Dress For Women: Krisha Mae J. Nario Krishia R. Ramirez Angeline Enriquez

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(Chapter 13)

Krisha Mae J. Nario

Krishia R. Ramirez
Angeline Enriquez
The Clothing you wear should enhance your
best points, accent your personality, and be
appropriate for your way of life. Dressing well,
buying wisely and selecting and combining
various articles of apparel into a stunning
costume are matters of good taste. If you cannot
differentiate between what is good and bad taste
in dress you are likely to be handicapped in the
business world and to make a poor impression
•Good taste is not a matter of heredity , It can be acquired but it
requires careful observation, study, practice, constant attention to
changes in fashion, experimentation, thought and discrimination.

•Good taste is mark by simple, becoming, harmonious costumes

which are appropriate for the occasion.
•Poor taste is marked by color combination which clash,
costumes which mix sports and dressy styles, clothes which are
too tight or revealing and excessive use of jewelry and make up.
In planning a wardrobe, The attractively dressed young
woman must consider the influence of trends in fashion.
The clothing industry is ever on the alert for new ideas
that will change the styles for the next season. Designers
often refer to the fashions of yesterday for suggestion
that can be adopted to the current styles.

Agnes Brooks Young, An authority in fashion research

says that Fashion change is really new, but is always a
modification of something that went before. Everything
in the way of dress since civilization began can be
divided into three cycles.
1) Bell-shaped cycle that Illustrated by the pinched-in
waist and the skirt measuring yards and yards around.
2) Back-fullness Cycle that can be found in the bustles
of the late1700’s.
3) Tubular-type is a sheath like gown bound around the
body at high waistline.
The secret of a good basic wardrobe is based in appropriateness, Comfort, and
Conservative simplicity.
When it comes to choosing quantity or quality in her wardrobe the young women will
probably choose quality. Good fabrics retain their shape, clean well, and always look
smart even when the garments is no longer new.
For example, you may decide to build your wardrobe around a navy wool suit. You
will look for a suit with conservatives lines that you can wear for several season
without its looking out of styles.
To use the suit in office wear, you may plan all navy accessories except for short
white gloves, A tailored white blouse, a medium blue blouse and a small figured
Dacron blouse in a soft peach shade will look well with the suit.
For more dressy occasion you may plan to use an accent of red such as a small red
straw hat or a small red envelope purse.
For dressier blouses you might choose one of pale blue tucked nylon, or a white
rayon or silk with a jewel neckline.
Women differ in the way they react to innovation in fashion.
•At one extreme are the ultraconservatives who refuse to accept changes and
completely disregard them.
•At the other extreme are the non conservatives who carry out each new detail
with a feverish passion.


Every young woman must make transitions from an schoolgirl's wardrobe to one
suitable for her choice. If she becomes a young business or professional woman,
she must put aside boundaries and wear hats, suits, basic dresses for skirts and
wear shoes with heels. Since a young woman in business represents her
employee, she must look her best not only for her own sake but to create a good
impression on customers and clients.
1) Vertical lines add height
2) Horizontal lines add width and therefore cut height
3) To lengthen a vertical or a horizontal line accent with a parallel line.
4) To shorten a vertical or a horizontal line use a line in the opposite direction.
5) Broken lines decrease height and often add weight.

1) Shiny surfaces should make the figure seem larger, Satin are only for
the tall and slender.
2) Knobby, bumpy, rough fabrics should be avoided for short or heavy figures
because they add width and weight.
3) All thick, Heavy fabrics add width and weight.
4) Tweeds, Unless they are soft with rather smooth surfaces, Add width and
5) Smooth - Surfaced crepes and woolens are slenderizing
6) Very Thin, Transparent, or clinging fabrics shows up figure. Only slender,
Well-proportioned woman should wear these fabrics.
Short women should avoid horizontal lines, such as created by a strongly
contrasting blouse and skirt combination or a belt contrasting with the
material of the dress
The following suggestion for the short woman should be helpful:
1) Key everything to your size
2) Carry a small bag of the same color as your costume, with gloves to
match. Contrasting gloves and bag emphasis the hip line.
3) Select Straight-line of semi fitted coats, Small collars,
4) short- haired furs.
5) Choose hats with medium crowns, Which are neither too tall nor too
6) Match sweaters or blouses to the color of your skirt.
7) Straight-line skirt are best. Avoid extreme fullness in skirts.
8) Avoid horizontal lines in style or fabrics use Up and down interest.
9) Choose small, definite patterns in printed dresses.
10) Wear high heels but not exaggerated heels which are out of proportions to your
figure and height.
11) Wear belts that match the basic colors of your costume or are made of the same
materials as your garments.
12) Wear detail only on the body to help create the long-legged look.
13) Avoid patch pockets on the skirt and coats.


