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A. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a whole number or a number that is not a fraction.
a. number b. integers c. ratio d. sign
2. What is the quotient of –81 / 9?
a. –9 b. –8 c. +9 d. +8
3. In equation of (+38) + (-63) = N, what is N?
a. +25 b. +30 c. –25 d. –24
4. Add (-35) to (-42) the answer is ____.
a. –77 b. 7 c. –7d. +77
5. If we subtract (-73) to (+48) we possibly get _____.
a. –120b. –121 c. 25d. 121
6. Simplify: (-5)(-3)(-8)=?
a. –120 b. –125 c. –130 d. +120
7. Divide the numbers, (+531) / (-9)=?
a. –69 b. –49 c. –59 d. –79
8. Every day, Joan bets on a lotto game which costs her ₱20. She does it
for two weeks and loses continuously. How much money does she
spend for two weeks?
a. 270 b. 280 c. 300 d. 260
9. Find the value of N, (+59) - (-34) = N.
a. +25 b. +93 c. –25 d. –93
10. What is the value of N, (-48) x (+5) = N.
a. 200 b. –250 c.+240 d.-240
11. In equation, (-534) / N = -53.4. Find the value of N.
a. 0.1 b. 0.01 c. 10 d. 100
B. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true
and F if not.
________1. Integers can be positive and negative.
________2. Opposites are the same distance from zero.
________3. The absolute value of a number is always
________4. When subtracting integers, the solution
can be positive.
_______5. Subtracting a negative number from a
positive number is the same as adding a positive
number to a positive number.
C. Addition. Write your answer on the line.

1. –34 + (-78) = _____

2. -5 + (+16) = _____
3. 49 + (-59) = _____
4. –22 + 35 = ______
5. –89 + 75 = _______
D. Subtract the following. Write your answer on
the blank.

1. (–5) — (+15) = _____

2. 67 — (-34) = _____
3. (-46) — (+36) = _____
4. 75 — (-45) = _____
5. (-120) — (-70) = ______
E. Multiply.

1. 7 x (-2) = _____

2. (-11) x (+3) = _____
3. (+5) x (+5) = _____
4. (-15) x (-4) = _____
5. (-4) x (-3) x (-2) = _____
F. Divide.

1. 27 / (-3) = _____

2. (-21) / (11) = _____
3. (+125) / (+5) = _____
4. (+120) / (-4) = _____
5. (-400) / 20 = _____
G. Write the word expressions of the given numeral

1. (56 – 26) + 16
2. 72 ÷ 3
3. 46 + (32 x 12)
4. 21 + 43 – 11
5. (36 ÷ 6) x 8
H. Write the numerical expression of the following.

1. The quotient of fifty and five minus sixteen

2. Eighty nine diminished forty six
3. Thirty two more than the difference of ten and one
4. Ninety five times the sum twenty and fifty
5. The product of sixty four and twelve divided

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