Topic Name: Aqua Communication Using Modem: Seminar Examination Department of Mechanical Enginnering (AY-2021-22)

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(AY-2021-22 )


PROJECT GUIDE : Mr. Shon Patil (Sir) STUDENT : Durgesh P. Shinde

PRN No: 20212620181161210035

o Wireless communication technology today has become a part of our daily life , the idea of wireless
aqua (Underwater) communication may still seen far fetched .
o Altough submersible system remain indispensible but if high speed communication cabled link is
to exists .
o Aqua communiaction with sensor technology and vehicular technology .
o Sensor networks are beginning to revolutionize data collection inthe physical world, relatively little
work has been done to explore howsensor networks apply underwater .
o To bring the concept of long-lived, dense sensor networks to the underwater environment, there is
acompelling need to develop low-cost and low-power acoo bring the concept of long-lived, dense
sensor networks to the underwater ustic modemsfor short-range communications .
Acoustic Modem

• It employs advanced modulation scheme and cahnnel

equalization for improved signal to noise ratio .

• Employs high performance error detetion and correction .

• Modulation method are generally designed for radio

Basic Acoustic Communication Model
Parts of Acoustic Modem

o DSP Board
o AFE Board
o AC/DC Converter
o Transmiter
o Modem Chip
o Capacitors
o Microphone Socket
o Telephone Socket
o Power Input
Circuit Design And Implementation

o Low loss in water

o Range of communication can be vary long
o It avoid data spoofing
o Pollution monitoring
o Fast data transferring
o It avoid privacy leakage

o Battery power is limited and battery cannot recharge easily

o The available bandwidth is severaly limited
o Underwater sensor are prone to failure due to fouling , corrosion etc
o Fucture ocean enviroment would be incereasingly complicated
o The acuostic wave speed in water is slow (1500m/s) , which reasults
latency in communication

o Can be used to provide early warning of tsunami under sea earthquakes

o Underwater data links can be combined with satellite data link to provide
real time data
o Pressure sensors that are deployed on the seafloor can detect tsunami
Autonamous/Unmaned Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

o Autonomous underwater vehicle is a robot that travels underwater

o An AUV can travel upto the depth of 11,000 meters
o Robort Ballard an explorer had invented AUV

o This not only the way of underwater communication

o By using optical wave which offers higher output (Mbps) over short
distance (upto 100 m)
o The Modem are very useful in wireless wnderwater communication
o  Work on designing and developing a low-power acoustic modem for
underwater sensor networks
Thank You

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