Class 9 Sewa Project Edited

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Bloom Public School presents

A Social Service Initiative
Various required CBSE Forms prepared
by Naman Jain under the guidance of
Anna ma’am after the Completion of
Content part of SEWA Project
⮚SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work Education and Action), an
endeavor by CBSE is a program that aims to focus on the mental,
emotional and social health of a student.
⮚The main objective of SEWA projects is to direct children’s mind in
constructive activities with positive outcomes through the facilitation
of creative and critical thinking which would help them to develop
self- confidence and self-esteem.
⮚Another objective of this programme is to underline the significance of
the interdependence of all human beings and our dependence on the
environment in this shrinking global village. Students must acknowledge
that they have a responsibility towards their society and the environment.
⮚Keeping these objectives in mind, SEWA Project has been designed for
preparing students to be active global citizens that enhance the quality
of life both for others and themselves.
My SEWA Promise Form (Class – IX)

SEWA Schedule (School Activities)

SEWA Hour Log (Hourly Schedule)

Mentor's Observation (Suggestion)

Student’s Self Appraisal Form

Learning Outcomes : What I Learnt?

How I Approached my SEWA Project?

Dear Student,
SEWA is a firm step to prepare you for your life. It is a voluntary project
experience. You have to complete My SEWA Promise Form. Selection of
a SEWA activity, development of the proposal and implementation of
the activity is the responsibility of each student to be done in
consultation with SEWA Teacher & Parents. Signatures of the parents of
all the students indicate review and approval of this project. List of
students and signature of their parents enclosed herewith.
⮚Brief Description of the activity : Boosting Community Connect
during the COVID-19 Pandemic
⮚Estimated Duration : Around 2 to 3 months in total contributed
Name of Mentor : Class Teacher, Mrs. Anna K. ma’am
No. Date & Day Proposed Activity Plan Hours Mentor’s Signature
Deciding Topic
1 Sept 1 – Sept 2 1–2 Mrs. Sushila F.

Thinking upon Base Plan or Creative Ideas to

2 Sept 2 – Sept 5 5–6 Mrs. Sushila F.
start with & implementing them
Making a scheduled timeline for the
3 Sept 5 – Sept 10 10 - 12 Mrs. Sushila F.
Finding Details and selecting what to add
4 Sept 10 - Sept 15 5–6 Mrs. Sushila F.
in presentations
Researching upon the topic assigned and
5 Sept 15 – Oct 5 15 - 20 Mrs. Sushila F.
finalizing points
Taking Feedback from different
6 Oct 5 – Oct 10 10 – 12 Mrs. Sushila F.
people through Google Forms &
Annalise it
Compilation of & checking for
7 Oct 10 – Oct 20 10 - 12 Mrs. Sushila F.
Creating Templates, Designing Slides
8 Oct 20 – Nov 3 15 – 20 Mrs. Sushila F.
and Adding Media Files to the PPT
Going through official documents shared by
9 Nov 3 – Nov 10 10 – 12 Mrs. Sushila F.
Ma’am & preparing SEWA Forms
Giving Final Touches to the Project Work
10 Nov 10 – Nov 20 10 - 12 Mrs. Sushila F.
& Taking Feedback from Mentor
The activity project was (mark the appropriate response) :
Satisfactorily completed : ✔ Not
Satisfactorily completed : ✖
⮚ Attendance : 100 %
⮚ Involvement : 100 %
⮚ Regularity : 100 %
⮚ Commitment : 100 %

Mrs. Anna K. ma’am Bloom Public School

(Activity / Project (Seal of the
Mentor’s Signature) Conducting School)
Additional Comments :
⮚SEWA Project done by the student displays excellent
planning and organizing skills in spite of the social
distancing due to the pandemic.
⮚The student has done the work assigned to him
according to his best efforts.
⮚ He knows very well how to keep a good relationship and
communication with others.
⮚He has shown exemplary discipline and dedication in
completing the SEWA project work within the given time.
The following question should be addressed at the end of each
activity or project. Those are guiding questions. Candidate
can either answer on this form or write a refractive continues
text incorporating response to these questions.
⮚ My Names : NAMAN JAIN
⮚ My Class & Section : 9(IX) – A
⮚ My Roll Numbers : 6602
⮚ My Activity / Project : Importance of fitness and Healthy
living water
⮚ My Commitment towards the Activity / Project : I was
very committed to the activity. I devoted the required time
and took keen interest in it. It was really a great learning
opportunity for me.

