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Team members:
Bhoomika kalasur 01FE17BCV018
Neelufar Makandar 01FE17BCV047
Netravati 01FE17BCV018
Nikhil B 01FE17BCV051
Parvati 01FE17BCV056

Dr.V.B. Patil
Given data:
LENGTH X BREDTH = 3200mm X 3600mm
End condition: Two adjacent edges are discontinuous
Concrete: M20
Steel: Fe415
Depth calculation:
Assuming l/d = 20
Assume 0.2% of reinforcement, modification factor = 1.68
d=3450 / 20x1.68= 102.68mm
Assuming 20mm nominal cover and 8mm diameter of bars
D=102.68+20+4=126.68mm Take overall depth [D]=140mm
and effective depth[d]=126mm = (140-20-4)
Effective length calculation
lx = 3.2+0.3=3.5m
 lx= 3.2+0.116=3.316m
 a) ly = 3.6+0.116-0.008=3.708m
 b) ly = 3.6+0.126=3.726
 Take lesser value of a) and b)
 Hence, lx=3.316 ly=3.708
Type of slab:
 r = ly/lx = 3.708/3.316 = 1.118
 ly/lx ratio is less than or equal to 2. Hence it is two-way slab.
Load calculation
 Live load: 2 kN/m2 (IS 875-1987 Part-2)
 Floor finish load: 1kN/m2
 Dead load
Self-weight: 1x1x0.141x25=3.5 kN/m2
 Total working load: 6.5 kN/m2
 Design load: 6.5 x 1.5=9.75 kN/m2
Design forces:
 Along short span Along long span
 αx(-ve) = 0.053 αy(-ve) = 0.047
αx(+ve) = 0.040 αy(+ve) = 0.035
Along short span:
Mux= αxw(lx)2
 Mux (-ve) = 0.053x9.75x3.3162 = 5.68kN-m
Mux (+ve) = 0.040x9.75x3.3162 = 4.28kN-m
Along long span:
Muy= αyw(lx)2
Muy (-ve)= 0.047x9.75x 3.3162 = 5.04kn.m
My (+ve)= 0.035x9.75x3.3162 = 3.75kn.m
 d required = = 45.35mm
 d required < d provided
Limiting moment of resistance of section is greater than moment acting on section
provided section is correct.
Reinforcement calculation:
Area of steel =Ast= (0.5fck/fy) x (1-√ (1-(4.6Mu/ fckbd2)) bd)
 Astx(-ve) =139.15 mm2
 Astx(+ve) =104.18 mm2
Asty(-ve) =132.43 mm2
 Asty(+ve) =98.06 mm2
Check for minimum reinforcement
 Astmin = 0.12%bd
 =168 mm2
Provide 2 legged 8mmɸ stirrups at minimum spacing of the following:
Sv = 300mm
Sv = 2.5*d = 290mm
Sv = (A Ø/Astx). B = 299.05mm
Provided reinforcement is less the minimum reinforcement for slab section.Hence provide
minimum reinforcement in all sides.
Smin = 290mm
Provide 2 legged 8mm diameter stirrups centre to centre in both shorter and
longer span.
Check for shear: (short span)
 Shear force; Vu = Wulx(r/(r+2)) = 11.54 kN
 Nominal Shear force: 0.099 N/mm2
 Ast provided: 173.24mm2
 % of steel = (Ast /bd) x100
 =0.149 %
 τc =0.999 N/mm2
 K= 1.30 D = 140)
 τc < τvx
 Shear strength of concrete=0.364 N/mm2
Nominal Shear force is less than Shear strength of concrete. No need to provide shear reinforcement.
Check for shea: (long span)
Shear force: Vu = Wulx(r/(r+2)) =10.77 kN
 Nominal Shear force=0.099 N/ mm2
 Ast provided=173.24 mm2
 % of steel = (Ast /bd) x100 = 0.16 %
 Shear strength of concrete = 0.374N/mm 2
Nominal Shear force is less than Shear strength of concrete. No need to provide shear reinforcement.
Check development length: (short span)
 M1=0.87 fy Astx dx (1-fy/fck x Astx/bdx)
 = 7.03 kN-m
 1.3M1/Vu +110 > 47Ø
 901.94 > 376
Check development length: (long span)
M1=0.87 fy Astx dx (1-fy/fck x Astx/bdx)
 = 6.53 kN-m
Loavailable > Loreq
1.3M1/Vu +110 > 47Ø
897.69 > 376
Torsional Reinforcement:
 Size of torsional mesh =Lx/5+Half of the width of the support
 =663.2+300/2
 =813.2mm
 Ast (torsion) at (2 side discontinuous)
 Ast = (3/4) Astx = 129.93 mm2
 Ast torsion = (3/8) Astx = 64.96 mm2
 Spacing:
 Sv = (A Ø/Ast(torsion))*b = 386.67mm
 Sv = (A Ø/Ast)*b = 773.39mm
 Astmin = (0.12*b*D)/100
 = 168 mm2

