Marketing Campaign of India Towards Tourism

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• From ‘the land of rising sun ’to ‘the incredible state of India ’and from 3 4 ‘heaven on
earth ’to ‘God’s own country ’, every part of India has its own unique essence and
culture. India not only has a diverse ethnicity among people but huge diversity in terms
of flora fauna. India takes the pride of being one of the oldest civilization and all of its
varied rich and vibrant culture. People tend to adopt for the commodities that they see
most frequently. Hence, advertisement and promotion has become a common way of
reaching to the millions of people at the same moment. Before a product is launched in
the market, its promotion starts to flash on every screen. Similarly, today in every
corner of the world, the beauty and heritage of the region is being promoted; it not
only keeps the heritage alive but also contributes to the economy of the nation. “It is
accepted as the potent engine for inclusive social economic progress at universal level
through its forward and backward linkages and ability to create employment in the
economy. Tourism sector has a very high employment potential with approximately 90
jobs creation per 5 Rs. 10 Lakhs of investment ”. In 2015, the Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Index (TTCI) of the World Economic Forum has ranked India 52nd out
of 141 countries (65th out of 140 countries in 2013). People travel for many reasons
nowadays, such as, recreation, adventure and sports activities, holidays, conferences
and, cultural attractions

• Incredible India (styled as Incredıble!ndıa) is the name of an international tourism campaign

maintained by the Government of India since 2002, to promote tourism in India. The "Incredible
India" title was officially branded and promoted since 2002.The exclamation mark forms the ‘I” of
India. The exclamation used creatively across several visuals compliments the concept behind
the word “Incredible
• In 1972, Sunil Dutt launched a campaign to promote India as a popular tourist destination ]The phrase
"Incredible India" was adopted as a slogan by the ministry. Before 2002, the Indian government had
regularly formulated policies and prepared pamphlets and brochures for the promotion of tourism, however,
it had not supported tourism in a concerted fashion. In 2002, the tourism ministry made a conscious effort
to bring in more professionalism in its attempts to promote tourism. It formulated an integrated
communication strategy with the aim of promoting India as a destination of choice for the discerning
traveler. The tourism ministry engaged the services of advertising and marketing firm Ogilvy & Mather
 (O&M) India to create a new campaign to increase tourist inflows into the country.
• The campaign portrayed India as an attractive tourist destination by showcasing different aspects of Indian
culture and history like yoga, spirituality, etc. The campaign was conducted globally and received
appreciation from tourism industry observers and travelers alike. However, the campaign also attracted
criticism from some quarters. Some observers felt that it had failed to cover several aspects of India which
would have been attractive to the average tourist.
• In 2008, the Ministry of Tourism launched a campaign targeted at the local population to educate them
regarding good behavior and etiquette when dealing with foreign tourists. Indian actor Aamir Khan was
commissioned to endorse the campaign which was titled "Atithidevo Bhava", Sanskrit for "Guests are like
God". Atithidevo Bhava was aimed at creating awareness about the effects of tourism and sensitizing the
local population about preservation of India's heritage, culture, cleanliness and hospitality. It also
attempted to instill a sense of responsibility towards tourists and reinforce the confidence of foreign
tourists towards India as a preferred holiday destination. The concept was designed to complement the
Incredible India Kumari Selja  unveiled plans to extend the Incredible India campaign to the domestic
tourism sector as well. US$12 million out of a total budget campaign.
• In 2009, Minister of tourism, of US$200 million was allocated in 2009 for the purpose of promoting domestic
• In 2015, Aamir Khan, whose comments on perceived intolerance in the country had created a controversy,
ceased to be the mascot for the Incredible India campaign when the contract for it expired. The new 
brand ambassador of Incredible India was Narendra Modi himself. The veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan and
actress Priyanka Chopra were chosen as the new brand ambassadors for the Incredible India campaign.
• According to spending data released by Visa Asia Pacific in March 2006, India
has emerged as the fastest growing market in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of
international tourist spending. The data revealed that international tourists spent
US$372 million in India in the fourth quarter (October–December) of 2005, 25%
more than in the fourth quarter of 2004. China, which came second in the region,
managed to raise US$784 million from international tourism in Q4 2005, a growth
of 23% over its Q4 2004 figures. The tourist spending figures for India would have
satisfied the Indian tourism ministry, which had been targeting the high-end
market through its long running Incredible India communication campaign

