Fusion BPO and Diversity Management Necessity in Globalised World

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By Anshumali Saxena

Delivering Next Generation BPO Through

Business Process Transformation

Fusion BPO Approach -Future Ready &

Disruptively Agile . Delivering Scalable
Profitable Growth Repeatedly
BPT :Business Beyond Boundaries!
Global work & workforce Innovations
need to involve customers to build
competitive advantage – both for
customers as well service providers.

Boundaries between customers &

service providers, geographies,
nationalities, work styles & technologies
and departments in an organization
need to dissolve!
Fusion BPO: Making Boundary less
Business A Reality
Fusion Type Functions Impacted Benefits

Integrated BPO IT + Call Centre + Transaction End to end, domain

Processing + Analytics specialised service
fulfilment for higher
revenues & savings
Staffing Expatriate staff from 9 European Zero hiring & training
countries recruited & trained by costs. Staff productive
global clients to work @ Tecnovate from day 1 of joining duty
Workforce Multilingual, multicultural High quality, low cost
workforce along with Indian staff – output and lower attrition
all on Indian salaries

Career-Business Globally certified captive Work excellence with

Need educational institution for long term career growth.
employees & retail students Securing the HR supply
People- Transaction based and not effort Value for money for both
Technology based billing where Technology is customers as well as
leveraged to reduce cost of billing Tecnovate
Unique Fusion BPO Methodology
• Assess staffing requirements
• Recruit employees from client base in the Training
native country • Training of European staff at Client side
• Source them through advertisements • European’s are employed at entry level and
posted on websites and employee mid management positions
referrals • Appropriate training at appropriate levels
• Higher buy in due to process • India familiarization part of training
• Employee Contract signed for a minimum
period of a year The
• Cross learning's in a Multi Cultural  Europeans provided free7secure fully furnished
environment accommodation with a care taker
• Great International work exposure  Free global travel & local transport
• Enjoyable work and travel experience  Subsidized meals & Health cover
• Cross cultural competence builds through  Dedicated travel desk and a special leave
ongoing team/individual support structure allowing them to explore India
 Higher value to clients, all pervasive innovations
for better quality &operational efficiencies
Fusion BPO: Best In Class Deliverables

Contact Centre BPO Services I.T. Services

Services Back-office
Web Production
Administrative Services
Call & Response Center Content Creation and Entry
Services Data Processing
• Telesales
Product Details Entry
• Telemarketing eStore Front Creation
• Customer Service/ Claims Processing
Support eNewsletters
• Collections Underwriting
Banner Design
• Activations Online Sales Processing
• Product Support Web Design Services
• Lead Generation Online Transaction
Web Development
/Qualification Processing
• Loyalty Program Admin. eCommerce Store
Email Management Finance and
Booking Engine Integration
• Email Support Accounting
• Email Sales Application Development
Supplier Reconciliation
• Web Chat Support
Back office and Mid office
Bank Reconciliation
Technical Helpdesks (Accounts Payable,
Accounts Receivable) Technical Infrastructure
Audit support
Budgeting support
Making Business Process
Transformation (BPT) deliver
• BPT deliver when they transcend people, process,
client relationships and top management

• BPT ‘fuse’ various business components seamlessly

and every participant in the ‘value chain’ benefits
consistently and contributes willingly

• BPT is viewed as competitive advantage both by the

BPO service provider as well as its client

• The momentum of BPT growth is sustained by

globally benchmarked quality systems and data
driven metrics
Meeting People Challenges
• Right people, right place, right time, right cost

• Focused domain specialization and retraining

• Effectively managing specialist employees’ career aspirations

through Travel Guru- our captive education college

• Enhancing employee commitment by having an increased

employee-customer interaction right from recruitment stage

• Overcoming geographic/ cultural barriers though innovative HR

practices and best in class technology tools

• People Incentives on delivering more revenues and not just saving

Inhouse BPO Training & Skills Center

• Supply Chain Management

• Domain Specific Career
• Greater Employee
Commitment as they pay for
their education
• Making Education a Profit
• Roped in major colleges in
Delhi Univ. for spreading
Travel+BPO education
• Potential Client retraining
Leveraging Global Diversity For Better Bottom-line &
Happy People

Global MNCs worldwide success-sustaining Initiatives

Global Culture & Work Fusion

IT, BPO & Agile Service

organizations are fueling global
workforce mobility. This is a globally
acclaimed model of successfully
leveraging cultural & professional
synergies for people as well
corporate USPs. This unique
multilingual, trans-cultural business
model is a win-win business model
to succeed in Glo-cally hyper
competitive business environment
of today & tomorrow.
Global Workforce Realities

Propelled by twin forces of capitalism

& globalization, workforce, like capital
is no longer constrained by

Professionals today seek the

destination of their choice, to work,
live and grow.