⮚This Activity / Project has been a Great Experience and

Learning because : It was a very fulfilling and satisfying
experience for me. I got more knowledge regarding the
problems faced by the teenagers, problems caused by COVID,
etc. Besides this, I learnt various life and technical skills.
⮚I initially felt that the project could not have achieved
its outcomes because :There was lack of research sources,
and I was not able to manage time in beginning for the
⮚The project has definitely changed me as a person in
terms of behaviour, attitude and life skills because : It
made me realize that I need to be thankful to God for …

… each and every little thing I got and not take them for
granted. The project left me with a quality to fight any
situation at any point of time. The circumstances have
definitely developed me as a better human being.
⮚ Please quote any comments received from beneficiaries :
“I was a bit sad due to the pandemic as I could not go out to
play with my friends. My relative with his friends conducted
virtual gaming tournaments and told me about creative
learning skills which made me happy.”

“I was facing a lot of problems due to the pandemic as I could

not go out and sitting idly at home becomes monotonous after
a while.”
“As the shops we were closed due to pandemic, I was suffering
from a great loss. “
⮚The challenges I faced and the things we might do
differently next time so as to improve : My movements were
restricted due to the lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic but
would definitely like to interact with other teenagers
physically regarding their opinion on covid-19 and lockdown.
We’ll surely discuss upon how to prevent the problems faced
by them and implement our ideas.
This whole period of sudden Lockdown due COVID-19 Pandemic
and ongoing SEWA Project in specific taught me more than I have
ever learnt in our past years. Apart from the Time Management
skill, it taught me the following things…

⮚ Importance of Time
⮚ Selflessness and Service
⮚ Psychology
⮚ Never Give Up Attitude
⮚ Management Skill
⮚ Technical
⮚ Skills and
Many More
⮚It taught me understanding and managing time is very important
not for a student just a small step of not wasting time could make us
do multiple tasks a day and manage SEWA along with studies.
⮚I learnt that being privileged is never a boon to someone it’s an
opportunity a duty to serve the needy be it materialistic or about
⮚It made me realize that that what can solitude and ignorance do to
a person and how deeply can it affect the mental state of someone
and how just by talking to someone discussing about what's going on
could make so much impact. Turning a period of true solitude to a
period of self growth and improvement.
⮚There have been times when it felt that now completing this is
not possible. From times of enjoyment to demotivation, all that
should remain consistent. Our zeal is an attitude to never give up.
⮚All of the project left me
with a quality to fight any
situation at any possible
time in any circumstances
and developed whole into a
better human being.
Compilation of Written Work & Media
Files by Naman Jain after Research
Work done by students on the
assigned topic, : Importance of
fitness and Healthy living water

By- NA
S 9-A
~ Increase your life expectancy
Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of premature mortality. There’s not a magic
formula that translates hours of physical activity into hours of life gained, but research suggests that people who are more active tend to be healthier and
tend to live longer.

~ Stay active
Staying active and healthy allows you to do activities that require a certain level of physical fitness. For example, hiking to the top of a mountain is a
rewarding experience that instills a sense of accomplishment and provides spectacular scenery, but there are people who cannot experience this due to
fitness limitations.
But even walking around the zoo with your family or playing on the playground with your children can be challenging for those who neglect physical
activity for extended periods of time. Being active means that it’s easier to stay active as you get older.

~ Improve your health

There are numerous health advantages to physical fitness. Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves
respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes,
heart disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers.

Physical fitness is one of the core preconditions of health. We cannot

imagine a person to be healthy without being physically fit. Physical
fitness, therefore needs to be appreciated in full measure. The common
perception of physical fitness is the absence of ailment. If individual is
not suffering from any perceptible disease, then he is considered
physically fit. Is it true? Another significant issue is whether there is a
universal condition of physical fitness which is uniformly applicable to
all. It is not so. Physical fitness of young people is different from that of
the aged. The physical fitness of a sports person is different from that
of the persons working in army factory or a layman. In fact, physical
fitness means different things to different people. In this lesson, let us
discuss various aspects of physical fitness.
Physical Fitness and its Importance

In earlier classes, physical fitness has been defined as the capacity of a person to carry out
the daily activities without undue fatigue. Physical fitness is considered as a measure of the
body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively during work and leisure activities. In
order to remain physically fit and healthy, we need to engage ourselves in physical activities
and take measures for physically fit. Physical fitness is an important area of discussion as
the number of children becoming obese. The normal physical activities, which were done in
earlier times both at home and outside as part of day-to-day routine have reduced due to
development of science and technology. The work that was done manually is now being
carried out by machines. The use of automated equipment such as automatic machines,
remotes, mobiles and changes in lifestyles affect health and physical fitness. It has become
a matter of deep thinking for all of us. Now a days we find increased marketing of packaged
food and diet for physical fitness. Many such health products now are advertised on TV and
radio, and in newspapers, booklets and magazine. It is important for all of us to understand
that physical fitness cannot be achieved without doing physical exercise regularly. We
should not resort to any shortcut that is frequently advertised in the media these days to
achieve fitness or maintain balance in life style. Moreover, these products may have side
effects in our daily life.
Need of Physical Fitness and Well-being