• Rang Hai, Malang Hai – Madhya Pradesh Tourism

• Khushboo Gujarat Ki – Gujarat Tourism
• God’s Own Country – Kerala Tourism

Soul of Incredible India- Orissa Tourism
• Incredible State of India – Rajasthan Tourism

One State Many Worlds –  Karnataka Tourism
• Revive Yourself – Meghalaya Tourism
• Maharashtra Unlimited – Maharashtra Tourism
• Enchanting Tamil – Tamil Nadu Tourism

Its All In It – Telangana Tourism

Simply Heaven – Uttarakhand Tourism
• Open Up – North East Tourism
• Consumer behavior towards the tourism depends on various factors and the main aim of this project is focused on this aspects and a detailed
evaluation is done against this key aspect to understand the consumer behavior towards choosing India as the tourism destination. The
required primary source of information is gathered from the direct interviews conducted with the tourists in London and an empirical
investigation is done towards their perception in making the key decisions while deciding upon the tourism destination. Almost 100
respondents are interviewed in this context and quantitative research methodology is selected to proceed with the research and the key
findings from the interview process are also given in this research. An option based interview questionnaire is prepared in this context and
escalated among the respondents involved in the research and the information gathered from them is used to conduct the research and
conclude their perception towards Indian tourism and also to understand the key factors that affect their behavior while choosing India as
their destination. The key factors that were considered to evaluate this research are the financial conditions, safety, source of advertisement,
exchange rate, demographic attributes like age, sex and occupation, reputation of India, facilities in terms of accommodation and living
conditions, ticket price, distance to the destination and purpose of visit and the corresponding findings are analyzed using the statistical
analysis and Microsoft Excel is used as the required tool in this context and the key findings are as given below 
• From the findings it is clear that, most of the tourists prefer India as the tourism destination to spend their holiday time and among these
people think twice to choose India as the tourism place in terms of their financial position. Few aspects like tickets and total expenses to
spend in India are considered while making their decision and from the findings it is clear that almost half of the respondents interviewed
consider these aspects before visiting India. When the tourists are asked regarding the distance consideration, most of them replied that
distance is not at all a factor when they are planning for a holiday trip and they always look for the hospitality and surviving conditions in India.
Reputation of the country also plays an important role against the consumer behavior and it is proved from the findings as most of the tourists
prefer India as the level of reputation in attracting the tourists is on the top level and also the accommodation provided in India is at corporate
level.  Cultural attraction also plays a vital role in attracting the tourists from different countries and from the findings it is clear that all most
all the respondents interviewed prefer India as the culture and the activities at the tourism spots are excellent in nature and thus it can be
understood that culture plays an important role in estimating the consumer behavior towards tourism. Apart from these core aspects, the key
issues like security and safety also plays an important role in estimating the consumer behavior towards tourism and from the analysis of the
findings it is clear that, most of the tourists think a while about their safety as India is prone to frequent terrorist attacks and thus in aspects,
India is losing ample customers against their tourism. Advertising the key media that were considered by the consumers in choosing the
tourism destination and from the findings it is clear that, most of the customers are attracted towards India via the media like news papers
and TV advertisements. From the overall analysis it is clear that consumer behavior against the tourism is mainly affected by the factors like
safety, cost of trip and the cultural attractions at the tourism destination and when these aspects are related to India, it has provided the
maximum to the tourists and need to improve and refine the policies against safety measures for the tourists in future. 

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