Cultural diversity thrives in

transnational leaders that nurture
individual competencies and manage
cultural sensitivities through a
successful mix managerial
interventions, process innovations,
collaborative work practices and
Diversity and Culture
Culture’s the distinctive life-way of people
united by a common language & governed by
rules/ models for their beliefs & behavior.
Culture is what we live everyday & what we
bring with us to our workplace.
We recognize diversity as a +ve energy &
channelizes it in a productive direction
through a mix of HR policies & people welfare
initiatives. We see Diversity as a springboard
for doing more, gaining more and spreading
happiness, peace & prosperity - globally &
Culture is root, the stem & branch, while civilization
is the branch, the leaf and the blossom. -Nelson Brooks
Components Of Our Culture

•Values, norms and artefacts

•Tastes and manners

•Attitudes and behaviours

•Knowledge and values

•History and experience

Cultural Sensitivity: Challenges
Cultural sensitivity encompasses language, living
styles, individual inclinations, work culture,
climatic adjustments, monetary disparity and
internalized needs.
People don’t tell you when its going wrong –
hence innate issues need to be uncovered
through continuous research and personal
Training needs to be globally relevant as well
locally aligned and ideally conducted in native
Employers need to manage the entire work -
residence continuum to manage cultural
Nurturing culturally competent leadership and
culturally adaptive service delivery norms
Managing Cultural Sensitivity By The
Cultural General Approach

The Culture-General approach

believes that one should first have
an understanding and awareness
of cultural issues before specific
information is given. This is to
reduce the chance of stereotyping.
This approach is based on global
success stories.

The Culture-General approach is based on the multiculturalism

belief i.e. recognition and acknowledgement that society is
pluralistic. In addition to the dominant culture, there exists
many other cultures based around ethnicity, historical
orientation, geography, religion, gender, and class.
Understanding Primary & Secondary
Dimensions of Cultural Diversity

Primary dimensions are aspects of ourselves

that we cannot change. They are things
people know about us before we even open
our mouths, because they are physically
visible . When people feel they are being
stereotyped based on primary dimension,
they can be very sensitive about it.

Secondary dimensions are elements we

have some power to change. People are less
sensitive about secondary dimensions. We
also have the choice of whether to disclose
this information or not; we can conceal
these characteristics.
Primary & Secondary Dimensions of Diversity

Secondary Dimensions

Work Background
Income Primary
Physical Geographic
Orientatio Location
Race n Ethnicity

Gender Age
Education Status

Religious Beliefs Experience
Understanding Communication Essentials For
Managing Cultural Sensitivity

1. Recognize differences
2. Build Your Self-Awareness
3. Describe and Identify, then Interpret
4. Don’t assume your interpretation is
5. Verbalize your own non-verbal signs
6. Share your experience honestly
7. Acknowledge any discomfort,
hesitation, or concern
8. Practice politically correct
9. Give your time & attention when
10.Don’t evaluate or judge
Path Of Intercultural Learning

Work Motivation

Selective Adoption

Individual’s Path to Cultural Competency

Learning is like a journey, in that,

it is a path that we follow to
enlightenment. The path to
intercultural learning developed by
global experts, gives us a model to
cultural competency. This outline
illustrates the development of
cultural competency in every one
of us. Competency implies having
the capacity to function
effectively. It is important to see
where, we as individual, fit into
this continuum.
Workplace Cultural Competency Continuum

Even though, we may be culturally

sensitive, our work environment
may not be at the same level. This
can be attributed to the numerous
people employed and the different
ideologies they possess. Leaders
need to continually review this
continuum, in order to sensitize
workplace elements to aid every
individuals’ journey to Cultural
Accelerating global success momentum


Build Up…
Confront Hedgehog
Level 5 First Who the Brutal Culture of Technology
Leadership Then What Concept Discipline Accelerators
Disciplined People Disciplined Disciplined Action
Professional & People Success-Abilities

Professional Will Personal Humility

Creates superb results, a clear Demonstrates a compelling

catalyst in the transition from modesty, shunning public
good to great. adulation; never boastful.

