IT Standards

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Corporate IT Standards


 Computer Standards
 Security Standards
 User Management Standards
Computer Standards
Computer Standards
The computer specifications given to the
assigned user are based on work load and
software needs and they are categorized with
the following:

 Normal User
 Heavy User
 Desktop User
Computer Standards
Normal User : Dell Latitude 5000 Series

Processor : Intel® Core™ i5
Operating System : Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, English
Display : 14" HD (1366 x 768) Anti Glare (16:9) WLED
Memory : 4GB
Hard Drive : 500GB Hybrid Hard Drive
Warranty : 3 Year Pro Support
with Next Business Day Onsite Service

User Assignee’s : Users with standard application

Computer Standards
Heavy User : Dell Latitude 7000 Series

Processor : Intel® Core™ i7
Operating System : Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, English
Display : 15" HD (1366 x 768) Anti Glare (16:9) WLED
Memory : 8GB
Hard Drive : 1TB Hybrid Hard Drive
Graphics Card : 2GB memory
Warranty : 3 Year Pro Support
with Next Business Day Onsite Service

User Assignee’s : Users with special application and other application

that utilized high computer resources,
recommended by IT Personnel
Computer Standards
Desktop User : Dell Optiplex Series

Processor : Intel® Core™ i7
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, English
Display : 19" Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor
Memory : 4GB – 8GB
Hard Drive : 1TB Hybrid Hard Drive
Warranty : 3 Year Pro Support
with Next Business Day Onsite Service

User Assignee’s : ALL Desktop Users

Security Standards
Security Standards

This standards are set to obtain maximum

security control on the valuable asset of the
company such as data and hardware as well
as suppressing the spread of malware and
Security Standards
Best practices that we need to established to secure the
company assets
Data Encryption : Transfer of data through email, cloud or network and
removable drives as well as the stored data in a pc need to be
encrypted. Encryption is essential to protect the sensitive data and help
prevent breach and data loss in the event of theft or equipment loss.

Restriction on removable media : Since removable drives is now a

common channel for malware and viruses. The use of this devices must
be limited only to those using stand alone pc’s in order to mitigate or
eliminate virus infections and data security breach or data piracy.

Comprehensive Endpoint Security Solution: The use of antivirus

alone is not enough in obtaining total security in all network connected
computing devices, the use of both antivirus and a multi-layered next
gen future proof firewall or UTM is essential in obtaining total network
and pc security system.
Security Standards
Network-based security Firewall: An integral part of total security
system, this network security system monitors and controls the
incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined
security rules. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a
trusted, secure internal network and another outside network, such
as the Internet, that is assumed to not be secure or trusted.

Updated Security Patches: As new malware are being created

each day, the antivirus signatures requires frequent updates of the
signatures database, This is a part of the process done during
Preventive Maintenance.

Limitation to Internet Access : Since internet is our main channel

in reaching out into our business partners, and also a main source of
malwares and viruses. Access should only be given to those people
whose function requires internet browsing to maintain speed, ensure
100 % availability and limit malwares and viruses.
How to create password (should be strong password and easy to
remember) :

- no. of character required

How open you change password :

Hardware Management :

Common Computer Problems and how you act on it ( first Aide)

Restrictions …
Tips for creating strong passwords and

• A password is a string of characters used to access

information or a computer. Passphrases are typically longer
than passwords which contain multiple words that create a
phrase for added security. Passwords and passphrases help
prevent unauthorized people from accessing files, programs,
and other resources. When you create a password or
passphrase, you should make it strong, which means it's
difficult to guess or crack. It's a good idea to use strong
passwords on all user accounts in your computer. If using a
workplace network, use of strong password is required.
• Password and Passphrase should be change every 60days
What makes a password or passphrase strong?
A strong password: A strong passphrase

Is at least eight characters long. Is 20 to 30 characters long.

Does not contain your user name, real Is a series of words that create a phrase
name, or company name.
Does not contain a complete word. Does not contain common phrases found
in literature or music.

Is significantly different from previous Does not contain words found in the
passwords. dictionary
Does not contain your user name, real
name, or company name.

