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In the modern world there are
organizations that were created after
the world wars. Some organizations
exist to this day, and some have
ceased to exist. Organizations
created after world wars include
organizations such as League of
Nations, International Labor
Organization, World Health
Organization, United Nations,
UNESCO and others.
worldwide organization whose goals were to
preserve peace and develop international
cooperation. It was formally founded on
January 10, 1920 and ceased to exist on April
18, 1946 with the formation of the UN. In the
League of Nations, ideas and projects that
were proposed starting from the 17th century
found their practical expression. Up to the
First World War. Of the 65 large states that
existed on the planet in 1920, all, with the
exception of the United States and Saudi
Arabia (formed in 1932), were members of
the League at one time or another.
The United Nations (UN) is an
international organization created to
maintain and strengthen international
peace and security, as well as develop
cooperation between states.
The UN was created after the Second
World War by the countries
participating in the anti-Hitler
coalition; the new organization,
replacing the ineffective League of
Nations, was to prevent future wars.
Since 2011, 193 countries are
members of the UN – almost all the
sovereign states of the world.
The International Labor
Organization (ILO) is a
specialized agency of the UN
system that aims to promote the
principles of social justice,
internationally recognized
human rights and rights at work.
Created in 1919, the ILO
became the first specialized
agency of the United Nations in
The World Health
Organization (WHO) is a
specialized agency of the
United Nations, consisting of
194 member states, whose
main function lies in solving
international health problems
of the world’s population. It
was founded in 1948 and is
headquartered in Geneva,
UNESCO is a specialized agency of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization.
The organization was created on November
16, 1945, its headquarters is located in Paris,
France. Currently, the organization has 193

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