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Volleyball is a popular sport which can be played
both indoors and outdoors. It appeals to people of
all ages and skill levels. It is fast-paced, with
constant jumping and running, and thus provides a
strenuous aerobic workout. It also requires mental
Alertness and quick, precise physical reactions.
 - Volleyball was developed in 1895 by William G.
Morgan at the Young Men’s Christian Association
(YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
 - It was created for businessmen who required a
game that involved less physical contact than
 - Volleyball blended elements of baseball, basketball,
handball, and tennis.
 - Volleyball was originally played using a tennis net
hung 6 feet 6 inches above the
 floor.
 - The first game of volleyball was played on July 7,
1896 at Springfield College.
 - Official volleyball was designed in 1900.
 -The set and spike were introduced in the Philippines
in 1916.
 The United States Volleyball Association (USVBA, now
called USA Volleyball) was formed in 1928.
 Volleyball was introduced to the Olympic Games in
Tokyo in 1964.
 The Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) was
formed in 1983.
 U.S. men's team won the Gold medal and the U.S.
women's team won the Silver medal at the 1984
Olympics in Los Angeles.
 U.S. men's team won the Gold medal at the 1988
Olympics in Korea.
 Volleyball celebrated 100 years of existence in 1995.
 Two-person beach volleyball was added to the Olympics
in 1996.


The net is placed vertically over the center line.

The top of the net is set at the height of 2.43
meters (7 feet 115/8 inches) for men and 2.24
meters (7 feet 41/4 inches) for women.
Its height is measured from the center of the
playing court.
The net is 1 meter wide and 9.50 meters long,
and is made of square black mesh.

 The ball is spherical, and is made of a flexible leather or

synthetic leather with a bladder inside made of rubber
or a similar material.
 It may be a uniform light color or combination of
 The volleyball measures 65 to 67 centimeters (25 to 27
inches) in circumference and weighs 260 to 280 grams.

- The size of the volleyball court will depend on the

playing ability level and the equipment used.
Dimensions will range from approximately 20 feet
wide by 40 feet long for lawn or backyard volleyball
to 19 feet 6 inches wide by 59 feet long for
tournament play. The width of the court is
determined by the size of the net used. The service
areas should be a minimum of 6 feet in depth back
of the end lines.
Court Position
Position on the
Volleyball Court
Volleyball is fast-paced and dynamic.
Watching a game of volleyball can be
exciting, but you may be wondering what
positions they’re playing on the volleyball
court. Unlike football and basketball, people
may not be as familiar with the various
positions in volleyball.
Six Position of a Player
• Zone 1: Right Back (outside hitter)

• Zone 2: Right Front (opposite)

• Zone 3: Middle/Center Front (middle blocker)

• Zone 4: Left Front (right side hitter)

• Zone 5: Left Back (setter)

• Zone 6: Middle/Center Back (middle blocker/libero)

Court Position
• Right Back (RB)- A setter begins the
game from this position. A right back is
known as the Zone 1 (Z1) position. It is a
defensive zone and while rotation, a
player stepping in this position has to
Court Position
• Right Front (RF)- This is the Zone 2 (Z2)
position, and is placed right in front of
the right back. A player position in this
spot is at the front-right side of the Court,
near the net.
Court Position
• Middle/Center Front (CF)- A position in
the front row, right at the center near the
net is the middle front spot. It is the Zone
3 (Z3) position, and the player is in a
rotational position.
Court Position
• Left Front (LF)- Player in this spot is
positioned at the front-left of the court
near the net. It is the Zone 4 (Z4)
position and also known to be an
attacking position.
Court Position
• Left Back (LB)- This is a rotational
position and is situated at the left
extreme of the back row. It is a
defensive and Zone 5 (Z5) position.
Court Position
• Middle/Center Back (CB)- This is a Zone
6 (Z6) position and usually a middle
hitter begins to plays on this spot at the
start of the game. He is later replaced by
a libero, who is a specialized player for
this position.
Players Position

These players have a very crucial role in

the team.
A team may choose to have more than
one setter in order to run the tam’s
This is a similar role to a point guardian
Middle Hitters/
 These players hit and smash
the ball that a setter sets up at
the net.
 A middle hitter is also known
as a middle blocker or blocker.
Outside/Power Hitters

 These players attack from the

extremes or from near the
An outside hitter usually banks on
a powerful swing to score a point,
and is known to be the primary
attacker of the team.
Opposite/ Weakside Hitters

