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English Exposition

Names: Magaly Lara Vanessa Malquin Leydi

Date: 11-01-16
Theme: Wh Questions
A question in English to which an appropriate
answer is to give information rather than to answer
``yes'' or ``no'': typically introduced by the word
who, which, what, where, when, or how,
 A form of words addressed to a person in order to
elicit information or evoke a response;
interrogative sentence
Usually the " wh questions" are used to quick questions when we get information
from someone or some where. But we can also use the " wh words " to make
more elaborate questions. For instanció:

 What is the account number? = ¿Cuál es el número de la cuenta?

 When is this payment due? = ¿Cuándo se vence este pago?
 Where is this place? = ¿Dónde queda este sitio?
LAS WH questions son estas: 

WHat - que 
WHen - cuando 
WHere - donde 
WHo - quien 
WHy - por que 

those that begin with WH as there are others that are

considered WH questions but not as wh ... How - how their
use is to ask questions and always goes a WH question ahead
of the question ... an example
Why are you going out tonight? porque sales esta noche? 
Example sentences with wh questions

 What : Translated into Castilian correspond to the questioning "what" and "
how / what ."
What did you do yesterday night?   ¿Qué hiciste anoche?
What are you thinking about? ¿En qué estás pensando
What was that think you said to me the other day? ¿Qué era eso que me dijiste
el otro día?
 Which : The translation would be "what ?. It is used to refer to specific objects,
among which you should choose .
Which is the cheapest one? ¿Cuál es el más barato?
Which is your sister? ¿Cuál es tu hermana?
Which was that book you told me to read? ¿Cuál era ese libro que me dijiste
que leyera?
 Who: When people ask about , we use the English interrogative "who " would be
equivalent to the Spanish "who" .
Who is that woman?  ¿Quién es aquella mujer?
Who did you see in Barcelona?  ¿A quién viste en Barcelona?
Who was that person you were talking to? ¿Quién era esa persona con la que hablabas?

When : We can translate it as "when" and the answer indicated a moment in time.
When did you arrive?  ¿Cuándo llegaste?
When are you going to study?  ¿Cuándo estudiarás?
When are you going to come for a visit?  ¿Cuándo vas a venir a visitar?

Where : If we want to ask in English on the spot, usamosla interrogative formula

"where" , that is, the Spanish term for the "where" .
Where are you?   ¿Dónde estás?
Where did you buy this jacket?   ¿Dónde te compraste esta chaqueta?
Where was that place we went last week?  ¿Dónde está ese lugar al que fuimos la
semana pasada?.
 Why : The translation into Spanish would be "Why?
Why are you coming late?  ¿Por qué llegas tarde?
Why did you get angry? ¿Por qué te enfadaste?
Why do you think I did that?  ¿Por qué piensas que yo lo

How : Used to inquire about so and so , that is , which in

Spanish translates as " how.“
How are you?  ¿Cómo estás?
How did you find this offer?  ¿Cómo encontraste esta

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