Demonstrates an unwavering Acts with quiet, calm

resolve to do whatever must be determination; relies principally
done to produce the best long- on inspired standards, not
term results, no matter how inspiring charisma, to motivate.

Sets the standard of building an Channels ambition into the

enduring great company; will company, not the self; sets up
settle for nothing less. successors for even greater
success in the next generation.

Looks in the mirror, not out the Looks out the window, not in the
window, to apportion mirror, to apportion credit for
responsibility for poor results, the success of the company—to
never blaming other people, other people, external factors,
external factors, or bad luck. and good luck.
Different levels of success - expertise

Executive leadership

Level 5 Builds enduring greatness thorough a paradoxical blend of

personal humility and professional will.

Effective Leader
Level 4 Catalyzes commitment to an vigorous pursuit of a clear and
compelling vision, stimulating higher performance

Competent Manager
Level 3 Organizes people and resources toward the effective and
efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives.

Contributing Team Member

Level 2 Contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of
group objectives and works effectively with other in a group
Highly Capable Individual
Level 1 Makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge,
skills and good work habits.
Success-evolution an ongoing function

Leaders who employ a paradoxical mix of personal

humility and professional will…
 Set up successors for even greater success.
 Display Compelling modesty, are self-effacing and
 Are fanatically driven to produce sustainable
 Are more of a plow horse than show horse.
 Attribute success to factors other than themselves.
 Look in the mirror and take full responsibility for
poor decisions.
Most people have the potential to evolve into Level 5
Success-process explained

Level 5 + Management Team A "Genius with a

(Good-to-Great Companies) Thousand Helpers"
(Comparison Companies)

Level 5 Leader Level 4 Leader

First Who First What

Get the right people on the bus. Set a vision for where to drive the
Build a superior executive team. bus. Develop a road map for driving
the bus.

Then What Then Who

Once you have the right people in Enlist a crew of highly capable
place, figure out the best path to “helpers” to make the vision happen.
Preparing for Success-journey

 Leaders begin the

transformation by first getting the
right people on the bus (also right
trainers & helpful mentors ).

 “Who” questions come before

“what” decisions - before vision,
strategy, organization structure,
and tactics.

 Great vision with great people is

proven success-mantra.
Leadership success-secrets

 Leaders are rigorous, not relentless in people

 Three practical disciplines for being rigorous:
 When in doubt, don’t hire – Keep Looking
 When you know you need to make a people
decision, act
 Put your best people on your best opportunities,
not your biggest problems
 Management teams debate vigorously to find best
answers, yet unify behind decisions.
 “Right” person has more to do with character traits and
innate capabilities than with knowledge, background,
or skills.
Faith to prevail Courage to succeed

The Stockdale Paradox

Retain faith that you will Confront the most brutal

prevail in the end, AND at the facts of your current
regardless of the same time reality, whatever they
difficulties. might be.
Success - a long term marathon

Every good-to-great company faced significant adversity

along the way to greatness, of one sort of another—In
every case, the management team responded with a
powerful psychological duality. On the one hand, they
stoically accepted the brutal facts of reality. On the other
hand, they maintained an unwavering faith in the
endgame, and a commitment to prevail as a great
company despite the brutal facts. The world calls this
duality as the Stockdale Paradox.
By the people, of the people, for the people

 Setting off on the path to greatness required

confronting the brutal facts of current reality.
 We created a culture wherein people had a
tremendous opportunity to be heard and, ultimately,
for the truth to be heard.
 Four basic practices we followed:
 Lead with questions, not answers
 Engaged with dialogue and debate, not coercion
 Conducted autopsies, without blame
 Built red flag mechanisms where information could
not be ignored
Our Success-path learning
Driving factors of the Hedgehog concept
Collaborative decisions, Participative Actions
Sustaining Success-focus