The tall woman can use horizontal lines to minimize her height. She can select big,
bright bags, with colored gloves to match , and large Important-looking jewelry . The
tall girl should avoid any silhouette that appears to increase her height. Contrasting
colors in two-piece costumes and belts of different colors create horizontal line
which tend to minimize height.
These helpful suggestion for the tall woman should keep her from mistake sin her
choice of clothing:
1) Do not wear garments too tight or too tailored.
2) Use soft fabrics and draped lines.
3) Choose plaid and checks in becoming colors and bulky fabrics when suitable .
Avoid vertical stripes.
4) Wear big, broad collar and full sleeves.
5) Bulky topcoats, fur coats, long jacketed suits, striking prints and fabrics are
meant for you.
6) Avoid fabrics with small prints or designs and fabrics with a shiny finish ,
such as satin, Both will accentuate your size.
7) Choose full skirts, pleated or circular, Wear the at your natural waistline or
slightly below it.
8) Wear medium crowned hats. Balance with a fairly wide brim. Avoid upturning
feathers, tall trims, or sharps upturned brims.
9) Wear flats for sports, Medium or low heeled shoes for casual wear, and high
heels for dress. Ankles which look slimmer and fit that look smaller will
compensate for the slight addition in height.

No matter how carefully you have selected the basic garments in your wardrobe,
Your costume is not complete without accessories that can harmonize them.
• Accessories help produce the total effect of the ensemble that determine whether you
are well dressed. Carelessly selected accessories can ruin the effect of an otherwise
attractive costume.
• Hats, handbags, shoes, blouses, neckwear and jewelry used with basic dresses and suit
can provide the variation in costume so dear to the heart of every women.
• With accessories she can “dress a suit down” for the office and a “Dress a suit up” for a
date in the evening.
• Decide in advance which accessory you will use to accent you ensemble, which part of
the figure or face you wish to direct attention toward.
• Hat accents the costume, attention is attracted to the face. Gloves use as the accent that
draw attention to the hands, and Colored shoes emphasize the feet.
Fashion trends are more gradual and less obvious in these items. Therefore, It is generally
advisable to select good quality and simple design in shoes, handbags and gloves. Shoes
and bags should be matched to the basic color of your wardrobe.
•The primary consideration in shoe collection is comfort. The occasion for which they are
to be worn and the garments they are to be worn with are the other important elements in
buying shoes.
•Colored shoes worn only with play clothes or casual wear. Plain or dark pumps are
correct for almost every occasion.
• Handbags should be in proportion to your size. Large bags carried by small women tend
to make them look even smaller while small handbags carried by large women tend to
overemphasis their sizes.
• Gloves may be the same color as lighter or darker than the bag and
shoes depending upon a woman size.


If the fabric of a garment is transparent the slip should be matched to the garments.
Hose an important part of the costume are often considered of the accessories. Sheerness
of the hose should be determined by both the occasion and the costume.
Avoid selecting hose which provide too much
Color contrast with the basic garment.


The shape of your face influence the type of neckline and the kind of jewelry that will be
most flattering to you.
Coordinate the color of the jewelry with the color of the costume. Ordinarily jewelry is a
supplement to the ensemble. However it may be more striking if it is to provide the accent
for an otherwise unadorned costume.
• Button earrings and short necklaces add apparent width and roundness to the face. Pendant
earrings and long necklaces add length to the face and neck. Scale your jewelry to your size
and avoid wearing more than three pieces at one time.
• Select dickeys detachable collars and scarves on the basis of the color and fabric with
which they are to be worn.
• Blouses should supplement the lines of the suit and harmonize with the color.

Choosing a hat probably deserves more careful consideration than the choices of any other
single accessory. Hats center attention on the face and should not in and of themselves be
the center of attraction.
• Hairstyles, facial contour, and figure proportion are all factors to be considered in buying

Basic facts about color. Although each season’s fashion offer a complete new range of
colors with fascinating names, Your personal coloring does not change, Understanding the
basic principle of colors will arm you against this seasonal onslaught and help you know
which of the new shades and tones you can wear.
• Combination of the three primary colors RED YELLOW and BLUE
Produce all other secondary and intermediate colors. Study a color wheel until you are
familiar with the relationship of each color to the others.
• Color next to each other on the color wheel are call Neighboring or
Analogouscolors. Those directly opposite to each other are Complementary.

