Conditional Sentence Forms - 7-1

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1. Điều kiện có thể thực hiện được (điều

kiện có thực hay điều kiện dạng I)
Câu điều kiện có thực là câu mà người nói
dùng để diễn đạt một hành động hoặc một
tình huống thường xảy ra (thói quen) hoặc
sẽ xảy ra (trong tương lai) nếu điều kiện ở
mệnh đều chính được thoả mãn. Nếu nói
về tương lai, dạng câu này được sử dụng
khi nói đến một điều kiện có thể thực hiện
được hoặc có thể xảy ra.

IF + S + V + O, S +V + O


If he tries much more, he will improve his English.
If I have money, I will buy a new car.


IF + S + V + O, S + V + O

If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits every
patients in the afternoon.
I usually walk to school if I have enough time.

If + S + V + O , (please) V+ O.

If you go to the Post Office, mail this letter for me.
Please call me if you hear anything from Jane.
1 If I see him, I will give…………… him a lift.
2 The table will collapse if you stand…… on it.
3 If he eats…………. all that, he will be ill.
4 If I find your passport, I will telephone……………
you at once.
5 The police will arrest………. him if they catch him.
6 If he reads…………… in bad light, he will ruin his
7 Someone will steal…………… your car if you
leave it unlocked.
8 What will happen if my parachute isn’t opened
9 If he washes my car, I'll give him $10.
10 If she needs a radio, she can borrow mine.
11 If you didn’t go away, I'll send you to the police.
12 I'll be very angry if he makes any more
13 If he is late, we'll go without him.
14 She will be absolutely furious if she hears about
15 If you put on the kettle, I will make the tea.
Lược bỏ IF:

SHOULD+ S + V + O, S +V + O



2. Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được (điều
kiện không có thực hay điều kiện dạng II, III)
Câu điều kiện không có thực dùng để diễn tả một hành
động hoặc một trạng thái sẽ xảy ra hoặc đã có thể xảy ra
nếu như tình huống được đặt ra trong câu khác với thực
tế đang xảy ra hoặc đã xảy ra. Câu điều kiện không có
thực thường gây nhầm lẫn vì sự thực về sự kiện mà câu
thể hiện lại trái ngược với cách thể hiện của câu: nếu
động từ của câu là khẳng định thì ý nghĩa thực của câu
lại là phủ định và ngược lại.
If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
(I am not rich) (I’m not going to travel around the world)
If I hadn’t been in a hurry, I wouldn’t have had an accident.
(I was in a hurry) (I had an accident)
A. Điều kiện không có thực ở hiện tại (dạng II)

IF + S + Ved/ pI + O, S +V + O

If I had enough money now, I would buy a tourist trip to the
He would tell you about it if he were here.
If he didn’t speak so quickly, you could understand him.
(He speaks very quicky) (You can’t understand him)
Động từ to be ở MĐ IF phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi.
If I were you, I wouldn't go to that movie.
1. I could tell you what this means if I khew Greek.
2. If everybody gave $1, we would have enough.
3. He might get fat if he stopped smoking.
4. If he knew that it was dangerous, he shouldn’t come
5. If you saw someone drowning, what would you do?
6. I would be ruined if I bought her everything she
asked for.
7. If you slept under a mosquito net, you wouldn’t be
bitten so often.
8. I could get a job easily if I had a degree.
9. If she did her hair differently, she might look quite
10If we had more rain, our crops would grew faster.
Lược bỏ IF: WOULD

