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Parallel Database Systems

The Future Of High Performance Database Systems

David Dewitt and Jim Gray

Presented By – Ajith Karimpana

Parallel Databases

• History of Parallel Databases

• Why Parallel Databases ?

• How are they implemented ?

• Where are they implemented ?

• Future of Parallel Databases

Parallel Databases

Parallel Databases
The History
History of Parallel Databases

 Mainframes dominated most database and transaction

processing tasks.

 Parallel Machines were practically written off.

 Specialized Database Machines came up with trendy


 Relational Data Model brought about a revolution.

History of Parallel Databases

Relational Data Model Revolution

 Uniform operations applied to uniform streams of data.

 Each operator produces a new relation.

 Pipelined Parallelism

 Partitioned Parallelism
History of Parallel Databases
Pipelined Parallelism
Streaming the output of one operator into the output of another operator.
Partitioned Parallelism
Partitioning the input data among multiple processors and memories, such
that an operator is split into many independent operators each working on a
part of the data.
Parallel Databases

Parallel Databases
Parallel Databases – Why ?

The Philosophy –

The ideal database machine would be a single infinitely fast

processor with an infinite memory with infinite bandwidth –
and it would be infinitely cheap (free).

But do we have such an ideal machine ? NO

So the challenge is to build an infinitely fast processor out
of infinitely many processors of finite speed, and to build
an infinitely large memory with infinite memory bandwidth
from infinitely many storage units of finite speed.

Answer To This Challenge – Parallel Databases

Parallel Databases

Parallel Databases
The Implementation
Parallel Databases- Implementation
Parallel Database Implementation – The Basic Techniques

Two Key Properties -

Parallel Databases- Implementation

Two Kinds of Scale up –

 Batch – Same query running on N-times larger


 Transactional – N-times as many clients,

submitting N-times as many requests against an
N-times larger database.
Parallel Databases- Implementation

Threats To Linear Speedup/Scale up

Parallel Databases- Implementation

Hardware Architecture

Shared Memory Shared Disk

Parallel Databases- Implementation
Hardware Architecture

Shared Nothing
Parallel Databases- Implementation

Parallel Dataflow Approach To SQL Software

 SQL data model was originally proposed to

improve programmer productivity by offering a
nonprocedural database language.
 SQL came with Data Independence since the
programs do not specify how the query is to be
 Relational Queries with their properties can be
executed as a dataflow graph and can use both
pipelined and partitioned parallelism.
Parallel Databases- Implementation

Data Partitioning

 Partitioning a relation involves distributing its

tuples over several disks.
 Three Kinds –
 Round-robin Partitioning

 Range Partitioning

 Hashing Partitioning
Parallel Databases- Implementation

Range Round-Robin Hashing

Parallel Databases- Implementation
Ideal for applications that wish to read entire relation sequentially
for each query.
Not ideal for point and range queries, since each of the n disks
must be searched.

Ideal for point queries based on the partitioning attribute.
Ideal for sequential scans of the entire relation.
Not ideal for point queries on non-partitioning attributes.
Not ideal for range queries on the partitioning attribute.

Ideal for point and range queries on the partitioning attribute.
Parallel Databases- Implementation

Handling Of Skew

The distribution of tuples when a relation is

partitioned (except for Round-Robin) may be
skewed, with a high percentage of tuples placed
in some partitions and fewer tuples in other

2 Kinds –
Data Skew (Attribute-value Skew)
Execution Skew (Partition Skew)
Parallel Databases- Implementation
Parallelism With Relational Operators

Consider a simple sequential query –

Parallel Databases- Implementation

A Relational Dataflow Graph

Parallel Databases- Implementation
Parallel Databases- Implementation

Famous Implementations Of Parallel Databases

Tandem NonStop SQL
The Super Database Computer
Parallel Databases

Parallel Databases
The Future
Parallel Databases- The Future

Research Problems
 Parallel Query Optimization
 Application Program Parallelism
 Physical Database Design
 On-line Data Reorganization and Utilities

Future Directions
 Many commercial success stories.
 But research issues still remain unresolved.
 Some applications are not well supported by
relational data model.
 Object-oriented design ??
Parallel Databases

Thank You

Grilling Time !!

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