As discussed in the first chapter on Health and Diseases, the benefits of

being physically fit for the individual are manifold. The quality of life of an
individual improves when he/she consciously adopts healthy lifestyle which
promotes physical fitness as follows:
Physical fitness

• improves the functioning of heart and lungs by increasing the availability of oxygen to all tissues and
organs in the body system;
• improves muscle tone;
• promotes the development of good posture, proportionate figure, and thereby positive body image
and physical appearance;
• ensures quick recovery after injury and illness;
• decreases the risk of cardio-vascular disease; (like Heart attact, Asthma etc.)
• reduces and controls undesirable body fat. When the individual does excercise, takes proper diet that
also fulfils nutritional requirement, it helps maintain ideal body weight;
• increases energy level of a person;
• improves the mood by reducing depression and anxiety;
• postpones fatigue and reduces recovery time after vigorous activity; and
• helps people to meet challenges of life, makes them selfconfident and delays the ageing process.
Being physically fit is important for all the age groups. To live better life to the fullest and enjoy all the
opportunities, one try to be physically fit. Physical fitness is essential for each and every individual at all
stages of life. To achieve fitness, various modes and methods are available. Before adopting such
methods, warming up before activities and cooling down after activities are essential to minimise any
risk of injuries of an every individual.
Components of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness can be classified into health releated fitness and skill-related fitness.
The health-related components are:

(i)Cardiovascular Fitness,
(ii) Muscular Strength,
(iii) Muscular Endurance,
(iv) Body Composition and
(v) Flexibility.

The skill-Related Fitness Components are:

(ii) Balance,
(iii) Neuro-Muscular Adaptations and Coordinative abilities,
(iv) Speed,
(v) Strength, and
(vi) Reaction Time.
Cardio-respiratory Endurance:

Cardio-respiratory endurance reflects the ability of the body’s circulatory and

respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity. To
improve your cardio-respiratory endurance, try activities that keep your heart
rate elevated at a safe level for a sustained length of time such as walking,
running, jogging, swimming, bicycling etc. The activity you choose need not be
strenuous enough to improve your cardio-respiratory endurance. Start slowly
with an activity you enjoy, and gradually work up increase to a more intense
Muscular Strength is the amount of force applied on muscle or muscle
groups, is able to exert for one maximal effort (contraction).The key to
making your muscles stronger is working them against resistance,
whether that be from weights or gravity. If you want to gain muscle
strength, try excercises such as lifting weights (under proper supervision).
Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert
force against a submaximal load for a given length of time (or number of
repetition) before fatiguing to the point of failure.
Body Composition refers to the proportion of team body mass to body
fat, it includes amount of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the
body. Body composition is important to be considered for health and
managing the body fat.
~A survey
~Social distancing has proven to be one of the most effective
measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. Within a school
context, this means reducing contact between groups of children and
maintaining a safe distance of 1-2 metres between pupils and staff. In
some countries, the safety distance depends on the level of
containment of the virus achieved. For of students and teachers to
learn and teach in that way. This is essential first because there is a
possibility that, until a vaccine is widely available, any return to school
may have to be again interrupted as a result of future outbreaks, at
least locally. But beyond COVID-19 pandemic, there are evident
benefits to students in expanding their learning time and
opportunities beyond the school gate by being able to learn using a
variety of distance learning approaches.
~Plans for school reopening could consider blended modalities to
allow all students to access the curriculum. example, schools in less-
affected areas in Japan (Level 1) are required to maintain a distance of
1 metre.
Engaging in regular physical activity may produce improvements in an individual’s
physical health, cognitive performance, and psychological well-being. Physical
benefits include, but are not limited to, reduced risk for diseases, and
improvements in physical functioning, fitness, and overall quality of life. Literature
supports a link between exercise and cognitive benefits related to academic
performance, brain function, and aging. Psychological benefits incurred from
physical activity pertain to improvements in mood and self-esteem, and potential
reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression. Strong scientific evidence indicates
that adopting a physical activity regimen may positively impact health. However,
individuals react differently to exercise and may face unique challenges and
barriers when beginning and maintaining an exercise program. One may engage in
behavioral modification strategies to enhance physical activity. Useful strategies
include: identifying personally perceived barriers to physical activity, increasing
self-efficacy, effectively setting goals, planning for setbacks, and self-monitoring
Anna K. ma’am
(Class Teacher, 9 – A)
for Guidance & Support whenever
required throughout the SEWA
for watching the PPT. Hope you liked
- Naman Jain (9 - A)

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