 Getting disciplined people who engage in disciplined

thought and who then take disciplined action,
fanatically consistent with three circles
 People who “rinse their cottage cheese”
 Not about a tyrant who disciplines
 Involves a duality
 Requires people who adhere to a consistent system.
 Gives people freedom and responsibility within
framework of that system.
 “Stop doing” lists are more important than “to do” lists.
 “Anything that does not fit with our Hedgehog Concept,
we will not do.”
Global growth and people realities

 As our company grows it can easily become more

complex and could trip over its own success – too
many new people, too many new customers, too
many new orders and too many new products.
 Our globally diversified divisions are built on a
consistent system with clear constraints, and they
give people freedom and responsibility within the
framework of its proven system. Hiring of diversity
minded and self-disciplined people who don’t need
to be managed is key to the success. They then
need to manage the system and not micro-manage
the people.
From being good to achieving greatness

 Good-to-great divisions avoid technology fads and

 Yet they often become pioneers in the application
of carefully selected technologies.
 This fits directly with our Hedgehog Concept
 Good-to-greats use technology as an accelerator
of momentum, not a creator of it.
 Technology by itself is never a root cause of either
greatness or decline.
 “Walk, observe, run & maintain speed” is an
effective approach, even during times of rapid and
radical technological change.
Persistence, Patience & Perseverance

 Good-to-great transformations never happened in one fell swoop.

 There was no single defining action, no grand program, no one
killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment.
 Instead they followed a sustainable pattern of buildup,
breakthrough and success.
 Like pushing on a giant, heavy flywheel, it takes a lot of effort to
get the thing moving, but . . .
With persistent pushing,
In a consistent direction,
Over a long period of time
The flywheel builds momentum . . . Eventually hitting a point of
 Our good-to-great divisions consistently overcame problems of
commitment, alignment, motivation, and change to effectively
take care of themselves.
 Alignment follows from results and momentum, not the other way
Our essential do’s and don’ts

 Follow a pattern of buildup leading to

 Confront the brutal facts
 Attain consistency
 Follow the pattern of disciplined people, thought
and action
 Harness appropriate technologies
 Make major acquisitions after breakthrough
 Spend little energy trying to motivate people
 Let results do the talking
 Maintain consistency
And the Why’s and How’s

 Skip buildup and go straight to breakthrough

 Embrace fads and management hoopla
 Demonstrate inconsistency
 Jump right into action
 React as fast as possible to technology change,
to avoid being left behind
 Make major acquisitions to create momentum
 Spend a lot of energy trying to motivate and
align people
 Sell the future
 Demonstrate inconsistency over time
Our Good to Great achievement path

Establishe Good to Sustained Built to Enduring

d Division Great Great Last Great
or Start- Concepts Results Concept Divisions
up s
Balancing Values with Change Necessities
HR’s Golden People Success Rules

 When in doubt, do not hire – Keep looking

 When you know you need to make people change –


 Put your best people on your biggest opportunities,

not your biggest problems
 Purpose of compensation – Not to motivate the
right behaviors from the wrong people, but to get
and keep the right people in first place

 Right people are the most important asset

Work-Unity’ in Global Diversity: A Success Model

Recruitment Training
• Assess staffing requirements •
Training of Global staff on emerging Diversity
• Recruit employees from diverse countries issues
purely on merit and global orientation • Multicultural and gender diverse staff employed
• Source them through job rotation, at all entry level to top management positions
employee referrals and external ads • Appropriate handholding and motivation
• Higher buy in due to process transparency • Global footprint familiarization part of training
• Customised employee induction programs
to sensitize them to global work necessities
Diversity Success
Globally Ericsson time tested diversity policies generate
goodwill and better revenues

Transformations  Created a new business model based on

• Cross learning's in a Multi Cultural environment breakthrough co-sourcing understanding with Bharti
• Great International work exposure group
 Pioneered with the same co-sourcing model to spread
• Unique business models & global firsts @
nationally in other clients & states.
 Started Empower a unique student empowerment &
• Enjoyable work and travel experience
teaching programme targeting pan India Engg
• Cross cultural competence builds through
ongoing team/individual support
 Exposure to latest technologies and industry experts
 Dedicated HR teams & proven experts mitigate risks
of global diversity with collaborative work tools like
 Making diversity management a ‘wow’ experience for

Every Employer And The Host

Country Wants You Safe &
Comfortable For Higher

Our HR has systems &

experienced staff especially
devoted to transform our
people’s multifaceted cultural
& talent abilities into win-win
work situations

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