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Effect of Different Levels of

Sargassum Crassifolium and

Molasses on the Germination
of Inbred (NSIC RC222)
Variety of Rice(Oryza Sativa)

Freya Lee Ponce
Project Overview
Inbred is defined as mating between
individuals that are related by ancestry
and is more likely in populations that
are, or have been small. On the other
hand Germination is the growth of plant
contained within a seed. It is also the
process of reactivation of metabolic
machinery of the seed.

NSIC RC222 Sargassum Molasses

Research Problem and Goals

Challenges faced by the agriculture sector are

immense. Detrimental effects of excessive usage of
inorganic fertilizer to satisfy the food requirement for
increasing world population than that of
recommended usage have lead farmers towards the
use of organic fertilizer. This study aims to find out
the effect of different levels of Sargassum crasifolium
and Molasses on the Germination of Inbred (NSIC
Rc222) Variety of Rice (Oryza Sativa).
Project Details (Method)
The study was done in a Completely
Randomized Design (CRD).
The height of the seedlings were
measured in centimeter, number of roots
and number of leaves were counted
manually after 14 days of exposure to
the different treatment.
ANOVA is used on observing variance
data into different components.
Treatment A

100mL Sargassum crassifolium extract

• 900mL Distilled water

• Treatment B

100mL Molasses

• 000mL Distilled water
Treatment D

50mL Sargassum crassifolium extract

• 50mL Molasses

• 900mL Distilled water

• Treatment E

25mL Sargassum crassifolium extract

ANOVA results revealed that Treatment D got the
highest mean in terms of seedling (8.5 cm) with a p-
value of 1.33E–06 and number of roots (11.7) with a
p–value of 6.01E–06 while Treatment E got the
highest results in terms od number od leaves (3.7)
having a p–value of 3.63E–06. Since all the p-values
were lees than 5% level of significance, the Null
hypothesis were rejected and that Sargassum
Crassifolium extract and Molasses in different
concentrations can be used as seed germinating
enhancer for Inbrid (NSIC Rc222) variety of rice
(Oryza Sativa).
Table 1
• Height
1 2 3 Mean

A 3.4 2.3 1.68 2.46

B 0.76 4 0.7 1.82

C 7.32 6.14 7.9 7.12

E 9.4 6.86 9.16 6.5

F 8.26 8.72 8.34 8.44

Contr 0.18 0.52 0.62 0.44

Table 2
• Number of Roots
1 2 3 Mean

A 7.2 6.6 6.6 6.8

B 1.8 2.6 2.4 2.3

C 9 12.2 7.4 9.5

E 10.6 12.8 11.6 11.7

F 6.8 8.6 8.8 8.1

Contr 1.6 2.2 4 2.6

Table 2
• Number of Leaves
1 2 3 Mean

A 2.6 2.4 2 2.3

B 2 2 2 2

C 3.6 3.6 3 3.4

E 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.5

F 63.2 3.8 4 3.7

Contr 2 2 2 2
Therefore I conclude that Sargassum
Crassifolium extract and Molasses in
different concentrations can be used as
seed germinatinh enhancer for the
inbreeding of plants. The treatment D is
the best in terms of number of leaves and
treatment E is the best in terms of height
and number of roots.
That's all thank you!
Have a great day ahead!
Keep Safe!
Freya Lee Ponce
Grade 10– Polaris

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