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lets study about

Aurora borealis

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What are northern lights ?
The northern lights , one of several astronomical
phenomena called polar lights (aurora polaris) , are
shifts or contains of coloured lights visible on
occasion in the night sky.

 northern lights are also called by their scientific

name , aurora borealis , and southern lights are called
aurora australis .

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The lights we see from the ground is caused by
electrically charged particles from space entering
the earth’s upper atmosphere at a very high speed .

 Auroral displays appear in many colors although

pale green and pink are the most common

The international space station sits at the same

altitude as the northern lights meaning astronauts
can see the lights from the side

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Fun facts about aurora
 do you know :
 the aurora is the roman goddess of dawn
and boreas is the greek term for the norther
wind , hence the name aurora borealis .

 the first aurora was photograpthed on

january 5,in 1892

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 as early as 1616 , the astronomer galileo galillei
used the name aurora borealis to describe them ,
taking there name of the mythical roman goddess
of the dawn , aurora , and the greek name for the
north , boreas .

 the first aurora was seen by pierre gassendi .

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 unfortunately murcury is too small and too close
to the sun for it to retain an atmosphere ,
meaningthe planet doesn’t have any molecule for
the solar wind to exite and that mean no aurora .
 in the early 1900’s , a norwegian scientist named
kristian birkeland became the first person to
explain what was causing the aurora borealis to
light up the skies over norway and other reagion
near the north pole .

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