Were + S + to V + O, S SHOULD +V + O


B. Điều kiện không có thực trong quá khứ (dạng III)

IF + S + had Ved/ pII + O, S + HAVE Ved/pII + O



If we hadn’t lost our way, we would have arrived sooner.
If he had studied harder for that test, he would have passed it.
Chú ý rằng cũng có thể thể hiện một điều kiện không có thực
mà không dùng if. Trong trường hợp đó, trợ động từ had được
đưa lên đầu câu, đứng trước chủ ngữ. Mệnh đề điều kiện sẽ
đứng trước mệnh đề chính.
Had we known that you were there, we would have written you
a letter.
Had he studied harder for the test, he would have passed it.
1. If you hadn't been in such a hurry, you wouldn’t
have put sugar into the sauce instead of salt.
2. If I had been ready when he called, he would
have taken me with him.
3. She had a headache, otherwise she would
have come with us.
4. If she had listened to my directions, she
wouldn’t have turned down the wrong street.
5. If you have looked at the engine for a moment,
you would have seen what was missing.
6. Rome would have been captured………………
by her enemies if the geese hadn't cackled.
7. He would have been arrested if he had tried to
leave the country.
8. I would token a taxi if I had realized that it was
such a long way.
9. You would have saved me a lot of trouble if you
had told me where you were going.
10. They would have forced their way into the
house if I hadn’t called for help.
11. If he had put out his pipe before putting it in his
pocket he, wouldn’t burnt a hole in his coat.
Lưu ý: Câu điều kiện không phải lúc nào
cũng tuân theo qui luật trên. Trong một
số trường hợp đặc biệt, một vế của điều
kiện là quá khứ nhưng vế còn lại có thể
ở hiện tại (do thời gian qui định).
1. If she had caught the train, she would be
here by now.
2. If she were good at English, she would
have got that job last month.
Unless: Trừ phi, nếu không.
Unless + S+ V+ O = if S + TĐT not + V+ O
Eg: If you don’t start at once, you will be late
=>Unless you start at once, you will be late.
Lưu ý:- Mệnh đề đi với unless không ở thể phủ định
-Khi chuyển đổi câu giữa unless và if: nếu mệnh đề
chứa if ở thể khẳng định, khi chuyển sang mệnh đề
unless thì giữ nguyên thể khẳng định, phủ định ở
mệnh đề chính
Eg: If I had money now, I would buy that book.
=>Unless I had money now, I wouldn’t buy that
1 If I don’t see him, I will be sad.
Unless…I see him, I will be sad
2 The table won’t collapse if you don’t stand on it.
Unless you stand on it, the table won’t collapse
3 If he eats all that, he will be ill.
Unless…he doesn’t eat all that, he will be ill…
• If he didn’t know that it is dangerous, he would
Unless…he knew that it is dangerous, he would
come …..
5. Unless you got bad marks, I wouldn’t punish
If…you don’t get bad marks, I wouldn’t punish
But for that + unreal condition: Nếu không thì
• Mệnh đề sau nó phải lùi một thời. 
+ Hiện tại
My father pays my fee, but for that I couldn't be here.
+ Quá khứ
My car broke down, but for that we would have been here
in time.
- Ước ở hiện tại:
S wish(ed) S Ved/ pI+ O
Eg: I wish I had a lot of money.( I don’t have any
I wished I had a lot of money ( I didn’t have any
S1 wish (ed)+ S2+ would + V: 
+ Diễn đạt một hành động không xảy ra theo chủ
quan của người nói
        We wish he would drive more slowly
+ Diễn đạt một ước muốn vô vọng về tương lai:
        I wish it would stop raining.
- Ước ở quá khứ:
S wish(ed) S had Ved/ pII+ O
I wish I had passed the final exam.
( I failed the exam)
I wished I had passed the exam
( I had failed the exam)
Otherwise + real condition: Kẻo, nếu không thì. 
Eg: We must be back before midnight otherwise I will be
locked out.
Otherwise + unreal condition: Kẻo, nếu không thì.
• Sau nó phải là điều kiện không thể thực hiện được,
mệnh đề sau nó lùi một thời. 
+ Hiện tại
        Her father supports her finance otherwise she
couldn't conduct these experiments (But she can with
her father's support).
+ Quá khứ:
        I used a computer, otherwise I would have taken
longer with these calculations (But he didn't take any
Provided/Providing that: Với điều kiện là, miễn
là ( = as long as) 
Eg: You can camp here providing that you leave
no mess.
Suppose/Supposing = What ... if : Giả sử .... thì
sao, Nếu ..... thì sao. 
Eg: Suppose the plane is late? = What (will
happen) if the plane is late?
Lưu ý: 
* Suppose còn có thể được dùng để đưa ra lời
gợi ý.
        Suppose you ask him = Why don't you ask