• A front-right player plays in this

position, and such players can
also be termed as weakside

A libero is a player
specializing in the defensive
skills of volleyball.
 -The first contact that
starts every rally is .
The player
who serves is called
the “server”. Usually a
server uses one, open
hand to swing
overhead and send the
ball over the net from
behind the end line.
 The Underhand
-  a type of serve in
which the player
holds the ball in one
hand, swings the
other in an arc motion
below the waist and
strikes the ball from
the bottom with a fist
to put it in play.
 The Overhand Serve - F
loat Serve
-This is the most
basic serve. It is faster
than the side-float
serve and is very
accurate if executed
properly. The technique
for this serve can be
developed before the
player has the strength
to send the ball over the
net from behind the end
The Overhand Serve -
Topspin Serve
- a topspin serve does
exactly what its name implies
it spins rapidly forward from
the top. The server tosses
the ball a little higher than
normal, strikes the ball
toward the top of the back in
a downward and outward
motion and then follows
through with their swing.
 The Jump Serve - Ju
mp Float 
-In a jump float serve,
you want to go straight
into the lift in a ready
and open position. The
final move is contacting
the ball. The common
mistake is swinging the
arm and creating a
topspin or sending the
ball backward. The goal
is to contact the middle
of the ball with the center
of the palm, not with the
BLOCKING Volleyball blocking is
defined as deflecting the
ball coming from your
opponent's attack
hit. Blocking is a skill
in volleyball used to
prevent the opponent from
a successful attack hit.
A block technique is used
to deflect the ball coming
from an attacker.
The player performs
a pass when s/he hits
the ball around the
torso level - with
forearms of the
straightened arms.
The player moves
arms unattached
under the
approaching ball,
stops and takes a
well balanced and
low passing position.
Setting is the second
step of passing, and it
can be done to either
dump the ball over into
an undefended spot or to
“set” the ball into a
position that allows the
hitter to spike it over.
The perfect set is a high
ball, just inches from the
To hit a volleyball requi
res a player to take a
three or four step spike
approach followed by
an arm swing that is
used to bring the
player's hand above
their head to make
contact with the ball so
that it clears the net
and finishes in the
opposing team's court.
A hit is also called a
DIGGING A dig is a pass of a hard-
driven ball from the
other team. Like a pass,
your arm position and
platform remain the
same. The difference is
that the ball is coming
from a high point above
the net and hit in a
downward trajectory.
When passing the ball is
coming from 30 feet
away and usually below
the height of the net.
Mental Volleyball Skills

Attention To Detail: Volleyball players must pay attention to
details like spiking setup, set direction, body posture for hitting,

Anticipation: Volleyball players need the ability to anticipate
the opponents every move. Paying attention to body language
or noticing how and where the opponent lines up can help
players anticipate how they will react. Many times when a
volleyball is set, multiple players will jump in the air if they think
they are capable of spiking the ball but only one of them is
going to be the real hitter. It is important for the players on the
other side of the net to anticipate which one is the real hitter in
order to attempt a block or return.

Be a Team Player: Volleyball players must work as a team not
just as an individual. It takes the entire team to win.

Be Coachable: Volleyball players need to stay coachable.
There are always things to learn or adjustments that need to be
made. Players need to be willing to take advice and put it to

Responsibility: Volleyball players must show and take
responsibility for their strengths and weaknesses to achieve
personal goals and stay focused.

Determination: Volleyball players must have determination
and maintain the drive to get better. Even professional athletes
look for ways to improve and continue working hard to get
ahead every single practice.
Rules in playing
Basic rules: serving, scoring, Timeouts, Fouls ,
violations & Penalties

A player should serve the ball by standing behind the end line of his side
of the court.
• He should be visible to the opposing team.
• The opposing team cannot block or attack the serve.
• The server should serve the ball in such a way (underhand or overhand)
that it reaches the other side of the court without touching the net.
• Other ways to serve the ball (Top spin, Jump float, Hybrid service, Sky
ball serve,

RALLY SCORING is the method used in scoring Volleyball.
• Rally starts when the ball is served.
• A point is scored when the ball hits the ground.
• The team that wins the rally gets the chance to serve.
• The first team to get 25 points with a difference of at least 2 points wins the set.
• Usually five sets are played during a volleyball match, and the best of three rule
• If a player is injured, the game goes into an automatic 30-second timeout.
• If the injured player is unable to continue playing within this time frame, he
needs to be replaced, or his team needs to take a technical timeout.
• Each team can take two technical timeouts per set, each being of 60
seconds duration.
• There is no timeout allowed in the 5th (deciding) set.
 A player holds or throws the ball.
 The ball touches any part of the body, other than the hands or
 A player touches the net with any part of the body or hands, or
reaches over the net.
 A player plays out of position when the ball is being served.
 A player does not clearly hit the bailor allows the ball to come to
rest on any part or parts of the body.
 A player hits the ball out of the boundaries of the court.
 A player allows the ball to hit the floor, or any object outside or
over the court (except net), before being legally returned to the
opponent’s court.
 A player touches the ball twice in succession.
 A player fails to make a good serve.
• Unable to serve the ball successfully without it touching the net.
• Stepping over or across the end line while serving.
• Illegal passing of the ball, like palming, throwing or carrying the ball.
• Touching any part of the body to the net while passing the ball.
• Taunting or teasing the players of the other team.
• Crossing the center line of the court with any part of the body. If the line is
crossed with just a part of the foot then it is not a violation. (an entire hand
or leg should cross the line)
-The penalty for fouls or errors committed
is a point if the foul or error was committed
against the serving team, or side out if the
foul or error was committed against
the receiving team.
 Warm up thoroughly prior to game.
 Equipment should be checked for safety prior to game.
 Area surrounding court or playing area must be kept
free of obstacles.
 No jewelry or sharp objects should be worn during
 Players should stay in control and maintain their own
 Ball should be rolled to opponents when returning ball
for serve.
 Players should learn to play the ball properly to avoid
injuries to hands and fingers.
Ace- Serve that results directly in a point.
Add Out- Team that has scored a point following a tie at scores over 14 points.
Block- Defensive play by one or more players used to intercept a spiked ball
in an attempt to rebound it back into the opponent's court.
Bump- Forearm pass.
Deuce – Any tie score of 14 points or more.
Game Point - Last point in a game.
New Comb- Game variation using catching and throwing skills in place of setting and
Out of Bounds - When a ball lands completely outside of the boundary lines.
Pancake- Defensive technique where player extends hand, palm down on floor,so that
ball bounces off back of hand.
Rotation - Clockwise movement of players prior to the new serving term of a
Serve- skill used by player in back-right position to put ball into play.
Side Out- When serving team fails to win the point or makes an illegal play.

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