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Dr. Muhammad Adnan Waseem

◦ About me
◦ About you
◦ About the course
About Me
◦ Adnan Waseem (Assistant Professor)

◦ Best way to contact:

About you
◦ Name
◦ Career goals – Ambitions
◦ Why marketing as a specialization?

◦ Your experience at NUST so far…..

◦ Final Exam 40%
◦ Mid-term 20%
◦ Final Project 15%
◦ Quizzes 10%
◦ Case studies 10%
◦ CP 5%
The core textbook required for this course is:
◦ Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive strategy: Techniques for
analyzing industries and competitors.
◦ Supporting textbook:
◦ Graham, H. (2008). Marketing strategy and competitive
positioning. Pearson Education.
 Resources
 Lecture PPT slides
 Cases
 Articles
 Other reading material
Things to remember
 Maintaining 75% attendance is your responsibility
 No make-up quizzes
 Left early – Marked absent
 Class participation marks will be given to deserving students only.
 Use of mobile phones strictly prohibited
 No food allowed in the class
Competitive Intelligence Marketing

Welcome BBA-2K17
Competitive Intelligence Marketing
Today’s agenda:

What is Competitive Intelligence Marketing ?

Competitive Intelligence Marketing

 Who are the stakeholders of a company?

 What is the most Important data about each stakeholder?
 How to gather that data?
 Where to get that data?
 When to gather that data?
 Which data is more important for your company?
Competitive Intelligence Marketing
 Competitive intelligence is the action of gathering and analyzing data

about competitors, their consumers, target audiences, and other outer forces that

influence your marketing.

Why there’s a need to study CIM:

 To provide market and customer orientation

 Identification of new opportunities

 To identify new trends in markets and competitors

 Early warning of competitor moves to enable counter measures

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