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Orchid Ecotel Case

Submitted by Group 2
Anchal Sahai PGP/24/129

Radhika Nema PGP/24/233

C R Vinuthna PGP/24/384

Nigil Kumar S PGP/24/164

Kartik Narayana PGP/24/467


• Basic infrastructure – In Heritage hotels which are • To achieve operational efficiency at Ecotels
taken over from owners, revamping of basic synchronising of front end(customer service) and
infrastructure has to be done for converting the back end(inventory management, supply chain etc)
hotels to Ecotels needs to be done which also requires planning and
• Operational strategies are different for each of the investment
verticals and investment is required to bring in • Eco initiatives like triple glazed windows, R22 air
modifications so as to suit Ecotel hotel operations conditioning etc involve high initial and upfront
• As all four verticals are targeting different customer investment
segments, not all the customers would be ready to • Low occupancy rates and less inflow of income due
pay extra bucks for eco friendly rooms to economic slowdown
• Awareness has to be created among employees • Budget shall be required for conducting programs
regarding the eco friendly initiatives and practices and activities promoting eco friendly solutions
being adopted - Expenses shall be incurred to • Expenses for membership referral programs and
conduct training workshops other promotional offers for spreading positive word
• Investment is required for spending on eco friendly of mouth about the environmental initiatives taken
gadgets and environment friendly material up
• Investment in Ecotels would reap benefits in the • Investment is needed for introduction of budget
long term and there will not be any immediate hotels as consumer preferences have changed
returns • Adherence to different laws and by laws in different
• Obtaining Ecotel certification is a comprehensive nations also has a bearing on the project cost
process requiring them to look into energy • As they are not going for franchising for expansion
management, solid waste management, water and are choosing to manage the properties, the
management, employee education and community same would also require investment
Ecotel Industry- Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
I. Threat of New Entrants- Medium III. Threat of Substitutes- High V. Bargaining Power of
● The demand for tourism in India is expected ● The wide range of offerings in the ecotel industry Suppliers- High
grow at 8.2% between 201-19 right from budget stays, home stays to luxury ● For sustainability of Ecotel huge
● New age travelers look for experience hotels, resorts and retreats focus has to paid on
● Differentiation and capturing new opportunities ● The threat of substitutes is high because if a infrastructure & human
to grow will draw new players and existing traveler does not find it satisfactory they will resources
players to enter into ecotel readily switch to alternate forms ● To reap the benefits of eco
hoteling a proper infrastructure is
II. Bargaining Power of Buyers- High IV. Threat of Competition- Low needed (waste management,
electricity, water etc.,) right from
● While there are substitutes available in the
● The new age travelers are looking for new design and requires suitable
industry, the number of firms offering ecotel kind
experiences different from traditional ones suppliers
of hotels in the industry due to the high level of
● The level of acceptance and adoption of eco ● For HR, right selection and
specialization required is low
friendly practices during their stay also training of personal to ensure the
● The high degree if specialization required
determine the success of ecotel sustainability of operations
warrants huge capital investments in terms of
● People satisfied with the level of considering the values and
infrastructure and human resources
sustainability offered by the ecotel would be culture fit has to de done
● The above reasons makes it feasible for only the
willing to pay more
few large companies like Oberoi, Taj etc., to enter
such industry as they have deep pocket
Building an environmentally sustainable hotel
regarded as a core competency?
YES Being an environmentally sustainable hotel NO Sustainability is becoming a growing
can be regarded as a core competency concern amongst masses and
when it is used as a point of differentiation businesses are pursuing it to attract
in all the marketing activities. customers at an ever growing scale.

The implementation should guarantee that Hence, the hotel might lose its USP
the hotel is able to develop a unique selling if it takes the common sustainability
point in the market on which to compete. measures like using sensors to
conserve power, water management
Every aspect of the company involved in etc.
making the operations environmentally
An eco-friendly strategy deployed by Taj Hotels
Environment Awareness & Renewal at Taj Hotels - EARTH

Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces, today a global hospitality chain with 77
properties in over 60 locations, has been a steward of social responsibility
since its founding in Mumbai, India, in 1903. In 2009, they launched a project
as a commitment to energy conservation and environmental management.
This project, EARTH has received certification from Green Globe, the only
worldwide environmental certification program for travel and tourism.

Green Globe is the international benchmarking and certification programme

for the travel and tourism industry based on the Agenda 21 principles for
Sustainable Development endorsed by 182 Heads of State at the United
Nations Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Green Globe, is the only worldwide
environmental certification program for travel and tourism.

The EARTH movement works to minimise the impact of its businesses on the environment. The initiatives under this
include environmental training for all employees, energy audits every three years, and a phased reduction of freshwater
consumption. Few of them are listed in the following slide:
Energy: Taj hotels use CFL lights, which consume 78% less energy; Taj Coromandel, Chennai, generates
energy from windmills; Solar water heating systems at the Taj West End, Bangalore, have saved over 51,000
litres of fuel over the last 3 years; a biogas plant at Rambagh Palace, Jaipur, helps in cutting energy cost.

Waste management: In hotels where land is available, kitchen waste and dry leaves are converted into
compost; waste paper from printing is reused as writing pads; pipe steel waste is used as safety railings or in
barricades; and old bed sheets are used to make linen bags and cotton napkins. Located in a sensitive
ecological zone, the Taj Exotica, Maldives, focuses on waste management. The use of plastic bags is
restricted and hazardous substances such as lead acid batteries are sent to Thilafushi Island, a landfill area
allocated for refuse.

Environment: The Taj Garden Retreat and Bird Sanctuary which are located at Kumarakom is a favourite
haunt of several species of migratory birds. The hotel uses special lighting to reduce the glare so as not to
disturb animal life, and wastewater is treated before being discharged.

At Pichola Lake, the Taj takes care to avoid spoiling the lake water and harming its marine life. The hotel
uses battery-operated boats instead of those powered by gasoline, and wastewater is recycled and used for

The Taj Coral Reef, located on a tropical atoll, takes great care to protect the delicate ecosystem of the coral
reefs. Trees are planted near the beach and extraction of sand from the beach is not permitted. Organic
wastes are processed and converted to fish food.
Thank you.

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