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Prepared presentation: Eliubaeva Dilnaz &

Zandybai Laila
Definition of flood
It’s a natural disaster
A flood is an overflow of water that
submerges land that is usually dry.
Floods in major cities especially during
rainy season are proving to disastrous
not only to the environment but also
have serious implications for human life
and property
Causes of flood

Causes of flood
• Flood is usually a result of natural causes. It may also be caused by
man-made factors. It causes huge damage to life and property. There
are many different causes leading to flooding. Some prominent among
them include: massive rainfall, overflowing of the rivers and snowmelt
• Upslope factors
• Downslope factors
• Coincidence
Causes of flood
History of the flood in
1931 in China
From 1928 to 1930, China suffered from
severe drought. But severe snowstorms
began at the end of the winter of 1930 and 
there was a thaw and heavy rains in the
spring, which caused rising the water level
significantly in the Yellow river and Yangtze
river.As a result, the river overflowed its
banks and soon reached the city of Nanjing,
which was the capital of China at that time.
Many people drowned and died from water-
borne infectious diseases such as cholera and
typhus. According to Chinese sources about
145 thousand people died as a result of the
flood, while Western sources claim that there
were between 3.7 million and 4 million
Образец текста нижнего колонтитула
• Human Loss
• Property Loss
• Affects the Major Roads•Disruption off
Air/Train/Bus services
• Spread of Water-borne Communicable
• Communication Breakdown
• Electricity Supply Cut off
• Economic and Social Disruption
• Increase in Air / Water Pollution Образец текста нижнего колонтитула
Loss of life 7

Образец текста нижнего колонтитула

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please take care of yourself!

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