* Lưu ý thành ngữ: What if I am?: Tao thế thì đã
sao nào? (mang tính thách thức)
If only + S + V/will + V = hope that: hi vọng rằng 
• If only he comes in time.
If only he will learn harder for the test next month.
If only + S + Ved/pI/ Ved/ pII = wish that (Câu đ/k không thực = giá
• If only he came in time now.
If only she had studied harder for that test
If only + S + would + V: 
• + Diễn đạt một hành động không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại
        If only he would drive more slowly = we wish he drove more
+ Diễn đạt một ước muốn vô vọng về tương lai:
        If only it would stop raining.
Immediately = as soon as = the moment (that) = the instant that =
directly: ngay lập tức/ ngay khi mà 
• Tell me immediatly (=as soon as) you have any news.
Phone me the moment that you get the results.
I love you the instant (that) I saw you.
Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke.
1. I’d gone swimming yesterday afternoon if I
………………… time.
A.had had B. have had
C. had D. would have had
2. What would you do if you …… a million
A.won B. win
C. will win D. had won
3. If you didn’t do this, you …… punished.
A.are B. will be
C. should D. would be
4. If he had told me the truth, I …… him.
A.would have not punished
B. would not have punished
C. would not punish
D. will not punish
5. If they had not given me advice, I …… again.
•would have failed
B. would fail
C. would have been failed
D. wouldn’t fail
6. Had you told me that this was going to
happen, I …… it.
A.would never have believed
B. don’t believe
C. hadn’t believed
D. can’t believe
7. If I …… you, I’d get some rest before the
game tomorrow.
A.were B. could be
C. am D. had been
8. If someone … into the store, smile and say,
“May I help you?”
A.comes B. came
C. come D. could come
9. If it ……, the match will be postponed
•rains B. has rained
C. is raining D. will rain
10. If there …… no floods last year, the crop
…… better.
A.had been / would have been
B. were / would be
C. had / would have been
D. was / would have been
11. If I had a chance to do creative work, I ……
happy working in an office.
•would be B. will be
C. would have D. will feel
12. …… you, I’d think twice about that decision.
A.Were I
B. If I had been
C. Should I be
D. If I am
13. If they …… soon, I’m not going to wait.
A.don’t come
B. won’t come
C. hadn’t come
D. didn’t come
14. If I …… hungry, I …… something. But I am not
hungry now.
A were / would eat.
B. had been / would have eaten
C. had been / would eat
D. were /would have eaten
15. Bill … more photographs if he … more film.
A.would have taken / had had
B. would have taken / had
C. would take / has had
D. would take / had had
16 . You won’t pass the examination …… you
study more.
A.unless B. as
C. if D. whether
17. I’m playing tennis tomorrow …… it’s raining.
A.unless B. if
C. as long as D. provided
18.. Tell him to ring me if you …… him.
•see B. saw
C. have seen D. had seen
19. Unless she ……, she’ll be late.
A.hurries B. didn’t hurry
C. hurried D. doesn’t hurry
20. Would George be angry if I …… his bicycle
without asking?
A.took B. take
C. had taken D. would take
21. I …… you a postcard while I was on holiday if I
…… your address.
A.would have sent / had had
B. would have sent / had
C. would send / had
D. would send / had had
22.I’d have visited you if I … you … in hospital.
A.had known / were
B. have known / were
C. had known / are
D. knew / had been
24…… still my friend if I were put in prison?
A.Would you be B. Will you be
C. Would you D. Would you are
25. If anybody …… a question, please ask me after
A. has B. have
C. don’t have D. doesn’t have
26. If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I
…… in a bank.
•would be working B. will work
C. have worked D. work
27. “Can I borrow your car for this evening?”
“Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she ……
it back in time, you’re welcome to borrow it.”
A. brings B. would bring
C. will bring D. brought
28. We’re going to lose this game …… the team
doesn’t start playing better soon.
A. if B. unless
C. although D. whereas
29. If I … somebody else, I’d like to be a film
A. could be B. would be
C. become D. must be
30. What …… if they …… tomorrow?
A.will you do / don’t come
B. would you do / don’t come
C. would you have done / won’t come
D. do you do / won’t come

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