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Ethical Principles

Kohlberg asked a series of

questions such as:
1. Should Heinz have stolen the drug?
2. Would it change anything if Heinz did not love his
3. What if the person dying was a stranger, would it
make any difference?
4. Should the police arrest the chemist for murder if
the woman died?
Lawrence Kohlberg’s Model of Cognitive
Moral Development
The Kohlberg model states that over time, through
academic learnings and know-how, people change
their ideals and behavior.

When combined, with the regular and disciplined

use of moral impact measures, the Kohlberg model
allows for movement into the post-conventional
Virtue of Ethics
Are normative ethical theories which
emphasize virtues of mind, character and
sense of honesty. Virtue ethicists discuss
the nature and definition of virtues and
other related problems which focuses on
the consequences of action.
4 Core Values of St. Theresa’s
Impact of Belief Systems in Business
It is hard to see God in the business
Unlike priesthood, business is not a
calling from God.
Religion and business do not mix.
Major Religions in the World


Major Religions in the World

Major Religions in the World

Major Religions in the World

Major Religions in the World

Put the following concepts on its proper
•Eightfold Path
•Five Pillars
•Siddharta Gautama
•Abraham and Moses
•Jesus Christ
•Mother of all religion
•Caste System
Form 5 groups and make concept map
regarding what you know about the religions
and how it’s affect the business industry.
Group 1- Judaism
Group 2- Christianity
Group 3- Islam
Group 4- Buddhism
Group 5- Hinduism
Impact of Christianity to
business practice
Producing goods
Employing people and being
Buying and selling
Earning a profit
Impact of Islam to business
Practice freedom of enterprise
Be honest and truthful
Trade through mutual consent
Treat workers fairly
Keep one’s word
Be humble
Seek Halal/Haram
Four Noble Truths
There is suffering that is ingrained and
part of life
Suffering is due to the attachment to
There is cessation to suffering
There is a life path to end suffering
Eightfold Path
1. Right view 5. Right livelihood
2. Right thinking 6. Right diligence
3. Right speech 7. Right Mindfulness
4. Right action 8. Right concentration
Impact of Buddhism to
business practice
The eightfold path states one must see reality unfiltered, say the
truth, practice non-harm in words and actions and commit no wrong.
One must free oneself from temptations, craving and distractions.
There are many instances in a workday where one can exercise to
choose the right actions instead of bribing, avoiding work, cheating or
wasting away the time.
Buddhist are reminded to be mindful and to keep calm. One can only
lose what one clings to, and because nothing is permanent, one has to
be adaptable and flexible, both necessary to find happiness and to
avoid disappointment and suffering.
Impact of Judaism to business
Monetary and verbal deceptions are prohibited
It is the obligation of Jews to avoid poverty by
earning a living through gainful employment.
Jews are obligated to protect the poor.
Jews law state that everyone must be treated with
respect and dignity, appropriate wages must be
paid on time, and mocking or embarrassing
workers are prohibited.

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