Each color has three qualities. Hue , Value, and Intensity.
• Hue is the name of the color and distinguishes one color from another, Such as Red,.
Green, or Blue. Several items of different colors such as apple, a brick and a ruby, all
may be of the same hue.
• Value refers to the lightness and the darkness of color.
• Intensity also called Chroma or saturation refers to the brightness or dullness of a
color. A color as we see it on a color wheel is at fill intensity (bright). when we mix it
with gray, black, or white it becomes dull.
The primary colors are: The secondary Colors are:
• Red • Orange
• Yellow • Green
• Blue • Purple or violet
There are six intermediate colors which are made by combining Primary colors and
secondary colors:
• Red- Orange
•Blue – Purple
•Yellow- Orange
•Blue – Green
•Red- Purple


 A color may be emphasized or accented by its compliment or through
 A color may be toned down by neighboring color or by same color in a
deeper tone.


Colors produce an emotional response in both the wearer and the
viewer. These response may differ sharply with different people,
depending on the situation, the surroundings, and other variables. For
instance, the dull, somber color may be restful to one person but
depressing to another.
Bright color may stimulate gaiety in one person, while they may be
irritating and tiring to another.

The warm colors-the advancing, aggressive reds, oranges, and yellow and
their combinations suggest warmth, health, and joy. These colors makes
objects appear larger and nearer, the people in clothes of these colors
appear larger.

Individual tastes and differences in personal coloring are the basis for
forming innumerable pleasuring color harmonies, all of which can be
classified under one of the several types of color combinations.
• A monochromatic color combination is achieved by using the same
hue in different values, such as light, medium, and dark green.
• A complementary color scheme is produced by using two colors that
are opposite each other on the color wheel. This is usually forceful
combinations and, to achieve the best effect, requires that one of the
colors be used in less intensity than the other.
• An analogous color harmony is made up of the colors that are next to
each other and between any two primary colors.
• A triadic color combination is made up of any three colors on the color
wheel that form an equidistant triangle. This is the most difficult
combination to use effectively.
Factors Influencing Choice Of Color In Clothing

Color of Hair, Skin, and Eyes. To choose the color in

clothes that will be the most flattering to you, consider
the color of your hair, your complexion, and your eyes.
Do not choose a color simply because you like it, without
considering the many elements in your make-up that
could cause this color to be a poor choice for you. The
effectiveness of your wardrobe can be ruined if you do
not learn what your best colors are and hoe to combine
them attractively.

 Dark colors make a person appear more slender

 Light colors make a person seem larger
 One color costumes add height
 Two-color combinations cut the figure and make
it appear shorter and wider
 Large, printed patterns usually make a person
appear larger
 Small, definite pattern and plain colors are best
for short person
 Multicolored plaids and checks make the figure
seem heavier and wider
 Pastel colors tend to produce a delicate quality

The less money you have to spend on

clothes, the more knowledge you need about
what is becoming to you. people who can
buy in exclusive shops need consider only
what looks well on them, because buyers
have selected garments with good style, fine
workmanship, and quality fabric.

The shopper of average means must be

concerned not only with the way the dress or
suit looks on her, but also with its
workmanship, quality, and style.

Intelligent shopping includes knowing what

to buy, when to buy, knowing value versus

A careful inventory of your clothing and

accessories should bring to your attention
items you need to purchase. Before
setting up on your shopping trip, decide
exactly what you intend to buy and the
price range within which your purchase
should fail.


It is wise to replace important items in

your wardrobe before you actually need
them. If you buy clothing hastily and
under the pressure of immediate need,
you will often find it unsatisfactory in
one way or another

Comparison shopping helps you to

recognize the quality of material and
workmanship in apparel and accessories
in relation to the prices charged. You may
do comparison shopping by visiting several
stores, by reading fashion magazines, by
following news paper and advertising
closely, or through all three method.
Before you buy an article of clothing, be
sur you can answer these questions in the
 Does it fit? – A garment should never be
tight unless the particular design calls
for tightness.
 It is comfortable? – Every closet
contains a few article that will be never
worn because they are not comfortable.
 It is becoming? – Do not be influenced
by high-pressure salespeople.
 Does it harmonize with the rest of your
wardrove? – The new garment should
blend with other clothing that you
already have.
 It is appropriate for the type of work or
social activities in which you engage?
 Does it enhance your personality?
 Do you fell well dressed and at ease
wearing it.

Cleanliness is a basic prerequisite in the care

of your clothes. Whether a garment can be
washed or must be dry cleaned, see that it is
always clean before you ware it.
1. It is mark by simple, becoming, harmonious costumes which
are appropriate for the occasion
2. It is marked by color combination which clash, costumes
which mix sports and dressy styles
3. It is a sheath like gown bound around the body at high
4. They should avoid horizontal lines, such as created by a
strongly contrasting blouse and skirt combination.
5. They can use horizontal lines to minimize her height.
6. It refers to the lightness and the darkness of color
7. Combination is achieved by using the same hue in different
8. Cleanliness is a basic prerequisite in the care of your clothes.
9. Your costume or outfit is not complete without ______.
10. She stated that fashion change is really new, but is always a
modification of something that went before.

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