Week 1: Topic 1 The Goal of Communication in Teaching Young Learners

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Week 1 : Topic 1

The Goal of Communication in

Teaching Young Learners

Khairul Nisak Bt Haji Ahmad

Jabatan Bahasa
Nov 2021
• Definition of Communication
• Types of Communication
 Verbal/Oral
 Non-verbal
• Functions of Oral Communication
• Importance of Oral Communication in Early Childhood Education
• Elements of Oral Communication
• Effective Oral Communication in Early Childhood Educational Settings
Definition of Communication
• a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through
a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
• exchange of information
• personal rapport

Types of Communication
 Verbal/Oral
• Verbal communication is any communication that uses words to share information
with others. These words may be both spoken and written

 Non-verbal
• Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the
voice, gestures displayed through body language (kinesics) and the physical distance
between the communicators (proxemics)

Functions of Oral Communication (how
people use language for different purposes)
• Regulation Function or to regulate - this simply means to control.
• Information Function or to inform - this functions simply focuses in transferring
• Motivation function or to motivate - this functions appeal to mind for the very purpose
changing one’s belief or desire in accomplishing something.
• Emotional expression function or to express - this functions simply wants to express
emotion or strong feelings because of a particular situations or happening.
• Social Interaction function or to interact - this is a simple function of communication that
primarily aims to establish social relationship or bonds between individuals.
Importance of Oral Communication in Early
Childhood Education
• Capable of expressing themselves, clearly and confidently, in all aspects and areas
of their life.
• Develop social skills and interpersonal skills alongside their communication
• Easier to strike up conversations with peers, and make new friends.
• Easier to produce written communications.
• By developing good communication skills in a child from their youth, you are
equipping them straight away with the skills to build a successful future.
Elements of Oral Communication
Elements of Oral Communication (cont.)
• There are 7 major elements when we talk about
the communication process.
• These are: sender, ideas, encoding, communication channel, receiver,
decoding and feedback.
• Communication channel - the medium or the communication format
chosen by the sender to transmit the message to the receiver.
Effective Oral Communication in Early
Childhood Educational Settings
• Start with the child
• Create a rich communication environment
• Slow down and take your time
• View everyday situations as opportunities to communicate
• Use specific language and communication strategies
• Involve families and communities
• Document and record progress

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