Is significantly different from previous

passwords or passphrases.
Strong passwords and passphrases contain
characters from each of the following four
Character category Examples

Uppercase letters A, B, C

Lowercase letters a, b, c

Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Symbols found on the keyboard (all keyboard

characters not defined as letters or numerals) and
Password & Passphrase Example
A password or passphrase might meet all the criteria above and still be weak. For
example, Hello2U! meets all the criteria for a strong password listed above, but is
still weak because it contains a complete word. H3ll0 2 U! is a stronger alternative
because it replaces some of the letters in the complete word with numbers and
also includes spaces.
Help yourself remember your strong password or passphrase by following these tips:
Create an acronym from an easy-to-remember piece of information. For example, pick
a phrase that is meaningful to you like, My son's birthday is 14 April, 2011. Using
that phrase as your guide, you might use Msbi14/April,11 for your password.
Substitute numbers, symbols, and misspellings for letters or words in an easy-to-
remember phrase. For example, My son's birthday is 14 April, 2011 could become
Mi$un's Brthd8iz 41611, which would make a good passphrase.
Relate your password or passphrase to a favorite hobby or sport. For example, I love to
play badminton could become ILuv2PlayB@dm1nt()n.
Step by step Instruction in creating
password for your account:
• Click the Start button then RUN
• Type control nusrmgr.cpl then click OK
• Click your account name.
• Click Create a password. (For those do not have account
• In Type a new password and Type the new password again to
confirm, type the password for your account.
• You can also enter descriptive or meaningful text in Type a
word or phrase to use as a password hint to help you
remember your password.
•  Click Create Password.
Computer Problems and PC Errors

• Every PC user has a computer problem now and

then. Even the most stable, secure machine is not
safe from buggy software, failing hardware, or even
the occasional loose wire. PC problems can be a huge
headache, bringing productivity to a halt and
potentially costing you money. Here are some of the
most common computer problems, and their
possible causes.
The Computer Won't Turn On
• This can be a computer user's worst nightmare. You
hit the power button and nothing happens. Any
number of things can cause this computer problem
— it may be something as simple as a loose cord, or
as serious as a dead power supply.
• Another common PC problem is when the computer
turns on and the fan and lights come on, but the
machine doesn't boot, or shows a blank screen. This
could be anything from a dead (or unplugged)
monitor to a dead hard drive or corrupted boot
Lockups and Freezes
• The infamous "blue screen of death" has frustrated
many users, as it brings the computer to a halt and
displays an error message that's utterly
indecipherable to most computer users. Lockups can
be caused by any number of issues — sometimes it's
buggy software, or a system running out of memory.
• Sometimes it's a bad hardware driver causing the
issue. More seriously, it can be a sign of overheating,
RAM going bad, or the hard drive failing.
Components get loose inside the machine and can
also cause computer errors, sudden lockups, or even
spontaneous shutdowns.
Slow Performance
• When you delete files and applications from the
computer, all kinds of junk can get left behind.
Useless files and data can accumulate and degrade
system performance. Ironically, antivirus and anti-
malware software, while vital to the health of a
computer, can slow a PC’s performance. Low hard
drive space or not enough RAM in the machine can
also cause computer errors and slow down the
User Management
User Management Standards

As user we should take part of the following:

 Outlook Management
 File Management
 Preventive Maintenance
User Management Standards
Outlook Management
This is set to organized email for easy monitoring and identify
unread messages

Organizing Inbox

Organize Inbox by department for easy

identification of received emails
User Management Standards
Inbox Management Steps:

1. Create new folder based on category – per department

a.) Right click on the Inbox then click on new folder

b.) Type the Department Name on the Name Dialog

then click “ OK ”. Repeat until all departments are
User Management Standards
2. Create new Rules to distribute receive mails to its categorized department

a.) Click on Tools in menu toolbar, then click on Rules and Alerts
User Management Standards
b.) On the Rules and Alerts dialog, click on New Rules
User Management Standards
c.) On the Rules Wizard, click on Check messages when they
arrive; then click NEXT
User Management Standards
d.) In Step 1: Check the box that states “with specific words in
the sender’s address” then in Step 2: click “specific words”
User Management Standards