Given: M-20 grade, Fe-415 steel
Clear Span: 4900mm
Breadth of beam = breadth of support = 300mm
 = 52.2kNm at 2.78m from the left support.
Distance between points of contra flexure
 = 4.9m
Positive moment section is designed as T-beam
 =
 = 167.33 mm
= + 6 +
 + 6 100 + 300 = 1960mm
For 0.277 k = 0.825 [ IS 456 -2000]
 = 0.235
 = 235.57 mm

 D = 450– 25 – 8 – 4
 = 413 mm
B = 300mm d = 413mm D = 450mm
 = 300 413
 = 373.62

 = 253.77
 0.04 b D = 5400
 = = 1.858 2 nos
Provide 2 nos of 16 mm bar
Rectangular beam:
Details collected from SAP:
Mumax= 52.15kN-m; Vumax= 80.7kN
dreq =√( = 260.94 mm
dprovided= D - clear cover - 8mm stirrup - radius of 12mmφbar
 =450–(25 +8 + 8) = 409mm
 Hence it is under-reinforced.
Ast =
Ast = 377.34mm2
Astmin = 0.85bd/fy = 162mm2
Astmax =0.04bD = 0.04 x 230 x 450 = 5400mm2
No. of bars (N) = = = 2
Providing 2 bars of 16mmφ bars
Ast provided =402.12 mm2
τv = =
 τv = 0.65N\m2
τcmax = 2.8 N/mm2
Pt = X100
 = *100
 =0.32%
τc = 0.39 (from interpolation)
τv > τc
 Sv =
 =
 =451.95mm
 Provide 2 legged 8mmɸ stirrups at minimum spacing of the following:
Sv = 300mm
Sv = 0.75*d = 306.75mm
Sv =
 = 382.43mm
Provide 8mmɸ 2 legged vertical stirrups at spacing of 300mm C/C
Curtailment of bars
From Sap, at x = 0.94m
According to IS code, the bars are continued till 12ɸ or d
12*16 = 192mmyt

 d = 409
 x = 940 + 409 = 1349mm
Therefore, it should be continued till 1.349m from the support.
Lo = 300/2 – 40 = 110mm
Loreq = 47ɸ = 47*16 = 752mm
 Loavailable = 1.3*(Mu/Vu) + lo
 1.3*(82.14*/80.7*) + 110
 = 949.92mm
 Loavailable > Loreq
Design of RCC Columns
M20 concrete, Fe415 steel
Live load = 2.0 kN/m2 (IS 875:1987 Part 2)
Floor finish load = 1.0 kN/m2
Thickness of supports = 300 mm
Breadth of the column = 300 mm
Area of steel, Ast = 0.8% of bd
Loading on Column:
Load due to slab: 6.93 kN
Area of the slab =1.98 kN
Beam Load on Column =9.62kN/m
Live Load on column =3.96 kN/m
Floor Finish on the column =1.98 kN/m
Self weight of the column =8.61kN/m
Total load on column = 31 kN
Design load Pu=31.1 * 1.5*1.3 = 60.64 kN(IS 456:2000 Table 18)
Assuming breadth as 300 mm and depth as 450 mm.
Minimum Reinforcement Calculation:
Astmin = 0.8 % b × D = 1080mm2 (IS 456:2000,
Assuming Ø16mm bars
Number of bars = Astmin/(π × 162 /4) = 6
Provide 6 number of 16mmØ bars as longitudinal reinforcement.
Spacing of stirrups should be least of the following,
a) Least lateral dimension of column = 500 mm
b) 16 × Ø of main bar = 16 × 16 = 256mm
c) 300 mm
Provide 6 number of bars 16mmØ stirrups at spacing of 256mm c/c.

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