idea I thought of was
‘mobile phones’. I thought this
would a good idea for the word
‘Grow’ because mobile phones
have kind of grown in the years.
The type of phone and what they
include of them have expanded,
and now there are many different
types of phones that all do different
If I was to animate this I would also
use the cut-out animation. I think
this would be the best animation
tecnique to use because I could cut
out photos of different types/
versions of mobile phones and
show the stages/ history of how
they have grown.
My sixth idea – Clouds

The sixth idea I thought of

was ‘Clouds’. I thought this
would be good for the word
‘Grow’ because clouds kind of
grow. When you look in the
sky you see so many different
types/ sizes of clouds.
If I was to animate this I would
also use the cut-out animation
because I think this would be
really easy to animate. I
would cut out pictures of
different size clouds and show
the stages of how they grow.
My Seventh idea – Fireworks

The seventh h idea I thought

of was ‘Fireworks’. I thought
this would be good for the
word ‘Grow’ because you can
get many different types/
sizes of fireworks.
If I was to animate this I would
use the cut-out animation I
would use this because it
would be the easiest
animation technique to
animate with. I would cut out
pictures of different size fire
works, and show the different
My Final Idea - plants

My final idea I thought of was

‘Plants’ I thought this would
be good for the word ‘Grow’
plants grow just like humans
and animals, and also you
can get many different types/
sizes of plants.
If I was to animate this I would
use clay animation. I would
use this because, it would be
the most easiest animation
technique to use. I would
make plants and trees, using
clay animation and show the
growing stages they go
Character Drawings
These are my drawings of characters that I
thought I could include in my animation, but in
the end I only used two.

Drawing this was an important stage of the

planning because the purpose was to draw
characters, if you like some of them you can
include them as the characters in your

I drew an alien monster, an alien, a dinosaur

and a nerdy girl.
The Characters I drew
My proposal sheet

I did this stage of planning

to show how I wanted my
animation to look, what
characters I wanted to
include, my storyline and
the type of animation I
would use to make it with.
The purpose of doing a
‘Proposal Sheet’ was so I
could show how I wanted
my animation to look and
how It should turn out and
also what equipment I
would using to make it
My production Schedule

I did this stage of

planning to show when
I wanted to do each
stage of my animation

The purpose of doing a

‘Production Schedule’
was so I could show
how when I wanted to
do stages of my
animation and what I
would be doing..
This is my story board
Here are my characters/ backgrounds/ prop
parts I made on transparencies that I used in
my animation.
I did this stage of
planning to show my
characters that I made.

The purpose of making

these was so I wouldn’t
have to draw my
characters all the time
and it would save a lot
of time.
Test animation

In my test animation I had to test rain and thunder. I learnt that it worked
really well, I just had to move each bits in different positions and very slowly,
so it didn’t look really fast.

This is how I did my test

animation. This is one
of the photos I took.
I created my sound using the sound recorder and using my own voice. For
some parts I used music off my phone and for the rain, thunder and lighting
I used the sound off a video I found on youtube. If I could change my
animation to improve it I think I would change my sounds also because I
think I rushed making them as I didn’t have a lot of time.
My Plan
The plan I started off with, I used all the way through, I didn’t really change
my plan at all while planning/ making my animation. I used the same
storyline and characters all the way through. Overall I think my animation
turned out rather good, but if I had to change something I would change the
pace of my animation, as I think it went rather fast at some parts, i.e when
the girl plays with her toys then looks out the window at the rain and

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