d. In the Search Text dialog; type the word or phrase to search in

the sender’s address; then click Add
User Management Standards
e.) to search for additional sender’s address; type another word or
phrase, then click Add ; repeat this procedure until all senders’
addresses have been entered. Once completed click OK; then click
User Management Standards
f.) in Step 1; Check the box that states “move it to the specified
folder” then on the Step 2: click “specified”
User Management Standards
g.) On the choose a folder dialog; select the Destination Folder
and click OK ; then click NEXT
User Management Standards
h.) On the final stage, Type the department name to label the created rule;
then check the box that states “Run the rule now on messages already in
INBOX” and the box that states “Turn on the rule” ; then click FINISH
User Management Standards

3. Repeat Procedure 2 ( Creating New Rules )

until all department folders have been
User Management Standards
File Management
This is set to organized the files and folders in the computer for
easy access and locating files in the storage drive as well as easy
backup of documents

On the User’s computer, we have set two drives :

Drive C : which contains the
operating system and application.
We have set restriction on this
drive to protect from unintentional
deletion of files and virus.

Drive D : which contains all

company data, email and some
personal files.
User Management Standards
What should Local Drive D: of the computer
really contains?

On the root of the drive, we could see….

 NEH Folder
 Personal Folder
User Management Standards
NEH Folder
Inside this folder contains two important subfolders, the
Data Folder and Email Folder. All company data should
be stored in the “data” folder as well as all email will be
stored to the “email” folder.
Corporate Folder Filing Code : ( Proposed)

Main Folder Year (Y) Y16

Business Process Strong Leadership (SL)
Key Area / Step Effective Leading Other (ELO)
Key Strategies Execution Management (ExMgt)
Example: Y16-SL-ELO-ExMgt

Sub-Folder 2 Activity WIG Session (WIGS)

Dept./ Name SDEL
Example: WIGS –SDEL

Sub-Folder 3 Specific Schedule of Activity & Wk 1

needed Tools/Reports and Files Meeting Planner w Minutes
Weekly WIG Session OAPs
User Management Standards

Personal Folder

This folder has been created for user to place their

personal files but user should limit its folder size to 20GB
only. Excess of this set folder size would be deleted.

Also, this folder is not included in the backup procedure.

User Management Standards
Inside the Data Folder, contains the system categorized folder and
the Year as the first level of Data Repository Folder
Standard Sorting Practices inside data folder: ( refer to Corp. Folder
Structure –Filing Code)
a,) Level 1 - Data are sorted according to year.
b.) Level 2 to 4 - Data are sorted according to Importance,
Classification, Category, Genre, Etc.
c.) Last Level – Files or Data
User Management Standards

Note:   MP3s or Music in any form, Videos in any form

and or Pictures in any form not related to your respective
company should not be included inside NEH Folder. Also,
Pictures, Videos taken for occasions like Birthdayhan,
Trainings, Seminars, Xmas Party should not included in
NEH Folder but are classified as personal and be placed
in Personal Folder.
User Management Standards
Preventive Maintenance
This is set to provide a reliable and efficient quality of
hardware and software of NEH Group of Companies and
to improve the computer and its peripherals machine life-
span, to minimize computer breakdowns and excessive
depreciation through imposition of scheduled preventive
maintenance program.

Note: Preventive Maintenance is scheduled annually and it is set on

the birthday of the user.

When the birthday falls on Saturday, PM schedule will be on Friday

before the birthdate.

When the birthday falls on Sunday, PM schedule will be on Monday

after the birthdate.
User Management Standards
What is done Preventive Maintenance?

Backup Files – All files inside the NEH Folder which include Emails.

Update Operating System – to stable the vulnerability of the system

against malware and spyware.

Update Anti-virus – update to the latest virus pattern and programs

Outlook Maintenance – compacting of outlook PST files when date

reach 15GB of size

Physical Cleaning – to maintain the physical appearance of the unit

and eliminate unwanted particles in the air ways.

Note: Users are responsible to submit its unit for PM, Failure to do
so I.T. will not be held liable for Data Loss
Next Step:
• Proposed curtailment of internet access
• IT Room

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